Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (Part 2)-YOLO

Please live your life to the fullest. Everything you want, hope and hope for will come to you in this life where you are.

In the past few weeks, there have been several character descriptions about Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace.
Like Queen Fucha .

Gao Xiyue, concubine of Emperor Huixian

Emperor Shujia's concubine Jin Yuyan

Wei Yanwan, the concubine of Emperor Qingyi

And my favorite Ulanara Qingying/Ruyi .

Although the above-mentioned concubines have different family backgrounds, growth backgrounds and temperaments, their endings are the same in the end.

In my next life, I will never live like this again.

Don't be a woman in the next life, the suffering and happiness of a hundred years are left to others.

The lives of each of them are nothing but gorgeous puppets on the gorgeous stage of the Forbidden City, manipulated by the former dynasty, the mother family, and even their husbands.
But what about the women in the harem? Emperor Qianlong, who was the initiator of all this, was nothing more than a more gorgeous doll with more threads to control.

Some of these thread heads are called nobles of noble families, some are called princes and nobles, some are called frontier tribes, some are called the name of the back, and some are called the foundation of the Qing Dynasty.
Even though in ancient times, as the dominant gender, he was already above ten thousand people and no one, but he still couldn't get rid of these "suffering and happiness by others".


Fortunately, the world we live in is so vast.

There is a saying circulating on the Internet: In the past, horses and horses were far away, letters were slow, and there was only enough love for one person in a lifetime.
When I was a child, I only thought it was romantic, but later I realized that this sentence is actually not finished.
In life, you can only fall in love with someone without regret, choose a life and then live a life.
Therefore, all the unwillingness and remorse can only be placed in the ethereal afterlife.

We are living in the 21st century brought about by the advancement of technology and globalization, and we have grown up on an island with a relatively small gap between the rich and the poor.
With a single ticket, you can cross the latitude and longitude and appear on the other side of the earth drilled down from your coordinates.
And as long as you can connect to the Internet, everything in every corner of the world will appear in front of your eyes at a lightning-fast speed.
Therefore, we are no longer involuntarily like anyone in a feudal dynasty, but can have choices from all over the world.

I made Bo Junyi smile with meme generator, don't take it seriously

On May 29, the year I would graduate from college, I got my first tattoo.
That summer was particularly sticky and sultry, and the heat wave made everything around me seem so dazed and fuzzy.
For example, the scenery of Yilan University and the scenery of Yilan.

And my future after leaving Yilan.

That summer, my grandfather passed away, and I was shortlisted for the first literary award in my life, but missed all the awards.
And I don't know what to do next.

So I chose YOLO as my first tattoo.
The phrase "You Only Life Once" was actually more of a reckless doomsday carnival to me at that time.
Let yourself have a happy day first.
Anyway, I can't be sure if I have tomorrow.

This is what it looked like just after being stabbed, and the original picture has not been found.

But then, as my life slowly got on track in whatever direction I wanted, I didn't think much about this tattoo that I got without thinking about it back then (I honestly didn't even think about it. Consider the consequences), but have a deeper and more intimate connection.

When I think about it now, I feel that there is a kind of power, and I want to tell me these words that I want to tell you next.

"You Only Life Once" translated into Chinese means that you only live once.
You, this life that is exclusively for you, is only one time.
So no matter what happens, no matter what you can gain or lose, it is for you what you want most.
So, please live your life to the fullest. Everything you want, hope and hope for will come to you in this life where you are.

So now it's happy and so am I.

Maybe some people will think that I have not yet been beaten by life to speak so wildly. And I think that maybe it is because I haven't been beaten by life that I can face this world that is still too big for me with the attitude of a new born calf that is not afraid of tigers.

With a kind of courage that knows no bounds, in this changeable but rich and beautiful world, it absorbs nutrients and grows savagely.
And I hope that no matter how old I am, no matter how many times I have been beaten by life, I can stand up again and tell myself firmly and bravely: You only live once.

Hope you are too.


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午月因為生命是音樂 死亡是聽
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