Boy, do you want to resist?

Because life is very long, there will always be times when you will be tested whether you are disobedient or not.

The school has issued a notice to start changing summer uniforms. On the first morning of the change of seasons, perhaps the bed is still out of breath, and you lose your temper, arguing that you feel cold and don't want to wear summer shorts. As a simple and rude mother, let me tell you directly, wear winter trousers when you feel cold. You answered irritably, if you don't wear school uniforms as required, the teacher will deduct points, and then criticize me like crazy for not asking the teacher if you can mix winter and summer school uniforms for you in advance. I sat on the sofa without saying a word, and it was almost time to go out. You finally died and decided to abide by the school rules. I turned my eyes and watched you go out to school in your full summer uniform.

The crux of the matter is that I think keeping the body warm is more important than deducting points, and you think that the rules are more important. Compared with you, my mother was really not a good student when she was a child, studying in a chaotic elementary school, copying classmates' homework was considered a relatively minor "crime", catching insects to scare timid classmates, forming gangs, in short, everywhere " Yan Huotou" (to cause trouble) is happy. And your character should be more like your father, restrained and abiding by the rules. From a young age, you learned that you set your own time to complete your homework, get good grades in reading, get along well with your classmates, and love to play but never cross the line. I often say that even though I was born, there is nothing like me from head to toe.

Your aunts in Hong Kong despise your mother very much, saying that you are so good at reading, you must have cultivated after saving the universe in my last life, and when you are good, you think you should not be so good, and people like me should go to hell in my next life. How should I put it? Of course, you made it easy for me to be a parent, but I still hope that you understand resistance, not necessarily violent actions. At least when someone asks you to do something, think about it, why do you want me to do it, Can I choose not to, and what if I don't? Because life is very long, there will always be times when you will be tested whether you are disobedient or not.

I can't force you to go out if you are introverted, and I can't make you confused if you are good. All I can do is encourage you to think independently from a young age, that's all. Since 2019, when our mother and son stayed in Hong Kong, the current situation seemed to force you to speed up the pace of growth, and you began to see some things that were difficult for you to understand. I can only try to share what happened with you in objective language, and try not to influence you with my own emotional point of view. I think you know that something happened, but if you can’t understand it for a while, remember what happened , it is not too late to judge right or wrong until you can understand. Before we left Hong Kong, your beloved Sir was disqualified as a teacher by the Education Bureau. Seeing that some of Lansi's parents were talking fiercely, my mother urged you not to discuss any topics related to current affairs with your classmates at school, because Hong Kong is no longer the same. Now, to avoid trouble before leaving. As a result, I was cautious, which led you to be cautious when you came to Taiwan. Once you were doing a picture book assignment and asked if I could draw Tai Po in Hong Kong and share it with my classmates? I'm surprised to ask you why you think these can't be shared, you shrug and say don't know, not sure if you can mention it. I can tell you for sure, first of all you are talking about the Hong Kong you remember, what is wrong; secondly, when we show up in Taiwan, as long as we express normal opinions, no one will report you; finally, please rest assured and do your homework.

As early as when you were in elementary school, I shared with you the difference between Fact and Opinion, so the narrative between me and you, I mainly focus on objective Fact, as little as possible involving Opinion, if necessary, I will tell you again and again Emphasize that's just my Opioion. I remember that after you did your picture book homework, I found time to chat with you for a day. I seriously shared what I think freedom of speech is, and tell you what freedom of speech is in Hong Kong under the National Security Law, and what is freedom of speech in Taiwan. What about freedom of speech? You can disagree with my views after thinking about it or growing up, but the result of sharing is that I encourage you to say what you want to say in Taiwan.

Unexpectedly, this conversation between us has brought you a new influence. A few weeks later, you learned about constitutionalism in the United States. One day at dinner, you suddenly said, "I think the National Security Law is Hong Kong's constitution." Your mother choked with food in her throat. I asked you why you think this way, and you said, "You see so many people are locked up because of the National Security Law, and they are not allowed to speak a lot under the National Security Law!" I agree with you, but I'll discuss Fact with you again. I ask you what is the constitution you understand in class? You answered: "Constitution is to stipulate how a country's government departments and parliaments are set up, and what rights and obligations the people have." Yes, that is roughly the case. The Constitution can be said to be the legislative basis of a country. First of all, Hong Kong is not a country now. The country, and then Hong Kong itself already has many laws, which were not established in accordance with the National Security Law. For these two points, the National Security Law cannot be regarded as a constitution. Hong Kong is currently a part of China's territory, and the constitution to be applied after the handover is China's constitution. After the discussion, you nodded your head to show your understanding and said, "I still think the National Security Law is very powerful." Well, the National Security Law is indeed a very big law in Hong Kong.

My mother went to see Hong Kong director Ren Xia's work "Youth" a few days ago. In the film, my brothers and sisters felt that Hong Kong would not change even if they did what they did, but they all chose to disobey in their own way, even if their heads were broken and bloody. die. As your relative, of course I don't want you to give up your life for righteousness. I selfishly hope that you can walk your own life path in peace, but the rotation of the world usually does not develop in the direction we hope, and I can't either. Predict what you will face in the future. Looking at you who is confident in your youth, I only hope that you are the one who is thoughtful, and remember to make choices that are loyal to yourself at all times.

PS. In the past, every year on your birthday, your mother would write a letter to you. In the past few years, there are too many things to say and can’t say, so I haven’t written to you properly. This one is for your birthday this year. text. Although I often dislike you a lot (Fact), but I think I still love you (Opinion), I wish you a happy birthday!

Run, boy!


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