My colleagues resigned collectively when I went to work. Will the boss be finished because of this?


This title, on the one hand, is full of worry, but on the other hand, it is also a little gloating.

Colleagues leave collectively, I am worried that I will be tortured by the superior in the future, and new colleagues who cannot get along

Here's the thing. Three counselors in our group were determined to leave (five counselors in the group). When the group meeting was held last Friday, I also proposed to the 87 group leader to resign. Among these three employees, one of them was the "window" of our unit and the most important colleague in the group, but he had a conflict with the superior a while ago and was fired. The other was a counselor who was expected by the officers to take over the "window" position, so he was frequently harassed a while ago and asked him to do all kinds of things he didn't want to do. The last one is a senior counselor who has worked here for four years. Basically, these three are very important counselors here, because they not only have many difficult cases to handle, but also many complex businesses.

I actually knew they were going to leave a long time ago, so I was a little flustered some time ago. After all, they left, and I, who had only been employed for a year, accidentally became the "second senior" employee here. Next, I will most likely have to take on the disgusting situations that these resigned colleagues have faced, such as: the chief speaks nothing, and after showing evidence to prove that he lied, he can still be angry and sophistry for granted; Signed but did not state the reason. In the end, it took more than 20 times of official document signing process to approve it. Finally, the employee was asked to delete and rewrite the official document to destroy the evidence that made things difficult for the employee; the supervisor asked us to use up the funds but We are not allowed to hold high-value activities (the budget for activities is 2 million a year, and if we spend more than 100,000 yuan, we will be refunded). Spend the money on some messy things; the boss requires us to process the official documents within a day, but often the official documents will be pressed by the upper management and not passed, but they do not review them, but review the employees; because the employees only ask after the fact Special Hugh, the boss will not let the employee's leave slip through if he is not happy. Even if the personnel office has allowed the special employee to ask for it afterwards, the boss still does not let the employee go.

In particular, they also hired an 87 who only listened to the commander's orders but had no thinking ability to serve as the team leader. Team leaders often don’t understand the situation, even if they don’t understand, pretending to understand, thinking they are listening to our ideas. When he opened his mouth to say the next sentence, he knew that he was completely deaf to our words. When encountering a problem, I like to say, "I can't help it," and it is a matter of course for us to come up with a solution. The boss is already very unreasonable, and we have encountered a team leader who is unclear. How can we, as employees, continue to stay in such an environment?

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are all kinds of exaggeration, I won't go into details, and my previous articles have also mentioned a lot. I was worried that I would be the next core target to be squeezed.

Another point that worries me extremely is that, after leaving three colleagues, I don't know what kind of people will the new colleagues join next? Especially now that the chief will definitely intervene in the selection of new employees. I am very worried that they will find employees who will only obey the commander at the expense of students' rights. Then I'll be the minority in the office trying to defend students' rights.

The Ministry of Education is about to take action, what will the officers do?

But last Thursday, there was good news.

In a letter from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education informed that if the turnover rate of employees in the resource class was as high as 50% in that year, they would assign an interviewer to investigate the reason. This is a rule that has never existed before. I am not surprised, after all, the turnover rate of resource classrooms in colleges and universities has been exaggerated in recent years. A while ago, I also saw that some schools were recruiting four employees at a time. As you can imagine, the turnover rate of resource classes is high, which is not surprising.

Although I still have some doubts about the government's way of handling affairs, I sincerely hope that the following visits will not just be perfunctory and formal. If the Ministry of Education really takes effective action on this matter, it can indeed put pressure on the school, so that the school can treat employees well and pay attention to professionalism. For us counselors, we will have an important support in the future, and will not be arbitrarily determined by the boss. At the mercy. The point is to reduce turnover, after all having students constantly re-adjusting to a new counselor may not be a good thing for them. Of course, for me, I joined the company a few days ago for a year, and I also asked the team leader for an additional license. According to the letter from the Ministry of Education, the school should also try to keep people, so it shouldn't be a big problem to successfully pass the bonus, right?

Of course, I also feel very sorry. I get along pretty well with my colleagues here, and they even helped me get my license after I was dismissed. In addition, they really care about the students and want to work hard in the resource class. But because of the bosses doing this, the counselors who were serious and good to students all left one by one.

The chief has seen the letter from the Ministry of Education, but the resignation letter of my colleague will not be signed until tomorrow. Will it blow up, sir? Or will there be all kinds of inexplicable moves? Will the chief be dismissed as mismanagement? I'll wait and see.

Finished on 2022.04.17


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