horror on the bus

From unsplash

Today, I took the bus to go to the supermarket to make a big purchase. I have to say that the bus driver is too powerful. Under the scorching sun with a high temperature of more than 30 degrees, he can actually turn on the air conditioner in the bus and avoid heat stroke. Please let me send a noble one. Respect.

Speaking of Psycho in this article, I was sitting well on the bus, but suddenly my neck felt a little itchy, and then I touched it with my hand and found that there was something moving on my neck, so I was very nervous With a flick of his hand, the bug was actually pushed to the girl in the rear seat.

Then the girl in the back seat called out and asked what it was, and then she and I saw the corpse of the worm on the ground at the same time, so I was startled, and then my phone was suddenly thrown out by me, and then I started to panic and said that my phone was missing, and I stood up nervously and looked for it. Fortunately, the girl across from the seat picked up my phone.

The girl who was pushed by me to the back seat was also frightened by this series of actions, and she also called out, "Oh my God! It's actually a bug", and she kindly asked me if I was okay? Then she said : "I hate summer!", so I pointed to the wall next to her and said, there are bugs there.

The next second, the two of us quickly had an inexplicable tacit understanding, and directly switched to the other side. XD

After we sat down, we found that many boys were looking at us, probably they couldn't understand, what's so scary about bugs? XD

In fact, after thinking about it, my reaction was really a bit too big haha


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