Film Review ▕ "The Name Engraved in Your Heart" - A click, not just a heartbeat, but a cracking sound of a mask


There is a thunder warning. Although there are no detailed plots or endings, there are still choices to discuss related issues. Please read carefully if you mind.

There is nowhere to put it, but the soul immersed in the lake under the eyes

After watching "The Name Engraved in Your Heart", I couldn't be myself for a long time. When I watched the movie, I felt reluctant to part with the depression in the plot and burst into tears. After watching the movie, I projected myself into it because of my memories, and stopped again. Unable to be myself on the street, when the memories of old events flashed through my mind, my cheeks were already soaked in tears.

I think that no matter where the sexual orientation falls on the spectrum, we will leave a special place in our hearts for that special person, not only because of gender, but also because of our love, simple but profound .

The alien situation is the most common spiritual imprint on the gay community. It is only because of his love that he is too special and rare to be tolerated and seen by the society. Since then, gays have been isolated into one island after another, and no one can visit. , and no one can stand there, only to be drowned by tears and loneliness in the ocean, one by one soaked heart, just hang in the dark, neither up nor down, not allowed to exist, but unable to disappear, Can only breathe quietly after the sun goes down.

Sadly and absurdly, the love of two people has to be judged by the whole society.

Biological gender is determined at a person's birth, perhaps not, but social gender is shaped and evolved by a person's growth. For gay groups, the challenge of self-identity comes not only from sexual orientation, but also from traditional men. The feminine qualities of the breath, the so-called feminine qualities, are not only female behaviors under the traditional definition, but also include those delicate and sensitive. However, there is no absolute in this. Maybe gay men are more feminine, but it is just a collective personal prejudice, or maybe we mistakenly equate the sensitivity and highness developed in response to the plight of gays, and improperly classify them as feminine. To generalize.

Returning to the protagonist in the adolescent stage, the natural developmental tasks cover both sexual curiosity and self-positioning. However, as mentioned earlier, in response to social exclusion, natural same-sex curiosity must be masked as opposite-sex curiosity, and natural indecision must be corrected into masculinity. In this sense, for the adolescent protagonists who are already in chaos, they not only need to complete their developmental tasks, but also conceal themselves from being discovered in order to be tolerated by society. Later, judging from the plot of the movie, in the face of such a challenge, it can be found that Birdy and Ahan chose very different paths.

If all comrades go to hell, then I go to hell too

This piercing and biting line of dialogue reveals A-Han's anger, dissatisfaction and loneliness towards the society. After all, for A-Han, who has nowhere to put his emotions and belongings, he has long been buried alive under the 18th floor of hell. Like a execution platform, it is not the end of happiness, nor the beginning of redemption, but the moment of condemnation. Hell, compared to heaven, although it is full of pain, at least Ahan no longer has to pretend, and he no longer has to be alone.

Philosopher Sartre once said, "Others are hell", which means that people cannot change their interpretation of themselves after death, which means that people lose the right to free resistance because of the disappearance of life. Taking "The Name Engraved in Your Heart" as an example, Ah Han and Birdy do not have to die, they have lost the right to resist freely. They were born as human beings, but they cannot enjoy human rights. They can only let prejudice, tradition and mainstream come and go. slaughter.

Afterwards, the crimson that flowed out from the tummy tuck was continued to be trampled on by society. It represented not only the anger of the oppressed, but also the hearts that were riddled with holes. So don't be surprised at the sensitive reaction of the oppressed to jokes, after all, if a person's heart is already broken and bleeding, any simple touch can evoke heart-wrenching pain.

The soul should soar, not fall to an island with broken wings.

A click, not just the heartbeat, but the cracking sound of the mask

In the first paragraph of "The Name Engraved in Your Heart", Birdy happily took walnuts to find Ahan. He was not afraid of bullies. Before that, he took risks to protect his younger brother. His courage and arrogance to ignore everything was deeply moved. A-Han, let A-Han understand that in addition to disguising himself, he has different options, that is, take off the mask and develop the determination to fight against the maliciousness of the world.

In this way, the click after click symbolizes not only Ah-Han's temptation for Birdy, but also that the mask that he has worn for a long time finally breaks . As mentioned above, from this moment, Ah-Han begins to calm down. Accepting your own differences, even if you can’t speak out right away, but gradually let go of the behavior of deliberately hiding yourself, and begin to test, confess and declare again and again. In this regard, Ah Han, who seemed to be peeling and eating walnuts at the time, also peeled off the mask that he wore for half his life, but was not suitable for him at all.

After that, the gift that he originally got from Birdy, Ah-Han irrigated it with love and strengthened his strength, which prompted him to turn like a mature bird, resolutely and tenderly watching the lost Birdy, the fledgling bird with not yet plump wings, A birdman who is not completely transformed into a bird, but is always obsessed with the sky.

However, this is completely opposite to Birdy's understanding. For Birdy, A-Han is like a follower, always flying around him, obviously he can run towards freedom, but he is so stupid that he only knows how to follow himself, the chick who can't come out of the cage. . So, in order to free A-Han, Birdy turned into a hedgehog and suffered serious injuries again and again. He just wanted to push A-Han away to make him happy. After all, Birdy deeply believed that what he was carrying was only sin, not happiness.

Later, in order to shake off Ah-Han's infatuation, Birdy even chose to jump into the mainstream shop window. The scene from the boys' school building into the girls' school building has its symbolic representation, which also reveals that Birdy and Ah-Han began to embark on different paths. In A-Han's confession, Birdy tried to pretend to be a family wine to hide his inextricable love. At the same time, he also hoped to let A-Han see the truth, which means that he could not give him the happiness he wanted.

To sum up, with the progress of the play, Birdy, who was originally responsible for rebellion and resistance, became withdrawn and passive, while Ahan, who had kept a low profile and kept a low profile, became frank and active, and the positions of the two were reversed. However, this Turn around, but it didn't make the two get closer. In this game of "I'm chasing you", it made each other farther away. It can be seen from this that even if two people who love each other have different understandings of happiness, they can only become two parallel lines after all . It seems that they are paying by each other's side, but they still cannot weave a love that recognizes each other.

Love is not enough, we need to know each other to cherish each other.

Contains all possible water, washes the tears of the soul

Birdy seems to dare to do everything, but in fact, he dares nothing. Those emotions that cannot be extricated and placed have been replaced by adolescence rebellion in the mainstream framework. Birdy also found an outlet to vent his feelings safely and secretly. Passion and desire. However, no matter how much you pretend, the family formed by pretending to be a family wine is still false and deformed. There is no love, no desire, and no affection for each other. It is not just Birdy who is angry with Banban's "fuck". , but also its own naivety, but also the whole deformed society, which mistakenly treats normality as morbidity.

However, in order to allow the protagonist's emotions to be revealed in a morbid society, "The Name Engraved in Your Heart" uses a large number of water as a medium to wear. The vicious serpent who sinned with Eve, but in many cases, water also symbolizes the all-concealing mother and tenderness.

From a psychological point of view, the symbolic meaning of water, a certain part is the sea and the womb, and this explains why people like to listen to the sound of the waves lapping, because the sea brings the feeling, which is very similar to the womb, the familiar feeling makes People feel comfortable and released. After all, the first place for a human being, before landing on the ground, is the mother's womb, a shaker filled with bodily fluids (amniotic fluid) that covers the whole body.

Even the sand tour therapy developed on the basis of Jungian psychology, the composition of the sand table is also composed of a rectangular box with a blue base and fine sand. The spiritual womb that contains the possibility of life brings people a sense of security and hope, so as to achieve wound healing and spiritual growth.

It can be seen from this that one of the intuitive feelings brought by water is a sense of security. Therefore, when we cry bitterly, we always subconsciously choose to shower in a closed toilet. After all, what people need is not the answer in the fragile process. But a motherly comforting hug. Just like the scene where the two people are in the shower in the movie, it is not only the frank meeting of the body, but also includes the release of desire and emotion . It was because Birdy finally took off his disguise surrounded by a sense of security. In this way, after having a sense of security, the suppressed lust can finally come out to take a breath.

The bathroom scene also revealed Birdy's inner chaos. On the one hand, he wanted to warmly respond to Ah Han's emotions, but on the other hand, he had to live in a cage, so he couldn't say "I love you", so he could only leave it alone. I'm sorry. However, Birdy's sorry, make a little more association, from a deeper metaphorical perspective, it is like a desperate confession, Birdy abnormally hopes that God can wash each other's sins, and use holy water to quench the devil in the heart. Of course, the result was not as expected. After all, it was not the devil that lived on Birdy, but the love, which could not be extinguished.

The extension of water, as well as rain, in addition to being imaged as sadness, also represents hiding. As the saying goes, rain can cover the tears on the face. Therefore, the shouting and catharsis in "The Name Engraved in Your Heart" often accompanies the rain scene. In addition to the emotional exaggeration at the end of the love song in the rain, it is better to metaphorize taboo feelings that cannot be seen in broad daylight. The tragedy of the times revealed. The author's selfish favorite clip is also this scene, when I finally see Birdy who is always wearing a smiling face mask, I can't suppress my emotions and tears are overflowing. As far as the moment is concerned, Ah Han is ready to say goodbye, but Birdy can't even connect with himself, and the relationship has not yet entered, how to say goodbye?

However, water has many meanings not only for Birdy, but also for Ahan. Since ancient times, water has represented a channel. For example, "Constantine: The Exorcist" and "Stranger Things" use water to represent the connection between the two places on the other side. , to make contact with the creatures and demons in the heretical world. Going back to "The Name Engraved in Your Heart", water is Ahan's ladder to freedom. After reaching death and rebirth through water, he can travel through hell and meet the group of like-minded friends who live in the same country. To resolve the entanglement of strangers' worries.

It can be seen from this that although the underwater world is upside down to the real world, Ah Han and Birdy have the opportunity to fall in love in the water. Through the flip, the same-sex love labeled as deformed by society has become the norm. The two of them are just two. A normal person.

As mentioned earlier, the second symbolic meaning of water, which we see in Ahan, means that it contains every possible sense of hope . For this reason, the reason why Ah Han chose to wait by the lake for a phone call that never came, or rushed to the seaside to shout, is to use the medium of water to dissolve social clothes, remove the disguise constructed in response to etiquette, righteousness and shame, and use water as a medium. Naked but freely immersed in the blue ocean of freedom, to enjoy the sense of security that was lost and regained, and to mourn the self who died after birth, the baby who remained pure and unsullied by society.

Of course, what Ah Han wanted was not just safety and mourning, but not the self-destruction that Birdy had guessed, but a chance to be reborn.

Birdy's sense of security allows him to move forward temporarily, but he can't fully invest in the risk;
Ah Han's sense of hope keeps him flying and pushes him to take bold risks.

Pull the timeline to the end of the film. In the past few decades, same-sex marriage has become a right guaranteed by Taiwan law, and the pathological label of homosexuality in the spiritual and psychological circles has also been removed. At this moment, the crew invites moviegoers to imagine together, if Ah Han and Birdy's romance sprouted today, what could happen, or would it be an epic movie? The answer is obviously no. After all, love is a matter of two people and should not be a matter of national importance at all.

Therefore, the two people at the end of the movie walked along the stairs, but turned a corner, and then avoided the lake at the end. After all, in today's society, the society has gradually changed through initiatives, and Ahan doesn't have to jump into the water to explore the possibility of happiness. Birdy doesn't have to wash and hide with water anymore, he can say I love you out loud, not just good night after sentence.

Our love, your name, can you stop hiding in the underwater world.

We are with each other on the last mile

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, in the face of their own emotions and identity, A-Han and Birdy embarked on two completely different paths. From the perspective of the development of the film, we can find that A-Han is more frank and accepting. However, the reason why A-Han can have this courage is not only inspired by Birdy, but also because there is a mother who accepts everything. Even if A-Han is reprimanded or beaten, A-Han will always have a warm person by his side. Waiting at home to heal him.

However, when it comes to Birdy's story, it can be found that the mother's role is lacking. This absence may be due to early death, but no matter what the reason is, compared with Ahan, Birdy is missing a "traditional" female who comforts him. Role. Sadly, the father, who replaced his mother, was unable to provide emotional support. As a high social and economic person, he placed strict expectations on Birdy in response to the patriarchal values. As a result, even as the youngest in the family, Birdy is burdened with family expectations that are beyond self-burden.

In this way, the already rebellious Birdy, if his father finds out that he is gay, will definitely lose his status and existence value, and even be expelled from the family, causing the family to lose face. It can be said that the comrade thing is to crush Birdy. the last straw. Therefore, it is not that Birdy is not brave, but that he cannot be brave for himself. The family that seems to have a lot of wealth and status has become his bondage and cage, making him unable to control himself and must wear a mask forever.

In contrast, the more common Ahan family has more possibilities. "The Name Engraved in Your Heart" points out a sad fact that even if you have everything in material, you may not be able to. Have the freedom to be yourself.

When did you take care of me

This question, combined with the aforementioned points of view, conveys not only Ah Han's anger towards Birdy, but more like the incarnation of the little child who was deeply hidden in Birdy's heart, shouting to Birdy, taking off his mask to let himself breathe Bar!

To sum up, Birdy is not brave enough to be honest, but because he lacks sufficient support, he must be careful, and without sufficient security, he will not risk revealing his heart. Therefore, it is difficult for us to blame Birdy for his negativity and withdrawal. After all, he has been beaten to the point of being bruised by traditional values, and he can no longer stand up and shout to stop. The feathers were cut off, stuffed into the depths of the cabinet, and she acted obediently as a caged bird without wings. Since then, she has become an internalized homophobe disguised as a heterosexual.

This is why, in the progressive contemporary era, after Birdy and Ah-Han reunited, they could only express their love in the past tense. No matter how Ah-Han urged him, homophobia and trauma were rooted in his heart, and confusion and fear led to Birdy's passing through the years. , still can't open his hands to admit that he is gay, and even replace emotional expression with a secret good night. Fortunately, Ah Han has become more mature. Seeing the rope on Birdy's body, he no longer forced Birdy to express his position. Instead, he used the sentence "I'll walk with you for a while" to accept and hug, and accompany Birdy to agree with him after walking. The last mile of the road to take down the puzzle of inner homophobia that shouldn't exist.

For this reason, don’t ignore the harm caused by prejudice and oppression. We naively think that anti-gay life is just making life more inconvenient for homosexuality and we need to hide. A gunman is specially used to execute people of the same clan, and the scenes of clan cannibalism continue to be staged.

Maybe one day, the epic love movie starring Ah Han and Birdy can be unfinished.


The success of "The Name Engraved in Your Heart" is not only deep enough, but universal enough. It can evoke the emotional empathy of different people. Find your own moment, and therefore, the trailers and the messages under the theme song will not only reveal praise, but more of the inner story of each viewer. I was originally worried that the film would be too dull, or that it would be too formal and preachy, but every dialogue is a sharp jab, and the tears are ripened layer by layer. the bottom of my heart.

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