Book lovers and small town bookstores: the irreplaceable human touch of brick-and-mortar bookstores

The theme book list of "Book Lovers, Publishing and Likes to Read", at the beginning of the entry, you will encounter the healing novel "Miracle Story of Yingfengtang Bookstore" series - Miracle Story of Yingfengtang Bookstore, Miracle Story of Yingfengtang Bookstore: Stringing the Stars The hands are warm and slow, suitable for tea or coffee, and books can also be emotional carriers.

Written on the day when Taiwan's epidemic prevention was upgraded to the third level: 2021/05/15

Unique Culture initiated #Reading at home is a series of activities in the epidemic prevention community Just in time, the reading range was opened because of the Duyous of the Moxie Club. After reading some novels, try to push the book with words.

Open the reading range with the theme of "Book"

From the " Three Book Sellers" Podcast , I recommended Shinsuke Yoshitake's "Everything Has a Bookstore" picture book, and began to find some books with the theme of book lovers, bookstores or publishing-related industries to read "The Miracle of Sakurafudo Bookstore" The two works in the "Story" series are the healing novels encountered in this reading journey.

In this era, people's access to information and entertainment channels is very diverse. Most people's main reading carrier is gradually shifting to various screens. What does a bookstore clerk who goes the last mile to the reader do to get every book into the hands of the readers who need it?

"Encounter" brings healing

This is a set of books that can make you dazed for a long time just by looking at the cover

"Story of Miracles in Yingfengtang Bookstore" Image source: Dumo e-book
"Hands Stringing the Stars" Image source: Reading Mo e-book

A resigned bookstore clerk, a small town bookstore that is about to go out of business, and the author of a new book whose sales are unknown slowly, carefully, and lightly string the three together with all the people surrounding the "book" If it is a love book People, authors or related practitioners can find their own resonance in the description of the details in the story:
"Hey, so it turns out that there is so much consideration behind the display of the bookstore?"
"Well, the numbers look very realistic!"
"Ah, it's really not easy for a book to be brought home by readers after it's on the shelves..."
During the reading process, it will be substituted into the Japanese morning drama oral mode (laughs)

The plot will not be thunderous. After reading it, every time I think of this work, there will always be a warm current in my heart. Just like the morning drama, the rain will always pass and the sun will always shine warmly into everyone's heart. Maybe someone in the future will shine. One day, the brick-and-mortar bookstore really became the tears of the times. It can only be left in the memory of history. To say this story is a bit idealized or like a dream bubble, as long as the content can be delivered to the hands of those who need it, cherish the heart of this connection. , will bring the power of self-healing

Active Links and Further Reading

Unique cultural activity post: Write your reading experience before 2021/06/08, and read the e-book (optional book on the shelf)

Unique Culture eBook

"Everything Has a Bookstore"
[Blog to]
[Reading TAAZE]

"Sakurafudo Bookstore Miracle Story"
[Blog to]
[Reading TAAZE]
[Readmoo reading ink e-book]

"Story of Miracles in Sakurafudo Bookstore: Hands Stringing the Stars"
[Blog to]
[Reading TAAZE]
[Readmoo reading ink e-book]

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// The original text is published on the Medium platform //

【I am Chicken Cake】

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