You can have both fish and bear's paw


If one day in the future, I need to educate children, I will give them 3 tips.

Give you fat fish before 18, and fishing rod after 18.

Boy, it's not because I'm stingy and don't give you fatty fish anymore. The reason is:

  1. One day maybe I won't be able to help you fish again.
  2. I believe that with your ability, you can catch a richer and fatter fish than I gave you.

But I'm not going to give you a rod and ask you to catch a fish right away. While giving you the fat fish, I will teach you how to get the fat fish at the same time. Listen, what you need is good tools to help you fish. Through these 3 tips, you will be able to enjoy the good time of fatty fish at any time in your life after the integration.

Tips 1. School knowledge education, in order to bring you a job (active income)

Child, you have to invest in your brain before you can use your knowledge. The more knowledge, the more wealth. And this investment is endless, you have to be humble and constantly improve yourself.

You don't need to be a gifted student, but like the "Little Prince" in children's books, you can learn with curiosity and active learning to make the learning journey full of pleasant experiences.

When you step into the workplace, the income for this job requires your professional domain knowledge, your time and your labor in exchange for income. However, once you stop halfway through, the active income of this labor also stops.

Tips 2. Financial education, in order to let money help you make money (portfolio income)

The significance of this package of education is not to say that you can play all day without work. But there are always bad moments in life, like when you get sick, get fired, when you are in a crazy mood for a long vacation, when you just want to rest for no reason.

Children, when you need to stop and take a breath at a certain stage in your life, please tell yourself, "Okay, take a good rest. 』

You can take stress-free breaks without worrying about stopping work without a source of income. Because this financial education tip can help you get through the tough times. Portfolio doesn't stop earning just because you don't go to work today, it's a workaholic 24/7, you just need to invest part of your work income on a regular basis, and it will make money for you 24 hours a day.

This tip is the most important education among the three in my opinion. People are not machines, and machines can also break down, not to mention people. I hope that children can be educated from an early age, so that they can work seriously, play very seriously, or can Seriously rest.

To understand the importance of enjoying life, rather than giving up respite for work.

Children, this is the power of financial education tips.

Tips 3. Dream education, for your passion (passive income)

The job that many people have just entered the workplace may not be their dream job. Because of various factors, they are forced to choose the "it doesn't matter, just do the job to see first" .

Children, your dream job number 1 may not meet your expected salary for the time being, or other reasons force you to put your dream on hold first. But don't let "the mentality of "no fish, even shrimp" block your dream path. Don't give up the original goal, once you are comfortable and comfortable, the dream and happiness will be farther and farther away from you.

Youth and time are your money, and no one can take it away. Pursue your dreams, as long as your enthusiasm is still there, it’s okay to take your time. Enthusiasm is enough to support your motivation to execute your dreams.

Writer Wu Danru has a famous saying: "As long as you go out, you will arrive. 』So you need to take that step, create that dream path and practice it, and one day you will get there. Many people run their own side business in addition to full-time work. That is to do something you are truly passionate about. The return may not be high at the beginning, but don’t ignore the passive income you will bring after investing time and cost. value.

When you feel the moment when the clouds are like water, this dream sideline silently becomes your passive income. After your experience and growth, when passive income plus investment portfolio income can meet your living expenses, you can selectively ask yourself whether you want the one you chose at the beginning "It's okay to do the work to see first".

Delayed enjoyment comes with financial freedom and time freedom.

Child, congratulations to you, as long as you persevere, your life will have the right to choose instead of being forced to choose.

When you will experience setbacks, bottlenecks, and no clues when you are struggling in life, first calm down and read a letter I wrote to you: How to step into a life you really like step by step , and then use other tips to help you.

Writer Cai Kangyong said: Don't allow yourself to become a helpless person.

I don't want you to get fat fish directly, I want to teach you how to do step by step to become the life you really want to live in this life. It's not difficult, it just takes practice and persistence, and most importantly, you have to act. Don't forget to share your tips and knowledge with more people in the future. Remember to always be humble, kind, innocent, and helping others is the foundation of happiness. Children, you will find that life can be so beautiful.

Just like the little boy in the film, before he learned to ride a bicycle, he kept practicing and believing in himself, and when he succeeded, he also shared his experience with others, sharing not only joy but also life education.

Children, please look forward to the Easter Egg Kit.

" what! Can the kit also have Easter eggs? ! 』

thanks for reading. 💛


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