Explain Words 4: A Short Story that uses 492 words to write the 70-year history of the CCP

"It is impossible for water to travel directly through the desert in the form of a river; it must become a cloud, float over, and fall as rain."

The last article may not have a good response because I said too much about me. This time we will go straight to the topic and advertise my first three articles. I hope everyone can communicate more.

Explain Word 3: Talk about the waist band and my favorite single "Tough Guy"

Explain Word 2: "The Tavern" where Wan Qing was banned in the mainland---Don't forget June 4th

Explain Word 1: The first post of the newcomer report of a sad-faced knight -- a brief explanation of "Dark Cloud Pawn"

This "A Short Story" is also from Yunnan's "Rock Freaks" waist band's fourth album "Meet and Hate". The background of the band and the album was briefly introduced in the previous article . Friends who missed it will make up for it by themselves. This will not repeat

"A Short Story" is a very popular song even among the waist music fans (it's tied for the second favorite in my case, second only to the tough guy), not only because of the extremely beautiful and pleasant melody, even if you have never been in touch with rock at all People can also cycle down, which is also the feature of this album; and it is obscure and poetic at first glance, but when you think about it, the lyrics are extremely naked. It is reflected incisively and vividly, and every lyrics of the waist can be taken out and published as a modern poem.

Okay, without further ado, let's get in, a short story

A Short Story - Waist Band - See You Too Late

Waist - 03

spin jump

He felt a headache every way

 Poetic texts have two images, inside and outside, but the images inside and outside of the waist are mixed.
 This should be an image. A man with a headache is drunk and stumbles on the road. He is still thinking about who he was at the dance just now. Continuing to look at Simultaneous Road may also be a metaphor for the reform of the CCP's line. In this case, this paragraph will be smooth, but I can't find a suitable borrower for the "Flying Bird" and "Wenfeng" below, so I don't list it.

Fresh Patrick's head

 Patrick Patrick
[British] [ˈpætrik] [American] [ˈpætrɪk]
n. Noble new: After the announcement of reform, the new nobles who fell through the office and embezzled the people's property from public to private

They are all pioneering masturbators

 "Economic power", "Every rabbit has always dreamed of being a big country" (laughs

men who men love love municipalities

 After the Second Communist Party, GDP became the main indicator to measure political performance

The municipality loves the citizens, the citizens love to hang around

 Hanging around: Money Worship and the Wave of Consumerism After Reform

spin jump

He felt the birds also have headaches

 as above

Fake Patrick full of brains

It's a solid one-man show

 Counterfeit: Economic aristocrats who gain their status by stealing a country One-man show: "One Party Dictatorship", "Democratic Centralization"

The men the boys love love the machines

machine love law law is you

 Machines: Sweatshops, the biggest source of GDP Laws: Profitable businessmen want umbrellas, local officials want political achievements, hit it off, Huawei 251 and Jasic Labour Movement are examples The law is you: Three powers in one

The place where Cintilella fell in the middle of the night

 New Tireira Cinderella 
[English] [ˌsɪndəˈrelə] [American] [ˌsɪndəˈrɛlə] 
n. People who have not received due attention: Cinderella (Cinderella)

Contribute to the whole blood-red high-rise building

 After the forced demolition in the middle of the night, on the land stained with people's blood, "China Speed" rose from the ground

There is a touch of sadness between doing and not doing

 "Why can't socialism engage in a market economy? This cannot be called capitalism."
                                         ———————— In 1979, Inakami Fei’s speech

His origin is rotten

 Prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer, not to mention the bureaucratic system has been corrupted to this point

Don't worry, no song can

Sing this reality to hell

 Liu Tao's voice also reminded me of the famous "100%" by the plastic man band of the universe:
"...they're afraid of rock music, they're afraid of electric guitars, they're afraid of electric guitars, they're afraid of old people walking down the street and behind locked doors, they're afraid of what people write and what people say..."

When you can still enjoy this silence my lord

This mess won't end

 Shunmin is as quiet as a sheep (Fela is unbearable), and even if Leviathan rolls around, he can make excuses for himself to numb himself, because of castration, because of fatigue, because of the fear left over from the last century, but one day, angry people no longer fear

spin jump

He felt even the evening wind had a headache

 as above

son of a bitch patrick full of brains

About the Glider

 Body Glider: You Know It All

He said the men women love love loli

Loli loves bags and bags loves money

 Three mistresses (husbands) count as life corruption, and three or more mistresses (husbands) count as life corruption

He walked out of the phalanx of the high fortress

Bring news of the conference

 General Assembly Phalanx Fortress: Make up your own brain for the annual broadcast of the two sessions

In the journey of the puppy and the land dealer

He is developed affirmation

 The king of sky-high prices, four trillion, eight trillion water injection property market The property market is GDP, is China's speed

wait for him and them

When they can't trust everyone

 The Peng Yu case in society, the soaring prices in the economy, the gang faction, the Jiang faction in politics, the chaos of the Red Second Generation

Only Dong and her aunt never went out of the window

silent view

 This imagery is obvious, and the imagery cannot be deciphered. Considering that Dong and Auntie represent cold and blood, respectively, the possibility of a major flood is slim (Auntie Confused Ecstasy)

The party is coming to an end tonight

The party is coming to an end tonight

The party is coming to an end tonight

The party is coming to an end tonight

 This dark party will end
 When I heard this meaning for the first time, I was really excited. In addition, there is a switch between the left and right channels. Be sure to wear headphones to listen to the left first, then the right, and finally chorus.

The darkest highest channel is still there

 The Daily People's Daily in the era of paper media, CCAV in the era of TV, and now the power of Tuan Tuan and learning

An expensive mystery to cover the city for the next hundred years

 "One Hundred Years of Unshakable"

He leaned against the shy gift pile

Ran Ran to sleep

 The nobles slept peacefully in the hymn, but can you hear the people singing?
 Who hasn't spoken yet? Whoever abandons me to defend my city is born with the right and has the will to call the shots, who wants to accept their fate and keep silent?
 Wuwu suddenly thought of this sentence and watched the MV again. I couldn't help but burst into tears. It is really painful to be an awakened person in the mainland. Hong Kong compatriots (if I deserve to call you compatriots), you must do your best

The darkest highest channel is still there

An expensive mystery to cover the city for the next hundred years

He leaned against the shy gift pile

Ran Ran to sleep

The darkest highest channel is still there

An expensive mystery to cover the city for the next hundred years

He leaned against the shy gift pile

Ran Ran to sleep

I thought that the title of the song actually had irony in it. The name was a short story, but any sentence in the lyrics was a story of blood and tears, and the cause of this was just a Zhu Critic waved by the ruler, or A randomly selected number, just like this epidemic, a speck of ashes from the times, falling on a person's head is a mountain.

This bacon demon has been stinking for thousands of years for everyone to better understand:

"Shanghai is a big city with a population of 6 million. According to the situation that Shanghai has arrested more than 20,000 people and only killed more than 200 people, I think at least 3,000 people should be killed in 1951. In the first half of the year, at least 1,500 people should be killed. Nanjing is the capital of the Kuomintang, and it seems that more than 200 reactionaries should be killed, and more should be killed in Nanjing.”
Mao Zedong believed that most of the land in East China was carried out in a relatively peaceful way, and that too few bandit leaders, bullies, and secret agents were killed. After balancing the execution plans reported by various localities, Mao Zedong calculated the proportion of each locality that should be executed. In February of the same year, according to Mao Zedong's suggestion, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a special meeting to discuss the ratio of executions.

There are multiple interpretations of this song. In addition to the above two-forty-year history epitome, there is also the 70-year general history of the CCP (which is also the origin of the name), which is interpreted as the first paragraph of the Great Leap Forward, and the second paragraph is interpreted as the Cultural Revolution. There is also the process of interpreting a contemporary idealist into a bureaucrat, these are the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. Readers can experience

This song has been blocked by the entire network on 19.9. At the end of June last year, the entire album was briefly released on NetEase Cloud, and soon over 10,000 comments were made. ""I Love You" and "Not a Love Letter" were blocked by the entire network, leaving only a few harmless songs

Hope you all like it


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