Black and White (Prequel)

If you haven't read this biography, remember to watch it first!


I was running away, madly running forward based on my survival instinct, the ruined castle, the dirty burgundy carpet on the ground, and the armor on both sides of the corridor.

Rapid breathing, as if his chest was about to explode, every time he took a breath, there was a sharp pain in his trachea and chest.

The endurance of my legs has reached the limit, the muscles are sore and the physical strength is lost. They are protesting frantically, and my legs are protesting loudly at me, asking me to stop and rest immediately.


But I don't need to protest with my feet, I really want to stop, I even suspect that if I don't stop and rest, I will be "tired" to death.

I really want to stop, it doesn't matter if it's a dirty carpet, it doesn't matter if it's surrounded by icy stone walls, it doesn't matter if I can only rest against the hard armor.

The pain from breathing became stronger, and I was wearing a black dress that swayed from side to side with my steps.

But these clothes are such a goddamn obstacle, I have to not only run away, but also be careful not to step on the skirt.

Nearly fell a few times because of the damn, ill-fitting dress, and shoes that weren't at all good for running.

Although leather shoes are similar to sports shoes, the lack of elasticity does cause a lot of obstacles to running.

Running regardless of his image, his hair was already in a mess, his clothes were stained with a lot of stains during the running process, and there was even a scar on the left side of his abdomen.

I desperately pressed the wound with my left hand, but I couldn't stop the blood from flowing out of the wound, and finally left a red streak on the ground along the trajectory of my running.


The physical strength has reached the limit, and there is even the problem of blood loss, which is simply worse.

I seriously doubt that the reason why I can still run now is because the feeling of fear prompts the secretion of adrenaline.

I made a turn, but it was damned too late to brake, and I just pulled my body in the opposite direction, barely able to stabilize my posture and continue forward.

After the turn is another long corridor, with two corners in the middle and two left and right turns at the end of the corridor.

The choice, obviously the physical strength has been exhausted, but still have to find a way to choose a path.

The most difficult thing is not the difficulty of choosing the problem. What really makes me feel difficult is that I have to make a life-or-death decision in this state. If I go to the wrong intersection or turn the wrong turn, maybe I will die in the next second.

I didn't stop after the first intersection, and soon came to the second intersection, I made a sudden turn and ran into a relatively narrow passage.

I climbed a short flight of stairs, and then returned to the familiar corridor. However, the accident always happened so suddenly, I didn't notice the protruding stone bricks in the small passage, so I fell, so unexpected.

"Ah ah!"


This was the first thought in my mind. Although I immediately propped up my body with my hands, it was unsuccessful because of my physical strength and blood loss.


My hands lost strength, and my half-supported body fell heavily, my forehead hit the floor, and in addition to pain, I felt a little dizzy.

I didn't care if I was injured or not, the first thought was of course to try to get back on my feet immediately, but what was chasing me didn't give me a second chance.

An arm slid in front of my eyes, it was my right hand, the pain prevented me from exerting any force, and my body staggered and fell to the ground again.

The pain, it was so painful, so painful, so painful, that I almost fainted. I couldn't help crying. Even though I knew it was pointless, I still shouted out instinctively.

Thoughts of death are circling in my mind, but I will not be reconciled. After all, it is a miracle that I can live until now. It was God who gave me more time to live.

I can't help but recall how many times I managed to escape, four? five? No, no, plus this is the seventh time.

"Seven times...that's enough."

Waking up in a daze, exploring in a daze, escaping in a daze, from the first fluke to the seventh... No, it was the sixth or fluke.

It looks like I've run out of luck, but I've run away six times and should be content.

"It's a strange place..."

I lost consciousness.


I was running away, madly running forward based on my survival instinct, the ruined castle, the dirty burgundy carpet on the ground, and the armor on both sides of the corridor.

Rapid breathing, as if his chest was about to explode, every time he took a breath, there was a sharp pain in his trachea and chest.

The endurance of my legs has reached the limit, the muscles are sore and the physical strength is lost. They are protesting frantically, and my legs are protesting loudly at me, asking me to stop and rest immediately.


But I don't need to protest with my feet, I really want to stop, I even suspect that if I don't stop and rest, I will be "tired" to death.

I really want to stop, it doesn't matter if it's a dirty carpet, it doesn't matter if it's surrounded by icy stone walls, it doesn't matter if I can only rest against the hard armor.

The pain from breathing became stronger, and I was wearing a black dress that swayed from side to side with my steps.

But I've torn off the hem of my dress because it's in the way and makes it inconvenient for me to run.

The shoes are made of leather, although the material is a little too hard, but I can barely get used to this pair of shoes, and the harder material can protect my feet relatively well.

On the way to run, I would subconsciously push my bangs away, and then I would tear off the carpet and process it into strips of cloth to tie my hair, which I naturally did.

There is a scar on the abdomen. Although it is bleeding, it is fortunate that the wound is not very deep, but even so, you must pay attention to safety when running, otherwise the wound may worsen.

My stamina is okay, although I will be tired and I really want to rest, but through the secretion of adrenaline, I still have a way to keep running.

There was a turn in front of me, and I turned my body very dangerously. If the timing of deceleration was a little slower, I might have slipped out, but fortunately this did not happen.

The straight corridor has two turns in the middle and two turns left and right at the end.

Although I hate decisions, and sometimes I choose the wrong direction, I definitely skipped the two middle intersections this time, because the narrow walkway is not conducive to running.

Sure enough, I made the right choice. The ground is very unstable at the middle turn. If I choose those roads, the risk of falling will be greatly increased.

I came to the end and glanced left and right as fast as I could.

There is a shorter corridor on the left, and the end can be seen very quickly, and the corridor on the right is the complete opposite, and the position of the end is basically invisible.

But I didn’t have time to hesitate, I chose the corridor on the left, I continued to run, and turned left again when I came to the end of the corridor.

My breathing became more and more rapid. In the end, I relied on willpower to barely lift my feet. Only the belief that I could survive gave me the motivation to run.

I can't die yet, I've run away so many times, this time I can, I can, I can...

When I turned a corner, there were countless wooden doors on both sides of the corridor, and the number of wooden doors that extended to the end could not be counted. I opened a door at random and rushed in without any thought.

Covering his mouth with his hands, he squatted in the corner of the room and lowered his breathing, praying incessantly in his heart, hoping to escape the pursuit this time.

(No problem, no problem, no problem, there was success last time, there was success last time, last time...)



The wooden door was opened, my eyes widened, fear and vomiting flooded, I pinched the back of my hand with my fingernails, suppressing my fear.

Hold your breath, pretend to be one with the environment, pray frantically in your heart, and carefully observe each other's every move.

He didn't move to the inside of the room, just glanced at the door, but even so, I felt like my heart was about to jump out. I wanted to take a deep breath to calm down, but I had to hide my breath.

(Don't come! Don't come! Don't come! Don't come!)

He was standing at the door, looking into the room, and suddenly his eyes moved to my direction, and for a moment, I felt as if I had been discovered by him.

I was about to cry, scared, scared, worried, the corners of my eyes were a little wet, no, there were tears already falling down my cheeks, all the way down to my chin.

(Don't don't don't, don't look here!)

So desperate, so scared, I don't want to die, I don't want to die here! But there was a voice in my heart telling me that this was my end.

How many times have I managed to escape? Four? five? No, no, plus this is the seventh time.

It has been seven times, and God has given me seven lives, maybe this is my last time?


he left? he left! he left! opened! left!

I was ecstatic, but I couldn't make a sound out of joy, and it would all be in vain to draw him back.

I was sitting in the corner of the room, maybe my mood gradually relaxed, and my body's exhaustion and soreness rushed up immediately.

I kneaded my calves, took off my hard leather shoes and massaged the sore soles, adjusted my breathing, took a deep breath, and realized what only alive can do.

Although not the first time, every time I managed to escape, I always wanted to do something to feel the fact that I was still alive.

"Huh... that's great—"


A loud noise came from behind, and I felt a violent tug before I turned around.

I flew up, and the feeling of my feet hanging in the air was novel, but it was more of fear and doubt.

The body flipped in the air, and for a moment, the world seemed to be turned upside down. The dirty floor, the broken furniture piled next to it, and all the things were under his line of sight.

Then I fell to the ground, and the next second I felt a strong force drag me out of the room again.

A large hole was smashed into the side of the room, and I rubbed it on the ground like a mop. The moment my back and my legs passed through the hole, I felt the skin being pulled apart by silk.

Through the feeling of pain, it is possible to infer the area of the wound. The back is basically from the neck to the waist, while the legs are from the middle of the thigh to the ankle.

After thinking about all this, a familiar place appeared in my vision, the corridor, the corridor full of wooden doors just now.

Then... I saw him, the thing that had already walked out just now, but now wrapped around my right hand and hung me up.

The right hand is entangled with something similar to an octopus tentacle, except that there is no suction cup on it, only a smooth skin and a viscous liquid that keeps secreting.

He threw his tentacles and slammed me against the wall. The bones made a crisp cracking sound. At the moment of the impact, the air in the lungs was like a squeezed bubble bag, and the air was released in an instant.

Coughing violently, in addition to coughing up air from the lungs, it also coughs up blood.

Before I fell to the ground, the tentacles immediately wrapped around my body again, and my hands and feet were bound.

He moved slowly in front of me. His ugly appearance made me feel disgusted and disgusted. I wanted to struggle, but my hands and feet were firmly fixed to the wall.

Then came a sharp pain, and my right hand was chopped off. It all happened so suddenly that my eyes couldn't catch the process at all, and I didn't even see a shadow.

It was like magic, my right hand was suddenly cut off like this, I let out a wailing, and my body finally broke free from the severe pain, but it was impossible to escape to this extent.

He threw my arm aside, then used his tentacles to pry open my mouth, and I immediately retched, but the tentacles invaded my entire mouth, down to the depths of my throat.

A sticky, slippery feeling, disgusting mucus running from the corners of my mouth and dripping down my chin to the ground.

The tears shed because of fear, I want to cry out loud but I can't do it at all, this time is my end, the inevitable fate of death.

But this is the seventh time, the seventh miracle, God let me live seven times, so it's time to come to the end of my life too.

I felt that the tentacles were still further inserted into my throat, the strength of the tentacles that bound the hands and feet was getting stronger and stronger, and the bones were making a rattling sound, like parts ready to be disassembled, still doing the last struggle.

It was very painful, the bones of the hands and feet became more and more painful under the pressure, and there was a strong nausea, but the blocked mouth and throat could only make a futile retching sound.

That's how I ended up dying, being killed by something weird in a really badly disgusting way, I think my hands and feet should be mashed up.

The body should be penetrated vertically, and finally the lower half of the body will be penetrated by a disgusting tentacle, and then the internal organs will be smashed by him fiercely, and in the end, there may not be even a complete corpse left.

In the end, as he kept playing with my body, my consciousness began to blur, and then...

I lost consciousness.


I'm running away, but I'm not panicking. I clearly know in my mind how I'm going to deal with it. Unfamiliar scenes, unfamiliar buildings, but there is an inexplicable familiarity.

The dirty red carpet, the decorative armor on both sides of the aisle, the intricate castle, it's the first time I've seen it, but I can come and go freely in this place with an inexplicable intuition.

Because I was running, my breathing became a little short, and it was just that, my heart beat faster, but it was just a simple acceleration, in order to transport more oxygen to all parts of the body.

Breathing regularly, I can maintain my physical strength, my legs still have strength, and I know clearly that I can escape several times.


But I still have to get rid of the things behind me as soon as possible. The dress on my body is a bit in the way, so I ripped off the skirt at the beginning. Although the shoes are made of leather, I can adapt very well.

Rather, I even feel that these shoes can protect my feet better.

My hair swayed as I ran and occasionally blocked my view, but I was able to adjust my running center of gravity in an instant, using the direction of my body sway to adjust my bangs.

The clothes on the side of the abdomen were torn, which was the result of a sneak attack, but I reacted in an instant and escaped the attack in a thrilling manner. If it was a few seconds later, there should also be a scar on my abdomen. scars.

The front is the turning point. Using the protective ability of the shoes, there is no intention of slowing down. At the moment of arriving at the intersection, one foot is fixed in place as the rotation axis, and the other foot kicks hard to twist the whole body.

The shoes protect my ankle well and allow me to do this safely, but if I don't control my strength, I might fall over here, or hit a wall too late to brake.

There are two turns in the middle of the corridor, leading to a narrower passage. I decisively ignored the two paths and rushed directly to the turn at the end.

The corridors on the left and right sides were short and long, without any hesitation, after confirming the conditions of the two roads, I chose the longer corridor on the right according to intuition.

Continuing to run away as before, proceeding down the straight corridor, while thinking about how to get rid of the things behind you.

(Looking for a place to hide like the previous few times?)

He had always done this in the past, but this time he felt a tinge of unease, the kind of intuition that should not be done.

Keep running, keep running along the corridor, and finally see the end, you can turn right ahead.

After turning right, a long staircase continued to extend upwards, and it was a road with no end in sight, but the stone walls on both sides of the staircase had several square openings.

A lot of stone statues can be seen on the outside of the opening. The next moment, as if it has been planned, jump on the opening and jump out.

Reaching out and hugging the stone statue on the outside, there is an abyss at the foot, and only a thick white fog can be seen when looking down.

(I didn't expect to have run to such a high place.)

I sighed inwardly, and at the same time adjusted the posture of the body and put the soles against the wall to increase the friction.

After a while, footsteps were heard, and the thing came near the stairs, and the footsteps approached, but I don't think he would have thought of me hiding in such a place.

In the past, I used to find an empty room to hide, and as long as those things were not found, I would leave by themselves.

But this time, I vaguely felt that such a method would not work, but here is the room for expansion, I think that thing may think that I have run out of his sight.

Now I just pray that he leaves as soon as possible. His hands are almost supporting the weight of the whole body. The rate of physical loss is much faster than I thought.

(Go away! Go away! Go away! Go away!)

I closed my eyes and listened carefully to the footsteps in the corridor. Fortunately, the footsteps were getting quieter.

As long as I held on for a while, I encouraged myself so much, and the muscles in my hands began to feel pain. I could only adjust the position and reduce the pain a little by moving my hands.

The footsteps were farther, but it wasn't enough, the length of the stairs was amazing, and I had to keep going, I couldn't get out until he was completely off the stairs.

"Again... just hold on."

The footsteps were farther away, and I felt like I could squeeze a little more strength out of my hands, and I could still hold on.

Although the fingers have begun to lose consciousness, the joints of the shoulders seem to be dislocated under the pull, the pain spreads to the whole arm, and the strength of the muscles is about to be insufficient.

But I will never let go. The belief to live supports me, so that my hands can hold the statue tightly.

Finally the footsteps disappeared, and after a long wait, I was alive again, and I started to shake my body, pulling myself up with the force of my hands.


I'm running out of power...Impossible, I've worked so hard for so long to get to this step, I absolutely can't die at this time!


I roared as if to encourage myself, flexing my hands and kicking my feet, trying to brace myself.

"Just... just a little bit!"

I still want to live, I have succeeded, I have succeeded in getting rid of him, and now there is only one last step left, so, I must not die here!

Forced his hands to squeeze out the last bit of strength, but only the last bit of strength was needed, and it was almost enough to hook to the edge of the opening.

Brace yourself, take a deep breath, and first stretch out your left hand to hook the edge of the opening.


Next is the right hand, which is stretched out to hook the edge.


The body slid down suddenly, and gravity attracted me, like countless invisible hands, pulling me to an abyss that couldn't see the end. The thick fog obscured my vision, and I had no way of knowing the height here.

But on the other hand, since the height of the ground is invisible, the result of falling can be imagined.

My left hand didn't grasp it well. Now all the weight of my body is supported by my right hand. Of course, my physical strength has already reached the limit and I have no chance to struggle.

In the end, I fell down without any suspense. I screamed in the air, roaring in disregard of my image.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

Despair spreads in my heart, darkness erodes my heart, and I can't accept the ending of death calmly.

"why why why!!!"


The sound of shattering, something shattered, I was falling, falling to the ground through the thick fog, and the walls of the castle passed by my eyes like a revolving lantern of life.

"I don't want to die..."

This time, it was almost a little bit, and it was very smooth. When entering the castle, I managed to avoid so many pursuits. Obviously, I was so lucky. This is the seventh time, and I can also succeed this time.

Why did it fail? Why can't it be accepted? My heart hurts so much, an inexplicable heartache, I still want to live, live!

"I don't want to die! I can't accept this ending!"

I prayed to the sky and said my wish with all my strength. Maybe I thought that the louder I said, the better it would be heard by the gods?

I don't want to die, or rather, I don't want to die because of it, I don't want this feeling of being one step away and losing everything before finally reaching the finish line.

There is a voice in my heart that keeps asking me to live, there is no reason, there is no reason, it just tells me that.

See the ground? Damn it, damn it, is there no way to do it in the end? I don't want to die, I really really don't want to die! This is the seventh time! It was obviously the seventh time, so why did it fail?

Getting closer and closer to the ground, that's where I first woke up, the road at the gate of the castle, a bumpy road made of stone bricks.

In the end, I still died, and I heard a crisp sound the moment I touched the ground, and then lost consciousness immediately after a very, very, very brief pain.

No, it's not like that, something flashed in front of my eyes, just for a short moment, just for a moment, but I did see it.

(Black crystal shards?)

No, I must have read it wrong, no, what if I saw it? I still have to die.

So, I lost consciousness, really, really lost consciousness.


I am running away...

No, no, no, I didn't run away, there's no such thing, because it's not necessary anymore.

Because...because...I'm not the one being pursued, I know very well what I can do.

Very clear, as clear as engraved in my mind, wake up, walk into the castle, despite doubts, but step out without hesitation.

Entering the door, there are broken floors and walls, a dirty burgundy carpet, and decorative metal armor, and then it seems to be as familiar as a hundred times.

But... I should be here for the first time.

There was a creature around the corner, it was ugly and disgusting, so I killed him, but I didn't realize it right away, but when I came to my senses, I finally realized that I had done this kind of thing.


His body was penetrated by black crystals, and several crystals were inserted into the broken wall. How many... "meat"? The color is exactly the same as that ugly monster.

It's almost like breaking him with a crystal.

crystal? Why is there such a thing? The crystal clear crystal is in sharp contrast with the dark and dirty castle. I reach out and touch the crystal, and the cold touch is very comfortable.

The black crystal reflects my appearance, the calm and calm face, perhaps a little cold, I squeeze out a smile a little, but it makes myself look a little mean-spirited.

The slender fingers are a pair of well-maintained jade hands, exuding an inexplicable noble and untouchable aura, but I don't know anything about my past.

It's very beautiful, although I think it is, but I really feel my beautiful and moving appearance, but unfortunately I can't show a smile, I can only wear a cold appearance.

After taking a look at myself and looking at myself in the crystal, I try to recall the past.


The headache was splitting, and a strong feeling of vomiting and rejection came instantly. I took a deep breath, as if to drive away the nausea.

Why can't I recall? What it looked like in the past? Memories of the past? Where did the past come from? Who was in the past? all the past...

Looking at myself in the black crystal, I began to wonder, is this me? Is this my original appearance? But can't remember anything.

Accept this appearance. There is a voice in my heart that tells me that the most important thing is to live. As long as you live, everything will have an answer.

The answer can only be found by living, and if it is killed by the creatures here, it will be meaningless.

I took my steps and started exploring inside the castle.

Killed again, but in a state of unconsciousness again, and then I recovered to see that I had done it again, and it was a black crystal, stained with blood on the top, and a large pool of blood was left on the ground.

My face reflected again, not only the crystal, but also the pool of blood on the ground. My face was expressionless, and I was indifferent and loyal. I killed the other party so cruelly, but there was no reaction.

Murder is numb, bloodthirsty, but the body has no reaction, no nausea, no nausea, no fear, no hate...


(Great, this time it worked.)


I wandered around the castle like a walking dead, but it seemed a little inappropriate to say that, because every time I walked dazedly to a turn, my brain could make choices immediately, and I never doubted or hesitated about those choices.

If you encounter something in the way, you will kill it. Occasionally, if you find a dark corner, you will squat down and rest. Even though you have walked for a long time, you are not tired at all, and even urge yourself to speed up your steps.

My heart began to feel numb, so I just followed my instinct and went on, moving in the castle, constantly passing through the corridor, turning, passing through the corridor, and turning again...

Walking, walking, I don't know the purpose of doing this at all. I lose my heart and feelings. The more I walk, the more boring, more and more boring, and less and less meaningful.

The seventh time I was chased, the attack was really sudden. He shattered the wall above and jumped off my head.

I was supposed to turn around and run, but I lost consciousness the next second, and as usual, when I regained my senses, the crystal penetrated the opponent.

So I killed another creature, but... whoever told him to get in the way.

I keep walking, I keep walking, I keep walking, I don't stop, keep walking, keep exploring the castle.

During the long exploration, I lost my cognition of the outside world, and I just kept doing the exploration.

The repeated paths, the destruction, the things that block the exploratory work, the exclusion, day after day, and so on, until...

I made a turn, the left is a dead end, so I went to the right, and then, I saw something blocking the way, those are very common, so since it is very common, then kill it.

The crystals run through, of course, when I'm not conscious, but recently I've been awake faster and faster, maybe later I can kill them according to my own consciousness.

Solved, so I continued to explore as usual, but this time it was a little different.


Someone fell there.

It was a girl of the same age as herself, with long pink hair tied with a handkerchief in a ponytail, and wearing a pink vest with the same hair color.

(Is it a trap?)

It was the first thought in my mind because I never met anyone else here, always a bunch of weird looking creatures.

But a girl is really a girl, no matter how you look at it, she looks like a normal person.

" hurts."

She knelt on the ground rubbing her forehead.

Should you care about her? I thought so, but my body just couldn't do anything.

I feel suspicious, and even want to ignore the other party. She is an obstacle preventing me from exploring. It should be eliminated together. Just like those creatures, as long as you don’t want anything, you can just let this body play.

Consciousness gradually drifted away, my vision began to blur, and the idea of excluding everything began to occupy my head. When I woke up, I would have seen a corpse penetrated by black crystals.

(Ah... no way—)

"Ah, did you save me?"

The girl ran up to me enthusiastically and shook hands with me, then jumped on top of me and hugged me tightly like a koala treating me like a tree trunk.

Consciousness regained, because of the girl's inexplicable behavior, and as a result, I regained consciousness, but this way I won't kill her.

"You are……"

"My name is Red!"

Red responded loudly, shouting at me full of vigor, looking at me with adoring eyes with sparkling eyes.

Then she dexterously jumped off me and shook hands with me again.

"Hehe, thank you for saving me!"

A little silly smile, looks very innocent, far from my shadowy image like death.

"Your expression is terrifying..."


You see, the terrifying expression, after all, my body has been acting like this since I woke up, and then I kept eliminating the target that blocked me, and even in the end, almost half of my consciousness was given to this body to play freely. .

If it doesn't take control, the body seems to only explore, record, and remove obstacles.

And I regained my consciousness purely to feel the fact of being "alive", and to let myself have the fact that I am still alive through my own feelings about the outside world.

"Ah! By the way, since you saved me, then I will fulfill one of your wishes!"


"Mmmm, can do it!"

Anything is fine? So let her take me out of here? Get out of this spooky castle.

In other words, when I hand over my consciousness to my body, what exactly is she exploring? I always thought it was the way to go back, but is that really the case?

"I'm getting out of here."


Hong showed an unexplained expression and tilted her head very cutely, then put her right hand on her chin, lowered her head and fell into contemplation.

"Okay, follow me!"

Hong suddenly raised her head, took my hand and led me to run inside the castle, but my body reacted subconsciously, tripping her first, then turning her hands back and putting my knees on her back.

"Ah ah!"

She let out a scream, and I immediately noticed my behavior. In a short moment, my consciousness was taken away by my body, and then I directly counterattacked the opponent.

I understand that the body is like this to protect myself, and it is easy to encounter those strange creatures when running around in this castle, so I will stop them.

(But...why do you do this to such an extent?)

I let go of my hand, and I started to feel fear in my heart, I felt that I was not normal, I couldn't control my body, some behaviors seemed very strange, the massacre started to become normal in my heart, no, from the moment I woke up For a moment I didn't think there was anything strange about this.

Why? I haven't noticed the unreasonable until now, why can I face those things calmly? Creatures that could easily kill me.

It was as if our positions were reversed, but instead I killed them, piercing them with crystals effortlessly and comfortably.

"Hey... are you alright?"

Hong is shaking me, no, she is close to me, it can't be like this, if she is not careful, she may also be killed by me, and also by me...

"Go away! Don't come here!"


I pushed her away and tried to run away, but—

The black crystals were in the air, and I finally saw how these crystals appeared. They slowly appeared from my hand, as if my palm had a portal.

That is the muzzle, as long as I stretch out my palm and aim at the target, the crystal will automatically shoot from my palm, that is a bullet, a crystal bullet that can easily kill a life.

I pushed the red...

No, it's so far away that my outstretched hand didn't touch her at all, but she fell backwards?

(No, no, no, no!)

I'm wrong, yes, I must be wrong, definitely I'm wrong, please, I'm wrong... I'm wrong, right?

At that moment, I was completely awake, but the first time I saw this scene...

I killed her and Hong, just like I encountered those strange creatures in the past, the black crystal pierced through them, and the force of the impact sometimes even ripped off certain parts of their bodies.

"Dead... no, no, no! It's not true!"

I kill people! At this moment, I realized the seriousness of the matter, why did I kill those things without hesitation in the past? Although they are monsters, they can kill them so simply?

I won't hate it, I won't hate it, I even think it's a way to solve troubles, they are troubles, so just get rid of them easily.

And... most importantly, I should be here for the first time, right?


The creatures started to gather, they were very sensitive to sound, so after I shouted like this, they attacked me one by one.

However, I was kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath like I was about to suffocate, unable to move, no, I didn't plan to move at all, the fact of the shock made my brain freeze...

The fragile heart gradually fell asleep, as if to escape from reality.

So as usual, the black crystal appeared beside——

run through

one more time



continue to run through


next one

don't stop

Cleared in all directions






And then... the last one


No more monsters, no more, no more, no more...

No, there's one more, obviously, there's another monster, really, as long as it's monsters, they have to be ruled out, because they'll get in my way!

I lost consciousness.


The first time, as soon as I walked in, I died when I encountered the monster, and I didn't even have time to react.

The second time, although I reacted, I still couldn't escape the pursuit of the monster.

The third time, I managed to get rid of the first attack, but when I saw the second monster, my desperation gave me a gap.

The fourth time, I escaped the pursuit three times, because I was used to it and could respond more quickly, but the fourth monster removed the stone and smashed me to death.

The fifth time too, I couldn't find a way to deal with it.

The sixth time, I used the corridor and the moving steps to keep the monster from targeting me, so I succeeded, but I accidentally walked on the road of destruction and accidentally stumbled.

The seventh time I encountered a very difficult monster, he was smarter than the average monster, so I never managed to escape.

I just keep trying, keep trying, keep trying...

Then, finally, I don't know the number of times, I immediately counterattacked and killed him the moment he jumped from the ceiling and attacked.



I opened my eyes, it was the castle, it was very high, I couldn't see the top when I looked up, and a thick layer of fog blocked my sight. I explored the castle and of course killed several monsters.

Going forward along the memory, no, this is the first time I come here, there is no memory at all.

That should be intuitive, right? Follow your instincts and explore inside the castle.

But... I walked into the castle and met the first corner, I subconsciously stretched out my hand, and then a monster behind the corner was killed by me.

Continuing to walk, the second monster again stretched out its hand and penetrated the other side with a black crystal, and then he died.

Then came the third, the fourth, the fifth...

Slaughter all the way, kill any creature you see in front of you, keep going like this, keep killing, and keep exploring according to your intuition, until...

"Ah, did you save me?"

A girl with long pink hair, her sparkling eyes showed admiration, and she showed an innocent smile like a child.

I regained consciousness, and the long-lost encounter with a human-like creature allowed me to regain my ability to think a little, communicate with her, and then she said that she would help me realize a wish.

Then... I ran away, running very fast, and when I heard the word "wish", I ran away instantly without looking back.

Physically and psychologically, I felt rejection and fear, as if something bad would happen. It was the first time I felt so scared, as if I had encountered an unkillable monster.

I ran as fast as I could, and as always, I already had a route in my mind, so I could get rid of her smoothly.

So I ran away, kept running, kept running, and gradually... I began to feel confused, and the surrounding environment became unfamiliar, but I was extremely excited.

This is a place I haven't been to, a church, no, it's just a church-like place.

I was excited to be in a different place for the first time, a place my "gut" told me I had never been before.

Immediately after confirming that there are no monsters, they immediately explore. The long wooden chairs are neatly arranged, and there is a place in front of them that looks like a prayer table. The colorful glass reflects dazzling colored light.

There are candles on both sides, but they are not lit, and the whole space is actually quite dark.

I checked the chairs one by one, but couldn't find anything strange, so I went to the prayer table.

There was a book on it, and there was a bookmark in the book, and it was literally asking me to turn the page.

(Trap it...)

First observe the cover. The plain cover has no text, and the cover is a bit rough, but it feels very comfortable.

Open the first page, the result is blank, and then turn to the next page after confirming that there is no hidden text.

It is still blank, and there is no hidden text, and then the next page! blank, next page, blank, next page, blank...

The whole book is blank, I skipped the bookmarked page, and there are currently only two pages with text in the entire book, but only two short names.

The penultimate page reads, Ace Hillacher

On the penultimate page it says, Kasim Novi

It seems that I can only open the page of the bookmark. The black crystal surrounds me. The unconscious behavior is just a defense.

Open that page, there are a few lines of text on it.

[Only pure angels are qualified to return to the world]

[Those full of filth will be forever reincarnated in hell]

[Only angels can be redeemed]

[Only angels can redeem others]


Nouns that are incompatible with me, no matter how I look at them, they are demons, that is, people who are full of filth in the book.

"Eternal reincarnation in hell..."

I always feel that he is prompting something, why is there a strong unease? But there are no more words in the whole book. I turned a few pages at random, and there are indeed only records of words in these three places in the book.

Angels can redeem others, angels can be redeemed, so I just need to find angels?

But the question is, who are the angels? And my mind started to get confused, the "gut feeling" I had been relying on suddenly failed, and I had no way of knowing what to do next.

Taking a step, but backing up, not daring to move forward, because he has lost his direction, he is like a lost lamb, helpless and hopeless.

" should I go?"

There is only one passage in the church, and if you turn back, you need to explore another way, but I seem to have explored all the places.

So what to do now, to find the angels? But what does the so-called redemption mean?


There is a cross hanging on the wall behind the prayer table, and a statue of a goddess hanging on the top, but the right half of the body has been damaged, and the left arm is also broken, but there is no damaged residue around.

The entire space still exudes a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

But the eyes of the statue... It's obviously just a statue, but it seems to be alive. Its eyes seem to focus on me, and it even changes with the direction I move.

as if alive...

I got a little closer to the statue and noticed a text engraved on it.

[At the expense of self-sacrifice, the imprint of self is imprinted on the holy book, and the wish is fulfilled. ]

Sacrifice yourself? So suicide? But how can this wish be fulfilled?

Or does the so-called sacrifice have other meanings? But it's an important clue, very, very, very important, especially the so-called "wish."

My wish is... to go back? leave here? Leave this spooky castle?

It should be, although I'm not very sure, but I just feel that leaving here is the right choice.

cost? Sacrifice yourself? Leave your mark on the holy book?

Not life, should, because the intangible cannot leave a trace, sacrificing the self? If not life, what is the sacrifice?

Blood? Is the answer so simple? Or some body part? This is also a possibility.

Does the holy book mean the book on the prayer table? Leave a mark... Wishes come true.

Now that I've hit a bottleneck, let's just try it out. A black crystal appeared on my hand. After taking a deep breath, I cut off my pinky finger.


It was more painful than I thought, but still tolerable, I opened the book on the prayer table, turned to the third-to-last page, and put my fingers on it.

I meditate on my wish in my heart, although I am not sure if this is what I want, but for the time being, there is no more suitable wish.

Putting his finger on the book, he began to make a wish in his heart, but after a long time there was no movement.

"Is there something missing?"

A stamp of the self? not blood? Not the body? Or, am I missing some key?

The writing has been stained red with blood, but there is no movement. The silence of the church is chilling, and there is even a bloody smell.

"what exactly is it……"

I looked at the red-stained writing again, but suddenly found that the blood above was absorbed cleanly, the entire writing returned to white again, and a paragraph of text appeared on it.

[Mark the things you have, write your wishes, and the fire will light the way for you. ]

Guessing again, but there is at least one obvious text, there is a quill in the corner of the prayer table, which I didn't notice at first due to the dim space and the similar color to the prayer table.

I wrote my wish in writing that I wanted to get out of here.

The writing suddenly burst into a blue flame, and the surrounding candles suddenly lit by themselves, just normal candlelight.

Fire to light the way for me? The blue flame is burning brightly, and the candlelight around it seems to be dimmed. The flame that guides me should be the blue one, right?

Pure speculation, but all the steps from the beginning are basically random guesses by me, so I still admire myself for getting to this point.

So... I have nothing to think about, no, I should say I don't know where to think, so I decided to reach out and touch the flame.

In an instant, the flames wrapped around my body and quickly devoured me. I was surrounded by blue flames, but I didn't feel pain and burning.

My consciousness became blurred, as if I was about to die, is this feeling inexplicably familiar?

The speed is a bit slow, but the feeling of losing consciousness is very familiar, really, very, very familiar...

A memory flashed through my head as if breaking free. It was me, waking up from outside the castle, just like the beginning...

No, there is a slight difference. "I" looked inexplicably scared, inexplicably panicked, and stood there for a long time before finally taking the first step.

The memory was suddenly interrupted, followed by the next memory, the same "I," but this time I was running away, there was a monster behind, but I chose to run away?

Why? It's enough to turn around and kill him. I've always done this, following my body's intuition...

Then in the next second, I saw "I" was penetrated, torn to pieces by that monster, and died very, very miserably.

The next memory, "I," didn't run away this time, I killed a certain monster, and then I met... a girl with pink hair.

I was chatting with her and she took my hand, but I shook her hand away and...

kill her?

The black crystal pierced through her, and then...then...I started howling, but it attracted monsters, so I started slaughtering, killing, killing, killing, and finally...

I committed suicide?

Then it's still "I," and then it's still "I," the next memory is still "I," and the next paragraph, the next paragraph, the next paragraph, the next paragraph...

All the memories of "me", those people in the memory, all of them are "me," the me who is standing here now, my consciousness ready to disappear...

So, like in the past, consciousness gradually blurred, and finally--

I lost consciousness.


Castles, fog, broken stone walls, dirty red carpets, decorative armor.

I opened my eyes... No, I opened my eyes again and again, how many times is this?

The intuition I have always relied on is actually the awareness that past memories have left in my mind, obeying those memories and moving forward, and then getting stronger over and over again.

So in the end, I was able to kill those monsters easily, very, very easily, like stepping on ants on the ground.

But... I clearly made a wish? My last memory was that I found the church and figured out what might have gotten me out of here.

My wish is to get out of here...

Another massacre, killing monsters with the fastest speed, exploring the castle with the fastest speed, relying on the memory of the past, and soon, I will find the church.

Continue to follow the memory, start making a wish, cut off your fingers, wait for the text to appear, write the wish, blue flames burst out, and immediately reach out and touch the flames.

The flames devoured me at once, and my consciousness began to lose consciousness, just like the last time, and finally lost consciousness, and then...


I open my eyes, it's the castle, it's the fog, it's the stone wall, it's the carpet, it's the armor...

I'm back to square one again.


why! I was terrified, obviously there were no monsters, obviously there was no danger, but...a terrifying thought came to my mind.

No, it's a sentence, I'm really a fool, that sentence has already explained everything, obviously he has already told me, and told me my ending and fate...

(Those who are full of filth will be forever reincarnated in hell)

Reincarnation... so I can't go back? Waking up here all the time, exploring here again and again, staying here all the time, doing nothing...

A person full of filth, although I am not sure about the standard, but I, who have killed so many creatures, must have already been full of filth. I am a demon who can only be reincarnated in "hell" forever.

After realizing this... I can't seem to accept such a result, my heart seems to be broken, and an unspeakable bitterness spreads in my heart.

More desperate than the first time I met a monster, more desperate than the first time I was killed by a monster, more desperate than accidentally killing Hong, I was so desperate, so desperate that I wanted to die...

The black crystal appeared beside me... unconscious, without thoughts, like a dead person, with nothing but death in mind.

Can't go back, can never go back, can only be reincarnated in this damn "hell", always trapped in this damn place, always in this place full of weird monsters...

"No ah ah ah!"

Miserable screams echoed at the door outside the castle, and it seemed that I saw a few monsters swaying to the window and staring at me, but it didn't matter anymore, it really didn't matter...

If I have to be reincarnated in hell...then, why am I still alive?

Black crystals run through me and I lose consciousness.


How many times?

Why can't you be freed?

How long am I going to stay here?

Ah...because I'm a demon, full of filth, that's why I stay here.

Crying tears, but it can only be like this, because this can't change anything, I can only be here, I can only be in... "Hell."

Walking in a hurry, the empty eyes can no longer reflect any color, the black and white world, like a world with only despair and sadness...

No, it is, there is only sadness and despair.

How long have I been here? Find a room and live in it, take care of it to your satisfaction, with soft beds, durable and sturdy wardrobes, and a bathroom where you can relax and take a bath...

No, but I still can't leave here, I can only linger here all the time.

Although there are others, it's not bad, they're not angels, and it means nothing to me.

It was always just the few of us, Hong first came to my room next door, I resisted the urge to kill her, and slowly accepted her existence.

Then there are two girls, Ashe and Rosie, but they are not angels, neither are angels, they are people full of filth, and they are people who can only be reincarnated in hell.

Then ah, then ah...

I met her, a child as white as an angel.

"wait a minute!"

I turned around, and in front of me was a girl I had never seen before. She was white as pure as an angel.


The dead heart seems to start beating, because she is the angel, the angel who can free me...

She is my salvation, the angel who can take me out of hell!

The words on the book clearly appeared in my mind, and my heart had never been so excited, but there was no expression on my face, I could only look at her like a puppet.

But at least I know one thing very well, she must not be allowed to escape, and the angel must not be allowed to escape!

So... I started to respond to the girl, because she is an angel, she is an angel who can free me, so ah...

I helped her choose a very suitable name.

"I'll just call you... Shiro? Is that okay?"


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