Primary school girl Miao Kexin jumped off the building: no one testified


Sina's report summarizes the incident :

"Don't be deceived by the superficial appearance, hypocrisy and hypocrisy. In today's society, some people look kind on the surface, but their hearts are really dark. They will use all kinds of despicable means and conspiracies to come Achieve your own ulterior purpose." (From Miao Kexin's composition)
According to Miao Kexin's mother, "After reading "Three Beats of White Bone Essence" was criticized by the head teacher for being too negative, "This composition was deleted and edited. After that, the composition was rewritten, but it continued to be deleted, and the middle of the book was torn out. After two pages, I can't imagine how much Miu Miu was hit."
On June 4, a primary school student in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, ran out of the classroom, jumped over the railings and fell to his death after two composition classes. The parents of the students who fell from the building questioned that the teacher sent negative energy to their children’s writing instructions, and that they slapped their children in the face last year, which may be related to the child’s death.
According to Miao Kexin's mother, after the incident, many parents in the class group "liked" the teacher. The official joint investigation team responded that they visited a total of 45 students and 3 teachers, and did not find any abuse or beatings in the classroom that day.

So I started collecting data on the event. After searching and writing for several hours, I found out that the predecessors of the Douban group have already made great collection and sorting . I will back up anti-404:mega .

In addition, additional videos were collected:Miao Kexin dancing with her mother ;Miao’s mother’s WeChat video after being beaten by a teacher in 2019; plus ascreenshot of the Chinese teacher Yuan Dengmei’s webpageon the website of Hebin Primary School in Jintan District found by netizens;Report - I don't think this matter would have become a Weibo super talk without the endorsement of People's Daily Online;a screenshot of a private message where a family member was threatened by the police . The facts and references to what is written below are here.

There are too many issues linked to this incident. Why do children write such "negative energy" words? If this sentence can resonate with people, why is society so "negative"? Why can't teachers accept "negative energy" words in the classroom? Why do teachers charge extra tuition for training courses? As a party member, what kind of ideas have teachers been influenced by? Why do teachers beat and scold students? What is the real role of "composition" in the education system? . . . .

And my own perspective is as follows. "The teacher insulted the primary school students in the name of not having enough 'positive energy', which caused the children's minds to be strongly stimulated and self-seeking short-sighted" - this conclusion, so far, can only be regarded as "inference". The family is faced with an unsolved problem: no one is willing to stand up and testify publicly for what happened in the language class that day - the teacher himself denied it with silence, and the other parents in the class were also silent. Without direct evidence, Yuan Dengmei could not be punished, and the dead little girl and her family would not be given justice, and it would not change the phenomenon of other teachers' violent treatment of students.

The direct evidence is the tip of this anonymous parent:

Then only other side information is left. For example, a friend of a friend is a classmate's parent, and the word passed is that "the teacher slapped her" in class; the child was slapped by the teacher in October 2019; the teacher once insulted corporal punishment Students with poor grades, students from poor children who do not give benefits. None of this can be used to directly justify the circumstances of the day.

The most chilling thing, classmates kicked her out of the small group of 4:

At 8:22 pm on June 4th, Miao Kexin was using this pad and kept it at home. When the parents came home after recording the confession at night and wanted to see if there were any clues on the child's pad, they found that they had been kicked out of the group chat.

And when families pressed for public power to investigate, seeking attention both online and offline, something unsurprising happened:

On the afternoon of June 5, the teacher involved was still in class at the school, and relatives of Miao Miao’s family pulled banners in the rain, imploring the school and teachers to give an explanation, but the school did not respond. Grandma Miao Miao was emotional and wanted the teacher to tell the truth. Among the family members, only Grandma Miao Miao pushed and did not cause actual harm to the teacher. After that, the armed police surrounded the family members and took away Grandma Miao Miao first. After the latter group negotiated strongly in the principal's office, Miao Miao's family could finally go to the police station to watch the surveillance of the incident. The police successively took away all the relatives and friends who were involved in pulling the banners at that time and detained them for 12-24 hours. Grandma Miu Miu also came home in the middle of the night.'s post was deleted, the account was tweeted, and the first few videos on Weibo were also deleted, and a few people knew about it without pulling the banner. Although it is a last resort, it is not possible.
Special police + civilian police, probably five to six to seven or eight times the number of family members. So many people, if they had the time to investigate the case, they would have figured out the truth long ago.
On June 6, most of the relatives were detained at the police station

The family posted on Weibo and were threatened by the police:

"The Internet is not a place outside the law"

Miao Kexin's family appeals to:

Although Miao Miao's father added all the parents in the class group, many of them failed the verification. None of the parents who could be contacted came forward to testify. If the teacher was not dismissed, their children would have to be taught by this teacher for a year. We can understand this kind of embarrassment, but Miu Miu needs a truth to rest his eyes on.

But I also understand the mentality of other people's silence: which parent would be willing to stand up. Is it willing to answer a few threatening calls, or to face the swarms of special police, or to be knocked open in the middle of the night? . . . ?

As for the People's Daily Online report, "the official joint investigation team responded that they visited a total of 45 students and 3 teachers, and found no abuse or beating of students in the classroom that day." This is simply outrageous. While deleting the family members’ posts on the Internet for help, the public authority threatened family members and classmates’ parents with big sticks: “Don’t say it, the police will come to you”; on the other hand, he asked, “Did the teacher scolded anyone that day? "(I'm assuming you really asked.) How would you ask the parents of your classmates to answer? "I don't know, I don't understand, I don't know." I think most people say that's fine.

I'm not a master of theory, and I'm not very good at writing. Here it rises to an altitude of 30,000 meters, citing a passage from Javier's "The Power of the Powerless". I don't know if Havel's "post-totalitarian system" is still suitable for today's China, but I think he said it very well (English + Chinese).

Everyone, however, is in fact involved and enslaved, not only the greengrocers but also the prime ministers. Differing positions in the hierarchy merely establish differing degrees of involvement: the greengrocer is involved only to a minor extent, but he also has very little power . The prime minister, naturally, has greater power, but in return he is far more deeply involved. Both, however, are unfree, each merely in a somewhat different way. The real accomplice in this involvement, therefore, is not another person, but the system itself.
Position is the power hierarchy determines the degree of responsibility and guilt, but it gives no one unlimited responsibility and guilt, nor does it completely absolve anyone. Thus the conflict between the aims of life and the aims of the system is not a conflict between two socially defined and separate communities; and only a very generalized view (and even that only approximative) permits us to divide society into the rulers and the ruled. Here, by the way, is one of the most important differences between the post-totalitarian system and classical dictatorships, in which this line of conflict can still be drawn according to social class. In the post-totalitarian system, this line runs de facto through each person, for everyone in his own way is both a victim and a supporter of the system.....
In reality, however, everyone was involved and enslaved, whether it was the fruit merchant or the prime minister. Different positions in the power hierarchy only lead to different degrees of involvement: the fruit merchant is less involved, but he also has less power. The prime minister naturally has a lot of power, and correspondingly, he is much more involved. Yet neither is free, just in slightly different ways. Therefore, the real accomplice involved in this is not another person, but the system itself.
Position in the hierarchy of power determines a person's power and guilt; but this does not give anyone unlimited power and guilt, and no one is completely innocent. So the conflict between the purpose of life and the purpose of institutions does not exist between two clearly defined and separated groups in society; only a very rough perspective (and even then only an approximation) allows us to put Society is divided into rulers and ruled. By the way, here is one of the most important differences between post-totalitarian regimes and classic dictatorships. In classic dictatorships, the lines of conflict can still be drawn according to social class. In a post-totalitarian system, the line of conflict actually crosses everyone because everyone is in their own way, both a victim of the system and a supporter of it. . .


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