business trip disaster

If the work spirit is affected by these supporting facilities, it may not be worth the loss, right?

I haven't been on a business trip for a long time to a hotel where I slept uncomfortable, but I didn't expect it to be repaired this time.

This wonderful hotel, in fact, does not sound like a hotel or a hotel from its appearance and name. The complex business concept makes most people ignore it. Every room has full kitchen equipment, bathrooms have various grab bars for safety, and all interior doors are sliding doors. There are emergency call buttons at the head of the bed and in the bathroom. What came to mind?

Yes, this should be a senior residence planned for the elderly to recuperate and recuperate. Perhaps because the number of visitors is usually limited, some individual visitors are also accepted.

Since it is mainly for the elderly, every bed is unbelievably hard. As soon as he lay down and turned over, he directly pressed his shoulders to the brink of injury. It's unbelievably tortured. After a night's sleep, either tossing and turning, or really falling asleep, the next day, the neck and shoulders must be sore and sore as if they were seriously injured.

The original business trip was full, but I didn't expect that the special situation of the hotel would seriously affect the rest. Especially when I went on business trips for many consecutive days, I regretted it even more... I chatted with my colleagues in the car on the way back, only to find that my colleagues were even more miserable, unable to sleep at all all night, and finally endured for a few days. .

Thinking that business trips are originally meant to put more resources on affairs, which is really meaningful for the advancement of official affairs. But if the work spirit is affected by these supporting facilities, it may not be worth the loss, right?


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Jerome連續兩年寫作不間斷,可以稍微自稱是個「文字堆砌人」。曾於多領域任職與創業,帶隊完成金氏世界紀錄項目挑戰。現音樂產業 x 文化活動產業與夢想家共同追逐獨角獸中。
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