Challenging the Green New Deal, Building Back Better, and Musk's MIT-involved climate model


The ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war has made it clear that energy can be a powerful weapon to limit and counter the enemy in times of war, increasing the public’s basic understanding of climate science and, by extension, energy policy, allowing more people to choose to support compliance with Common sense, scientifically appropriate policy, and not being led astray.

A powerful climate prediction model jointly developed by Climate Interactive, MIT Sloan School of Business and other powerful institutions, subverting your original understanding of the Green New Deal, better rebuilding policies, electric vehicles, home solar energy, afforestation, nuclear energy, etc. . The data and scientific debate provided by the model is also very solid.

Moreover, this prediction model is designed for open interaction, everyone can get started quickly, and it is also suitable for families with middle school students to learn some basic climate science knowledge. It's also a timely message for anyone struggling with whether to install solar power on their roofs and buy an electric vehicle.

I even want to say that if most people learn to use this model and understand the main points, I am afraid we will not face this war now.

In this episode, Mr. Tom Hafer, who is an expert in designing interceptor missiles and unmanned aerial systems, and graduated from MIT, demonstrates how to operate the climate prediction model, and shares some popular science with AOC and Elon Ma. Skek also has hard-to-dispute facts about climate science.

The following is the corresponding English guide, welcome to share to those English platforms with "climate warriors".

Climate Change Modeling - The Answers May Surprise You

Mark Twain once said “Everybody Talks About the Weather, But Nobody Does Anything About It”

But climate regarding change, what should we do? How do we know what measures are effective and whether the cost is worth it? The answers may surprise you.

It turns out that there is a model that anyone can use that will help answer these questions.

Here to discuss it is Mr. Tom Hafer. Tom developed systems for neutralizing rockets and drones. He currently attempts to keep up with the teenagers with his robotic teams.

#greenhouse #greennewdeal #buildbackbetter #climatechange


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