Point solution "beautiful"?

阿信 ahshun
As for beauty, in addition to "beautiful", the meaning of "beautiful" in English also includes feelings such as happiness and moving.

[Part of the third season] EP12 | The Unknown Craftsman | Chen Danqing | , a very interesting episode, after watching it, I am very borrowed as an artist. Now, as audiences, we are too indexed by the authority of the market, art critics and art historians, as well as the rendering of the media; all of which make us lose our most primitive perception. As for beauty, in addition to "beautiful", the meaning of "beautiful" in English also includes feelings such as happiness and moving.

And is neatness, visual harmony, and consistency beautiful? Depends on one's cultural background. Like Westerners who are accustomed to Western aesthetics, seeing a lot of color combinations in the city of Hong Kong, they feel very discordant and uncomfortable. Chinese people traditionally like red, red, green and green. Red and green are contrasting colors. If you use Western color theory to explain, put contrasting colors together, the two colors are the most balanced, and are not visually affected by each other's colors, such as the Chinese yin and yang philosophy. , there are positives and negatives, and they check and balance each other to achieve balance/harmony.


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阿信 ahshun香港人、設計師、畫畫人、愛城市漫遊、城市觀察、愛吃、愛玩、愛電影
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