LikeCoin Governance Proposal | #45 #46 Proposal Voting Decision

Introducing the voting intentions of motions #45, #46

I will briefly explain the motion, put forward my own ideas, and finally clearly state my voting decision. If you have entrusted likecoin to me, but do not agree with my decision, you can leave a message and tell me your thoughts, or you can vote by yourself. You can ask me about the voting method, or you can read Daisy's teaching article. Appreciate the citizens of the Republic of Citizens AKA All Likers can now directly vote for governance proposals! . If you really strongly deny me, you can also drag the transfer to other verifiers.

If the content is unclear, you can ask me. It is also encouraged to look at the related works, the way of the likecoin governance proposal, and the thinking of liquid democracy.

#45 Community Fund Usage Proposal: Transfer 3,000,000 LIKEs to Tech Subdao's Multi-Signature Wallet

Proposal : Community-pool-spend Proposal: deposit 3,000,000 LIKE to Tech Subdao multisig wallet


 Tech Subdao has been in operation for almost 2 months and is on track. Progress reports are available on monthly community calls and all the payments are transparently listed in a public Google Spreadsheet: 1oefPBR3wtTaf_uQorQYmYA-fv6kpF6uOzRtGjILnSv0/edit?usp=sharing 
By voting YES to this a proposal, you agree to send 3,000,000 LIKE to the Tech Subdao multisig wallet as the second tranche of fund allocated to technical development of LikeCoin.

Tech Subdao has been in operation for almost two months. Regularly report progress at monthly community meetings and publish related payment records on Google Spreadsheet: .

In favor of the motion, it means you agree to deposit 3,000,000 LIKEs to Tech Subdao's multi-signature wallet, this is Tech Subdao's second request for funds.


For the first time, the number of applications in Motion #40 was 2,000,000 LIKE, this time 3,000,000 LIKE will be 1,000,000 LIKE more than the last time, the total is about 1% of the community fund. At present, about two-thirds of the community pool will be delegated, which is still not much in terms of current revenue.

After the establishment of Tech Subdao and the addition of Oursky, I feel that the development of the chain has become very fast, and there are some achievements during the period:

  • LikeCoin Chain upgrade and test network
  • Functional design of
  • offers few LIKEs to new users
  • Liker Social adds ISCN functionality

For details, see Publishing WordPress Works to the Metaverse | LikeCoin Community News .

In general, Tech Subdao can attract development energy and is of great help to the development of the community. The relevant requests will tend to agree.

Decision : Yes

#46 LikeCoin v2.0.0 LaiChiKok prefix update

Proposal : LikeCoin v2.0.0 LaiChiKok Prefix Upgrade


A Yes vote agrees to upgrade the chain to v2.0.0 at block height 3,692,800, estimated at 11:00am UTC on May 4th.

Upgrade function

  • Add support for prefix like, let chain support double prefix
  • Upgrade Cosmos SDK to 0.44.8
  • Upgrade IBC-GO to 2.1.0
  • Added authz and feegrant modules
  • Deprecate old Restful API

Upgrade preparation

The node needs 64 GB of memory space (memory), at least 32 GB of fast memory (RAM), and the rest can be used for swap. The best should use 64 GB of physical memory space.

It is recommended that nodes be upgraded using cosmovisor. Related guidelines can be viewed

Upgrade Schedule

The proposed upgrade is at block height 3,692,800, with an estimated time of May 4th at 11:00 AM UTC. Note that the actual time should be closely monitored because there will be many differences in the block generation time.

The upgrade time is expected to be 120 minutes, during which no on-chain records will be generated.

During upgrades, the Validator channel on Discord is used to coordinate any transactions regarding upgrades.

prefix update

In order to make it easier to integrate and define LikeCoin in the entire IBC ecosystem in the future, the prefix of the account is changed from cosmos to like. On-chain data, except for fixed static data, will be changed from cosmos to like. The ant handler will still support cosmos prefixed signing, but the like prefix will be the default.

DApps and exchanges should pay attention to checking and processing past transaction records. In the long run, they plan to disable the cosmos prefix, but until then they will support search functions for both prefixes.


You don't need to think too much about the upgrade proposal, and will support it.

Decision : Yes

I'm John Shao, thank you for being here. If you want to know more about me and want to support me, please see this article !


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