Embroidery Time|The demonized Bitcoin, is it possible for art packaging to reverse the image?

Cryptocurrency was born in the mysterious online world, and it is often masked as a demon. Why can't we do the opposite and put on a beautiful veil for it?

When Xiaoshu was looking for inspiration for embroidery these two days, he saw a picture of the major planets in the solar system orbiting the sun. In addition, he read an article on The Economist two days ago, describing how governments of various countries have begun experimental experiments. Minting/considering issuing cryptocurrencies, two unrelated thoughts intertwined, creating a picture of major cryptocurrencies bypassing the fiat currency US dollar.

The generation of Xiaoshu’s parents mostly learned about cryptocurrencies from news media and word of mouth. TV news doesn’t focus much on this aspect. The sporadic reports since the beginning of the year have also focused on Elon Musk’s volatile stance, and all kinds of negative criticisms are pouring in. For example, Bitcoin mining wastes energy, skyrockets and falls are only suitable for Speculators, etc., although Xiaoshu has not studied this field very seriously, but for "virtual currency is virtual, so it is not real money", "it is meaningless to spend so many natural resources in mining", "only thinking Speculators who want to become rich will speculate on coins” and so on. There are many positive analysis and rumors on the Internet. If you read carefully, you can find that most of the criticisms have no factual basis. They can only be attributed to people’s unfamiliarity with them. things, the rejection and fear that arise .

Cryptocurrency has become a force that cannot be underestimated. Whether you like it or not, it seems that it cannot be used as an excuse for "unwilling to understand it" . Perhaps in the near future, financial products derived from cryptocurrency will be similar to today's. The well-known financial products on the market are on an equal footing, debt trading, bitcoin debit/credit card are all in the present mode, just like people can dislike the Internet and smart phones, but the real environment is difficult to allow you to refuse to learn and use it, Cryptocurrencies may one day do the same.

Xiaoshu thinks that the essence of cryptocurrency is no right or wrong, it is an invention, a technology, as for the mainstream media always associate it with many negative adjectives, maybe it has their own business/politics /Sophisticated reasons. It can be demonized, and naturally someone can put on beautiful clothes for it. Why do n't you let these cryptocurrency icons live a beautiful day~ So this new little work was born ❤

Xiaoshu’s mother saw that Xiaoshu was embroidering bitcoins, and sat down and chatted for a while. Xiaoshu took this opportunity to persuade (?) and explain with kind words, although it was impossible for her mother to suddenly It is also better to jump in position to become a cryptocurrency advocate than to always receive extreme coverage on TV news.

 Sure enough, there is no topic that can’t be opened. Art is always the best lubricant. People want clothes and Buddhas want gold. A lot of connecting cryptocurrency and beautiful things may be a good way to promote it?

I've talked a lot, and everyone is dizzy and feels that today's mood is not suitable for discussing such a heavy topic as money, it doesn't matter, let's take a look at embroidery 😆😆😆

Needlework area ✨

Only two stitches were used this time, because Xiaoshu wanted to focus on the concept of composition (cryptocurrency vs fiat currency with a crack in the center) and didn’t want too many complicated stitches to divert the focus.

  • Back stitch: The circular track is embroidered with the simplest back stitch, and the interval in the middle is broken according to personal preference. I like the clean and neat lines of back stitch, and the embroidery speed is also fast. Let me tell everyone secretly that Xiaoshu is right-handed, but the circular track is embroidered with the left hand 😂😂😂 It can be seen how approachable backstitch embroidery is. !
  • Satin Embroidery: Filled areas, such as the central dollar sign, Ether (lower right blue), Ripple (lower left blue), etc.

Hand-painted manuscript sharing ✨

I don’t know if anyone has noticed that this time it’s an 8-inch embroidery frame! Because after embroidering roses Bloom last time, I felt a little tired from staring at small things for too long. This time I changed the embroidery to a bigger one

The prototype of its sketch is on a 3M post-it note 🤣🤣🤣. Originally, I wanted to use the slogan IS FIAT DEAD? .

Finally... there is no time for a big group photo😂, because the group photo was put to the front by me~

Compared with the previous few flower and grass embroidery, this time suddenly a little jumping style, Xiaoshu himself is a little overwhelmed (biting his fingers), I hope you all like it 😍😍 There are many things you want to embroider, looking forward to the next theme :D

Thank you for reading~ Move your fingers to help me clap your hands 👏👏👏, I will continue to work hard ❤, feel free to leave a message and share if you have inspiration~


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Vinyl Postcard:製作自己的黑膠明信片

