[Podcast Teaching] What exactly is RSS feed?

This is an ancient network technology. This article uses a few metaphors to tell you the relationship between RSS, Hosting and audio files of Podcast programs. For the detailed history of RSS feeds, how the inventor thinks about using this technology to achieve the core values of "low threshold for publishing creations" and "actively choosing to receive content", you can refer to the appendix of the book "How to Make a Popular Podcast". The author uses nearly Half the length of the book describes this wonderful story and the original intention of the technology.

Use story metaphors to understand proper nouns

This article doesn't talk about ancient and technical details because I don't know much about the chicken cake. XD
Those who are interested can google it or ask a friend of the gods, or you can refer to the appendix of the book "How to Make a Popular Podcast"

Photographer: Anna Tarazevich , Link: Pexels

The following stories are quoted, with a comparison of metaphors and proper nouns, and finally the broadcast platform that most people choose to use

Firstory https://firstory.me/
 You used various methods to get the handsome guy's phone number,
No matter if the handsome guy moves or changes the telecommunications company with the code, as long as the number remains the same,
You can find him by dialing the same number from any dial-up device (mobile phone, internet communication software, etc.).
  • RSS feed: Handsome Guy's Phone Number
  • Hosting: Handsome Guy's Home and Telecom Company
  • Playback Software/Platform: Dial Device
  • Voice file: handsome man himself
Bailingguo News https://bailingguonews.wixsite.com/bailingguo
 You put up a website and write articles on it,
The station service provider will give you a URL,
People who want to read the article can use various browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.) to enter this URL and see your article.
  • RSS feed: URL
  • Hosting: A website and a domain service provider
  • Playback Software/Platform: Browser
  • Audio file: the article you wrote
Uncle Jesse https://blog.jesselin.com/index.php
 You have produced a batch of goods, but there is no place to store them in your personal space,
Just ask the landlord to rent a storage space to store the products, and the landlord will give you an exclusive room number.
You can post your room number in many places,
So that everyone can come back from time to time to see if there is any new product or whole new product in this room number.

To be able to send out products, you must find a storage space to store them.
It is relatively simple to rent directly from the landlord, exchange rent or give up advertising rights in exchange for rent discounts or even free,
No need to spend manpower and material resources to purchase space and maintain.
  • RSS feed: Exclusive room number
  • Hosting: the host
  • Playing software/platform: where the room number information is posted
  • Playing software/platform application: post your room number information everywhere
  • Audio file: the goods you produce and the whole new product

Podcast playback software/platform: listeners have the freedom to choose how they listen

As long as the creator applies the RSS feed to the broadcasting software/platform for public listing, the audience can find the program

  • Built-in: Apple Podcast, iTunes, Google Podcast
  • Playing platform combined with streaming music: KKBOX, Spotify
  • Third-party players: Overcast, Pocket Casts
  • Web player, or each program's own website...etc.

photographer: cottonbro , link: Pexels

Chicken cake shreds

Podcast is a very early development of RSS technology using network technology to "one-way push" content. Most people's experience in using RSS may be to subscribe to news, e-newsletters or to update articles on specific websites, and there are many related subscription management and reading tools. Through the above analogy, in addition to explaining the relationship between RSS, Hosting, and audio files of Podcast programs, the following questions can also be answered:

  1. Will changing Hosting service providers affect listeners listening?
  2. Will changing the hosting service provider affect the number of subscriptions for each playback platform?
  3. Will I lose the previously accumulated data if I change the Hosting service provider?
  4. Can I start a new show/kill and retrain with an existing RSS feed?
  5. Is the choice of Podcast listening platform related to Hosting?

If there is no definite answer to the above yes-no questions, please read the above little metaphor a few more times~
Really not sure? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!


Happy Podcasting!

// The original text was published on Medium, updated the invalid link and added personal application and experience//

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§ Podcasts §

" Hey, are you okay ": the daily life of an active-duty depression patient

" Chicken cake hatching ": Podcast sound content production teaching, behind-the-scenes idea sharing

§ Medium § Facebook fan page § Instagram § TAIWAN PODCASTER


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雞蛋糕 GCAKE《喂喂你還好不好》:一個現役憂鬱症患者的日常 Podcast https://open.firstory.me/user/wwhowbuhow/platforms Podcast 創作者、製作人、製作教學 創作日常反思和閒聊在 Liker.social 象特
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