[Sharing and Learning] 10 English Channels I Watch Often

This article is for "Horta Healing Crop Circles", thank you for her article for inspiring me to write this. The following are 10 channels I often watch when I train listening, I recommend her to her with this article, and share a little bit of my experience. Click on the title to link to that channel.
handsome and beautiful group

[Reasons for watching] It is very simple, he is handsome!! Smart and muscular man is absolutely amazing!!!!!! Selected in under 30 magazines, and the media image is excellent. You can refer to how he reads and how to use his time (actually, this is hard to say, whatever the handsome guy says is the lingering sound, not tired of listening or watching)

Although he has been emphasizing "compliance" with the World Health Organization, which did not take the problem seriously at the time, in the early days of the COVID19 outbreak in the United States, he was right in terms of his doctor's training. He also records updated information almost every day . He is a knowledge transmitter who will stand up in a timely manner and bring good educational concepts to the public. I love him!!

Doctor Mike

[Reason for Watching] Dressing, makeup, books, I have borrowed each of the spiritual growth books she shared, and she often shared some psychological conflicts about Asian concepts in the United States, and her process of seeing a counselor. The second generation of Korean descent, it is considered that youtube opened not long after the start of the blue ocean market, and many people in Taiwan who pay attention to beauty should know her. I watched Jiji , and I also learned her tone of voice, because the articulation is very clear, and the logic of the speech is my favorite . I am a little projective to her, because she is also small, so her outfit is actually quite suitable for me.

During the Covid19 period, she shared a lot of things she did at home, which seemed to be a little turbulent. Many people said that no one had the money to do those things at home comfortably like her. I think she shows off her wealth, but as a small fan, I think she is just doing the "sharing" that she was doing. There are many youtubers who really show off their wealth.

Jenn im

[Reason for Watching] The healing department cooks, focusing on healthy body and mind diet, and learn her color matching skills. Her English sentences are probably the best of all the channels I recommend for newbies who don't have much vocabulary . Her videos are basically healing, and the visual effects are good. She also had some meditation videos at the beginning that were also very good. I first started to get into meditation and watched her videos because her speech was very healing.

I hope her logo can be changed. XD is a little different from the level of the film.

Pick Up Limes

practical knowledge

[Reason for Watching] Human nature profile, I often analyze good and bad traits through videos or interviews with political and business stars, but the speed of speech is very fast for me , just like when I listen to Chinese channels, it will be 1.25 times faster The same, I think he is a native speaker will like the speed of speech!! If you can listen to his videos smoothly, your hearing is already very good!! His analysis will be based on psychological science, a bit like a film version The FBI teaches you to read minds.

His dating observation is very accurate to analyze men through male certification, but I am a woman, I think it is good for him to explain women. XD may not be successful, what is certain is that it is indeed a little deeper than the general channel analysis. It would be really nice if a guy could understand that level.

How to be liked? Increased self-confidence? His videos share some movements, tones, and expressions, and I think I fully agree with this neutral analysis.

Charisma on Command

[Reason for Watching] It was recommended by friends of matters and benefited a lot. He has his own set of analysis and leadership for personal entrepreneurship and personal business thinking. I think speaking and listening, the speed of speech and the use of words are also very approachable . I've only just been in contact for a long time, so I don't have a lot of experience XD, but I think I can get into my top 10, which means that he will really watch his videos. Instead of just watching a single video and forgetting his channel.

The future

education teaching type

[Reason for Watching] It is a very interesting popular science education video. The channel is selected by the teacher. I think his themes are very attractive , such as: Why do Asians look more cute ? There is also a week of living in Musk's life , especially because this video is the content of the sentence I want to memorize XD but it is a channel worth collecting.

  • The speed of speech is suitable for listening practice like BBC learnig English, and the volume of words is also moderate.

[Reason for Watching] It has a bit of news-style content, but it focuses more on the knowledge logic behind the news , so it is better than the news-style guiding statement. After all, the news has a position, but this is purely to look at more difficult knowledge. Therefore, it is conceivable that the number of words will be more difficult .


[Reasons for watching] It's an old brand. I don't need to introduce it. I will listen to the normal version again, and then use the accelerated listening to practice British English listening. The collection of words can also be collected by his introduction in episodes, and the amount of words can be increased without any burden .

BBC learnig English

[Reason for Watching] If you want to speak English to the standard, this channel provides a lot of pronunciation methods , tongue placement, and even pronunciation , which is very suitable for Asians who can speak every word clearly. Learn how to ligate in English and how to pronounce it closer to a native speaker. It is recommended that the more you go to the previous viewing , the better you can get a good sharing practice.

Rachel's English

Unable to classify

[Reason for Watching] It's all about eating and broadcasting. Occasionally, there are stereotype quizzes between races and stereotype-busting videos. I don't know why I still watch XD occasionally. Although I sometimes disagree with the statement, I find it very interesting. And why do they always think that Asian boys can't date Western girls?? Look at our brother (introduced below), that is, we have a blonde beauty!!!


[Reason for watching] I was attracted by his girlfriend (laughs), SORRY BRO!! I was hesitant to put it on to learn English, but Togo also speaks a lot of English, and his topics are actually very interesting, I almost Collect and watch. When a girlfriend shows up, it's even more liked!!! XD

Torres PitToco

I'm not a master, and I haven't received a golden certificate yet. I just want to share it with those who need it. You can start with my article to see my learning process. It also took me two years to gradually advance from Chinese and English, and everything is on the way of learning.

Learning a lot from English learning is not only an increase in English ability, but also a way of transforming logical thinking. There are many function words in Chinese that can be used to describe many things. There is no way to do this when I want to convert it into English. I have to give some practical examples. This has given me a direction for re-learning of my ability to practice expression, so that I sometimes hear Some function words will want to be clear, want to redefine the meaning of what they are talking about, and make communication smoother.

The last piece of advice is to listen to the video several times and learn how to speak. After a long time, it will become a spoken expression that will automatically appear in your mind. I don't want to watch a lot of videos, but I want to understand every sentence. Take your time, go faster.

[Hi~ Hello, I am Xinxin. My Matters focuses on learning kinetic energy, job transfer, and emotional awareness. If my experience makes you feel, please don't hesitate to give me five claps.

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