[Coffee Enema] Operation Demonstration One trick to enhance the function of glutathione by 7 times


The world's strongest detoxification method for whitening skin

Hello, everyone is a light. Today, I want to introduce a relatively unpopular detox method, this is coffee enema.

Is it unpopular? Many people may have heard of it, but very few people have used or tried it. Today I will explain how this tool operates, and I will share the benefits of coffee enema in this video.

In the last episode, I have shared another unpopular toner detox method. If you haven’t seen it, you can read it. This coffee enema will be the strongest detox method in the world. Most people mistakenly think that coffee enema is just to clear the bowels. Of course, it is not so simple. , Some people have also heard of Dr. Gerson's plan for treating cancer. It is very difficult to treat cancer with his method, because there are a lot of things to be done in his clinic, maybe more than four enemas a day, and regular appointments. It is difficult to keep up with the time, but if we use it at home for health care, it can be much easier and simpler, so this time I will explain how to operate it at home.

Boosts glutathione function sevenfold

Why use coffee? We all know that coffee contains caffeine, but green tea has coffee, so why not use green tea? Because coffee really has some unique substances that make our body play a role, for example, there is a Called cafestol palmitate, it stimulates an enzyme called glutathione S-transferase in the liver, which improves the function of glutathione by more than six or seven times. This is a super powerful function!

There are also three substances in coffee that stimulate the gallbladder. The first is theobromine, the second is theophylline, and the third is caffeine. These three substances will dilate the blood vessels of the gallbladder, increase bile, and allow the gallbladder to release more Bile, bile will decompose fat into finer pieces. After bile decomposes fat, it will go all the way to the large intestine, which will be stained with a lot of pollutants, heavy metal pesticides, and our body has a function to recycle bile. With the recovery of bile, if our body can defecate normally and excrete bile at the same time, it will not be a problem, but if constipation is not good, the bile will be recycled if it cannot be excreted, so the biggest advantage of doing coffee enema is that it can At the same time, it accelerates the flow of bile and allows the stool in the large intestine to be discharged together.

Gallstones dissolve naturally

Another great advantage is that the bile is drained. After the gallbladder is drained, there is not enough bile, and the gallbladder has to make some new bile. With the help of the liver, the gallbladder will dissolve the gallstones to make new bile. The benefit is to make gallstones smaller, which is another benefit of coffee enema.

Now let’s talk about what the coffee enema set is. There are three things in it, a coffee enema plastic bucket, a long plastic throat, and a disposable plastic throat that is connected to the body. The disposable rubber throat is very soft and uses a bb pacifier. This type of material is used to prevent harm to the skin of the human body. Most of the current enema buckets are of this type. One is made of metal material, and the other is a disposable plastic bag. This plastic bucket can be recycled for a long time. , The rubber throat is directly attached to the bottom of the plastic bucket. The dosage can be determined according to the size of the body during operation. It ranges from 400 to 1000 ml. The small body can start from 400 to 500 ml, and the medium body can be 600 to 700 ml. Huge can go up to 1000ml.

Three key points

Key 1 coffee must be organic, key 2 use pure water (distilled water), not tap water (tap water), because there are too many pollutants in the water from the tap, key 3 coffee water temperature, it is best to use a thermometer to measure it, enter the body It should not be overheated, it is best to be about 37 degrees with the body temperature, so the coffee temperature is preferably between 35 and 40 degrees, and try not to exceed 40 degrees, otherwise the coffee enema will become pig intestines!

The most important thing is to lock the water hose before adding the coffee. There is a switch in the middle of the hose. Rolling a pulley up turns the water on, and rolling it downwards turns off the water and stops it. Use this pulley to control the speed of the water dripping. Close, the end of the rubber throat is connected to a disposable short rubber throat. After the connection is completed, you can enter the water. Remember to close this before entering the water. After entering the water, hang the coffee bucket. It is better to hang it higher than the liver and higher than the head. Gravity, first control the switch to let the water flow out slowly, exhaust all the air in the hose, close it after all the air is exhausted, the whole hose is full of water, prepare some lubricating oil, which can be coconut Oil, coconut oil has an anti-inflammatory effect better, oil is applied to the end of the gum throat, and then slowly put into the body. If you are not familiar with it for the first time, you can sit on the toilet to operate. After you are familiar with it, you can use other methods. Put the yoga mat on the ground and lie down on the right. The liver and gallbladder are on the right, so lie down on the right, or use the buttocks pose. Lying on the ground, try to let the coffee flow into the liver and gallbladder. If you are not familiar with it, you can sit on the toilet first, so that you can get used to this feeling first.

hold for fifteen minutes

How should I insert the rubber throat? I don't know how much to insert? How much does it take to insert one inch, two inches and three inches? Friends who are trying for the first time need to relax themselves and slowly put one inch in first. It may be too tight, because some friends are constipated. Too long and too dry, try to turn the hose gently and push it inwards, turn it slowly, how deep do you need to go? Turn it in about three inches, it is easy to enter at first, and then push it slowly, about five inches deep. It is easy to fall out (depending on the person, you can use the width of your palm), because as soon as the water enters, there will be pressure to be discharged, and the sudden surging sensation will burst out. You will know it after the first use! This tube is about seven inches It is enough to grow into five inches. When you are ready, put the water down slowly. Push up the pulley a little to let the coffee drip slowly. Don’t drip too fast at the beginning and let yourself get used to it slowly. , because there are a lot of stools for the first time and there is not enough space. If there is not enough space and too much water is added, it will erupt at any time! Because the intestinal tract is wet, it will erupt at any time, so slowly control the amount of water, because it will take 15 minutes after that. ! Why lock the coffee water for fifteen minutes?

Because blood passes through the liver once every three minutes, the liver can be circulated five times in 15 minutes, giving the liver enough time to clear the blood and clear the blood waste through glutathione, but it is not easy to stick to 15 minutes, if you inject all the coffee but There are a lot of stools in the body, and the pressure will explode at any time! Generally, I can't last for 15 minutes on the first test, maybe even ten minutes, and the explosion is very surging and very enjoyable, and I don't know how many times it is finished after the explosion. It seems to be very comfortable to drain all the wastes for thousands of years! So why do people who have used it continue to use it, even once or twice a day, morning and evening because it feels so comfortable! said!

The simple procedure of coffee enema has been explained. After you get used to it, you can increase the capacity, see how much you can hold, 500, 600 or even 700ml. When you clear the long-term stool, your capacity can be increased. Of course, you can increase the capacity. The more pressure, the greater the pressure, and you may not be able to last for 15 minutes. If you use 700 ml at the beginning, you will not be able to last under a lot of pressure, so try to adjust this to the best.

Today's coffee enema operation method has been explained, the simplest method has been shared, and there are more advanced methods of use, you can find some books to learn. (Remember to sterilize each tool before and after use!)

If you like this video, please share it with friends who have ever wanted to do coffee enema but didn't do it. If you have any questions, please ask below the video. These enema tools can be bought in pharmacies. If you can't find them, you can buy them online. , the online link is below, and the organic coffee link can also be found below. Today's sharing is here! I hope everyone likes, subscribes and shares, see you next time!  

😊Products in the video:😊

💲💰 iHerb 5% discount code: CDW6855 (Enter this discount code at checkout to enjoy 5% off the entire order)

Coffee Enema Bucket https://s.click.taobao.com/mY6Lmsu

Organic Coffee https://hk.iherb.com/pr/Cafe-Altura-Organic-Coffee-Classic-Roast-Ground-12-oz-340-g/32157?rcode=CDW6855


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This video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute or replace or to be interpreted as medical advice. Please consult a Medical Doctor or Naturopath before using any suggested supplements or products. All content in this video is owned and edited by 1CarLight One Lamp DIY. The views and opinions expressed are solely that of the Author. They do not reflect any opinion associated with any discussed brand(s) or product(s). For transparency purposes, any compensation from products mentioned will be fully disclosed at the beginning and/or end of a post or video. Only brands and/or products which are fully supported, used and loved by 1CarLight DIY are discussed. Compensation will never influence nor take precedence over what products appear on Healthy Life Happy Life . I will never accept compensation from a brand or company I don't personally know, love, use and trust for myself and my family.


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