my happy life proposal


Last week, I said that if you are not comfortable with the status quo, please change actively. Let me start with you. What do you think is the best investment?

In my opinion, I think the best investment is to invest in yourself (this sentence is also very old-fashioned), but today I am not talking about how to spend money, but about how to spend it with value, and I think this part can be There are two types, one is visible and the other is invisible.

Let’s talk about what you can see first. It’s actually very simple. It is to decorate all kinds of things outside your body, such as: clothes, hats, accessories, shoes, etc…

I won't say it's an unnecessary expense, but I only spend money on clothes that suit me, so my wardrobe is either white or black or earth tones, and there are very few brightly colored clothes, because I know, that's not for me.

And the other thing you can't see, and that's the focus of today, is learning all kinds of new or old things

The so-called old things are the things that are diligent in the nursing profession. When the seniority is getting higher and higher, the things to be learned are different. From familiar with the routine of the unit, to taking care of patients, understanding of diseases, and even the administrative handling of the unit, all are increasing the profession. Knowledge

In addition, learning new things like stock investing, learning talents, communicating with people, joining clubs, etc. are all great

Recently, I have a bold idea to invite everyone to do it together, that is, to do a theme every month to increase my happiness. The plan will last for a year, give me a little time to prepare, the purpose is to hope that everyone can be in this era of never satisfied To add a little more of your own little luck, let yourself spend more time with yourself.

What do you think happiness is?


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