Freelance Writing Project: Blue

Lily Chen
Serving your dreams is also a form of unfreedom. When the dream changed from light blue to dark blue! From the blue of the sky to the indigo blue that sinks into the abyss of the sea, I don't have the courage to admit that I want to let go of such an unhappy dream, because since I was educated, people who say that they give up their dreams are not worthy of encouragement.

Zhang Huimei's Tinghai has a lyric sung like this: "Gray is something I don't want to say, blue is melancholy." Once upon a time, blue also became a melancholy color for me? In fact, not really, except for the occasional feeling of sympathy when I hear Blue Monday after starting work, I actually like blue quite a bit.

When I was a child, I liked to draw, and I liked to draw the underwater world and the sky. The two have one thing in common. The pictures are all comfortable blue. "Blue" has been a relaxing color since I had the impression, because the light blue of the sky immediately came to my mind, and the sky of that color is usually beautiful and the weather is good, so I like blue.

After thinking about it so seriously, I realized that when I was a child, although I was keen on Disney princesses, I mentioned to others that my favorite color was not dreamy pink, but blue. Fortunately, the series of questions asking about my preferences was asked ten or twenty years ago, because if I were to ask about my favorite color now, I might choose obstacles and not be able to answer them.

The older a person is, the more moderate his words and deeds become. The longer he steps on the line of harmony, the more he can't say what he likes strongly about! Because excessive liking will become a kind of attachment, and when that happens, I will not like my stubbornness.

I think living a life of not being enslaved by material means achieving a balance of body and mind between the choices of material life, and achieving a state of physical and mental health. In the past, I always thought that "things" were tangible things. In recent years, I have gradually realized that if the dream on my back is too heavy, it is also a shackle.

"If a person doesn't have a dream, isn't he like a salted fish?" This movie line should be familiar to friends who grew up watching Stephen Chow! I used to be so afraid that I would become a stinky and ugly salted fish. After swimming and swimming, I finally saw what my heart might want. In an instant, I felt as if I wasn't slanted or slanted, and I was even a little proud of having a dream.

But when I treat the dream in my arms harshly, it feels as if something has gone bad! Because I was unhappy, I didn’t dare to neglect all the hard work that my dream “should” have to put in. At that time, I just wanted to endure all the hardships on the way to my dream, and hoped that one day my dream would come true. I wonder if it's a bit sad, because my favorite day is never today, and my expectations are always after today.

Serving your dreams is also a form of unfreedom. When the dream changed from light blue to dark blue! From the blue of the sky to the indigo blue that sinks into the abyss of the sea, I don't have the courage to admit that I want to let go of such an unhappy dream, because since I was educated, people who say that they give up their dreams are not worthy of encouragement.

Having said so much, of course, I don’t intend to use my own ideas to tell people in the world not to chase dreams bravely. Of course, dreams should still be chased bravely, but on the way to dream, I hope that I can have enough wisdom to see the beautiful colors. .

Colors are neutral and blue is not somber. The same dream can be practiced by different people and have different life scripts. I have been away from work for a long time due to illness, and I hope that the curse of Blue Monday will also be broken. When I return to work one day, Monday will also have Happy Start and Happy Ending!

Related Reading: Always Progressive, No So-called Mistakes | Free Writing Project Day 3: Blue


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Lily Chen 我用文字理解自己和這個世界給我的種種感受,唯有靜下來好好寫些什麼的時候,我覺得自己最像自己,已經不必再有任何心理狀態的偽裝。 也歡迎來追蹤我的方格子帳號:
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