Solitaire | Questions and Answers about June 4th


After seeing the Q&A initiated by @Hymnsin , I feel that I can take this opportunity to write about my understanding and complex about June 4th.

(Today I went to the 64 Memorial Hall in Mong Kok, and Victoria Park. Thank you Hong Kong people for continuing to keep their memories. If I could not see and talk about these in Hong Kong, I am worried that my memory and cognition will become hallucinations and be vulnerable. .)

(I added a prerequisite question privately) Q0: How did you know about June 4th?

In 1989, when I was 4 years old, I hardly have any non-experiential memories for children of this age. But remember that because in Guangdong, you can watch all Hong Kong TV programs (such as TVB, World, Pearl) without barriers. In the following years, I often saw pictures of the rally in front of Tiananmen Square on TV, and of course the famous "Tank Man" picture. Due to the official blockade of the incident in mainland China, what I learned was naturally the rhetoric of the Hong Kong media. Therefore, I have never doubted the nature of the incident of "the turn of spring and summer". When I grow up, I naturally don't believe what the authorities say. Later (all of them graduated from university) I saw a documentary about Tiananmen Square, and I got a little complete understanding of the whole incident.

Q1: Do you think the June 4th Incident happened?

As mentioned above, it must have happened, and I have heard it mentioned by the elders.

Q2: Do you think the June 4 incident is a peaceful petition?

Yes. Learned from news reports and documentaries, such as filing petitions, hunger strikes, etc.

Q3: Do you think there was a massacre at Tiananmen Square during the June 4th Incident?


Q4: Do you think the repression during the June 4th Incident (if it exists) is necessary?

no need. There is no legitimacy to use force against unarmed civilians.

Q5: Do you think there was infiltration and manipulation by foreign forces behind the June 4th Incident?


Q6: Do you think it is necessary to lift the ban on the June 4th Incident?

Needed. Not only need to lift the ban, but also to be held accountable and compensated.

Q7: Do you think there is anything ordinary people can do to lift the ban on the June 4th Incident?

Explain and spread the June 4th incident in various ways. Of course, the premise is that you first obtain relevant historical information.

Q8: Do you think the June 4 incident will lift the ban in the next ten years?

Not necessarily now, more pessimistic.

Q9: Do you think the June 4th Incident will lift the ban in your lifetime?

Lifetime...another 30 years? 50 years? There should be a day when the window paper is pierced. Because many people don't know what the 64 days are now, it would be ridiculous for the authorities to censor and hide things like this. Some people will definitely feel inexplicable and stop carrying out relevant censorship. For example, imagine that one day most people in this society do not know why 64 is so special, and then all Internet companies have to be upgraded and maintained collectively on this day? (laugh

Q10: Do you think the June 4 incident is the original sin of the Chinese Communist Party?

Sin but not original sin. It can be said that the Communist Party is the original sin of June 4 (every totalitarian government has basically encountered similar incidents, and most of them have been transformed from democracy).

Q11: Do you agree with the political views of the petitioners during the June 4th Incident?

identify. There's nothing wrong with this political proposition (and it doesn't feel empty and childish in the protest students' demands). On the one hand, since the economy (slightly) opened up in the 1980s, people's minds have also opened up a lot, and it is natural to pursue more rights and justice. On the other hand, since other countries (Eastern Europe, South Korea, etc.) also have similar paths in the same period, the logic of such social movements is very reasonable.


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UglyBullCrypto Anarchist, UNIX nerd/geek, FOSS advocate Liberalist, Feminist, ex-NGOer (由于本号非匿名,所以发表的内容不多,不问前程,继续赶路)
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埋头赶路,不问前程 | 2021 年度问卷 (重发)

