[Small Novel] She is a woman abandoned by her husband

Photo by Atharva Tulsi on Unsplash

She is a woman abandoned by her husband.

Neighbors were talking behind her back.

Only she knew that was not the case. Her husband did not leave her.

Her husband was last seen wearing a sweatshirt. This is his favorite attire on weekdays, but he carried an extra travel bag that day.

Before that, the neighbors had heard a violent quarrel with her husband, followed by a series of smashing dishes; they also heard her husband clamoring for a divorce, but she was struggling a lot. sky.

After not seeing her husband for more than a week, and adding to all the signs, the neighbors deduced the fact that she had been abandoned by her husband. Even so, as usual, she worked hard at the sunrise, insisted on buying food for two people, and still talked about her husband before and after.

In the eyes of the neighbors, her every move contains deep meaning. The more calm she acted, the more conspicuous she became.

There have been several women abandoned by their husbands in this mansion before. They either became hysterical or angry. There has never been a person like her who was abandoned by her husband and behaved as if nothing had happened.

Some neighbors couldn't help but look at her, she always said nothing, just let out weird laughter, which made people creepy.

Once she said to someone who came to care about her: "You don't really care about me, you just want to take the opportunity to vent your dissatisfaction with your husband."

Because of being told about the central thing, the neighbors were furious with her. From then on, they vowed to ignore her affairs, but every time they got together, they couldn't restrain her and scold her, scolding her that she deserved to be abandoned by her husband.

And she turned a deaf ear to the cynicism of the neighbors from beginning to end.

Then one day, her husband came back, wearing that tracksuit, carrying that travel bag, and whistling like before as he waited for the elevator. When someone asked him where he had been, he shrugged and laughed as weirdly as his wife.

A week later, no one cared about her and her husband anymore. What the neighbors are now concerned about is that Mrs. Huang's daughter on the 14th floor ran away from home. Mrs. Huang's daughter is thirty-eight years old this year, and she ran away from home at this age. It is indeed a good topic for them to talk about after dinner.

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