Heard the name of "His", but did not know "His" exists

Bina 療域 • 聊癒

Before "seeing beauty," I didn't think Jesus had anything to do with me. At different stages of his life, he has also made devout friends and was invited to church to participate in activities. At that time, I could feel the power of cohesion based on faith, and as a bystander, I respected what my friends believed.

Until Makai enlightened me on the heart chakra meditation of "God is love", I still thought it was preparation before class. Maybe later, I could understand what the teacher was saying, or it would be used in class, etc... In In the rich, warm fragrance of roses, I closed my eyes and rested as Makai went about her rituals around me.

He has come.

Tears erupted, my body couldn't stop shaking, and I tried to suppress my anger. A sudden and intense outburst of emotion, not because of fear. The shock is there, and the main reason is "big". It is an indescribable force, vast and boundless than any conception of the world, the earth, and the universe that I know in my head; farther and farther than the past and future of human records and inferences. A face appeared in my heart, and I looked into His calm and deep eyes, and instantly understood what unconditional love is. He loves all of me, inside and out, past and future; He embraces my existence, understands why my crippling pain, sorrow and anger arise; He knows the breath and memory of my life and death.

After the enlightenment of the heart chakra meditation, I shared with Makai the reason for the excitement and crying, and I found it a little hard to say at first, but there is no other word to replace it.

So, summoning up the courage to say: That...I see Jesus?

Makai: Ah! I didn't tell you first, seeing beauty is very connected to Jesus because my connection to Jesus is very deep!

At that time, I didn't think deeply about why Jesus wanted me to see Him, but simply thought it should be the relationship between the teacher and the leader! I'll leave it to the class to explore it~ Although I put this experience aside for the time being, I see and feel it for myself. Yes, firmly.

Because what I see is what I see, what has happened is what happened, and what He exists is what He exists. Nothing to embellish, avoid or deny.

He is love.

It's Jesus.

Here, at this moment.


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Bina 療域 • 聊癒 不寫字的時候,耍廢逃避,享受當爛泥的快樂。更多時間花在踏實過日子,被生活的各種滋味充滿,釀造期很長。 透過寫字,旁觀自己,與文字對話。
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