On the weather and walrus forecast for a week in high school

Words, paper, books, ebb and flow in time. I can't finish it, I can't read it, the old one is gone, and the new one is coming. The tide is the book of the second year of high school, and the book of the second year of high school is like the tide of the sea.
Introduction to case1 weather and walrus

I finally understood what the sound of turning pages is like waves.

The speed of the passage of time is like the wind that blows the tip of the ship and pushes the sails, urging one pencil or ballpoint pen or highlighter to leap over, the tip of the pen splashing black and blue colored scales on the white sea; One end of the eraser swam, and another was slid away, and the black, blue and colorful waves disappeared without a trace; but no matter how fast it was, there was still no time to rescue, and I could only watch other people's nibs hunt and kill. There were waves of red waves; and the page numbers rose and fell, like rows of boats with leaves and leaves, floating and sinking in the port corner of the page.

Words, paper, books, ebb and flow in time. I can't finish it, I can't read it, the old one is gone, and the new one is coming.

The tide is a high school book, and the high school book is like the tide.

case2 normal version one-week weather forecast (content and date may be adjusted due to weekly conditions)

On Monday, Floating Ice in Mandarin and English is composed of Dense Sea of Characters. The wrong angle that can't be hit by the collision, it's better to drive like a plow on the sea, manage a story mountain, ten reasons, a hundred words, a thousand experiences and feelings.

On Tuesday, I had to pass through natural Bermuda. There was turbulence near the physical and chemical islands, but the biology was okay. The weather is sunny and rainy, Na+, Cl-, Mg2+ that the ocean currents are tumbling... Whether ionic or organic, they are all reefs. When the pen tip is swimming, acceleration and h have to be thought about first. It is necessary to have more and less, and more poison will kill millions. Waves, without the thousands of feathers in the sky starved to death, half of the entire marine ecosystem died accidentally.

On Wednesday, I heard from the weather forecast that the typhoon (number) and the wind (study) are coming. It still has no typhoon eye, but there are quite a few Θ inside that look like a typhoon eye... Trigonometric functions entrain log, southwest airflow and polynomial equations, wind Heavy rain and heavy deductions... I think it is estimated that there will be heavy casualties again, and a bunch of trees will be cut in half.

Therefore, on Thursday, it is advisable to: repair the glass heart, and taboo: take a day off, and adjust whether to open a book or fish according to the situation.

On Friday, Social Sanke is another small delta. Fortunately, the walrus is not too repetitive, but the broken island terrain is a bit more, some undercurrents may travel through time and space, and some have strong territorial political implications. If you are lucky, you will encounter oil, if not, you will encounter warlord guns. Fire...but still a lot easier to sail than Bermuda on Tuesday.


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蘇祁馬特市新手。ig帳號同名,沒盜文嘿。 雖然下雨天很煩,但還是很喜歡下雨天的北漂台大生。 讀小五的時候因為喜歡的男孩不喜歡自己所以開始創作,寫到現在,打算寫一輩子。 在某本言情上看過一句話,「這世界上所有人都註定蠅營狗苟的活一輩子,可是每個苟且的偏旁,都應該是讓自己來寫的。」 深以為此話說的對極了。
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