The ideal future is to start building gradually now


Cultivating not to compare with others has always been one of my learning topics

When children are ignorant, they are basically the ones who are being held

Coupled with the explosive growth of the Internet and the spread of mobile phones

It is to elevate the mentality of comparison to a concept of global white-hot

It seems that if you don't keep up, you will be compared.

Where to open a new restaurant, you must quickly PO on instagram

Friends discussing what to wear

So you should also change all the outdated clothes in the closet.

What skin care products have been used to make people feel rejuvenated instantly

Immediately take advantage of the free time to directly place an order online and pack it home

The bill is a later thing anyway

It's really unhealthy how money is used due to infinite comparisons like this

At that time, I was quite complacent and felt that I was following in everyone's footsteps.

But wait until the bill comes in to know how scary the tide of reality is

Immediately drown myself

It's just that for a long time, I held the mentality of waiting for the next month's salary anyway.

When I am really conscious, I have encountered a big problem in interpersonal work at work.

Work, anyone can do it well

The most annoying and worrying part is the people

Whether it is a colleague, supervisor, boss, or even a customer manufacturer, etc.

It's possible that just one person can give you a critical strike.

In the end, most of them had to be swallowed for five buckets of rice.

Even if you have the guts and righteousness to respond, speak up for yourself

Sometimes it will lead to more disasters

Everyone who rolls around in society should have the opportunity to encounter such a situation

It's also like this is constantly exhausted to the extreme

Even for a while I often can't sleep well

Insomnia and emotional ups and downs

Later, relying on meditation, my soul really had sustenance and comfort.

I don't know if it's because of the contact with mind meditation

Slowly, I am willing to listen to my inner voice

rather than piecing together a cognitive self from comparisons with others

I also understand that taking a step back has more dimensions

It has undoubtedly helped a lot with the cost of money and the mentality at work.

If you have a lot of distractions in your mind or encounter things that are not going well

I highly recommend you to try meditation

This is an opportunity for me to gradually stop comparing myself with others and examine myself seriously

Listen to too many other people's ideas, suggestions and even life sharing

easy to lose your way

No wonder teachers often say to concentrate on one thing

Even if you don't get in touch now

As soon as the phone is turned on, a large amount of information is directly stuffed into the brain

Invisible and tangible affect the subconscious

Without self-control and willpower

My little head is sluggish and then my heart flutters

When I came back to my senses, it was already a text message to inform the store to pick up the goods.

Although I was happy when I had it

But it doesn't help me at all, who wants to escape from the workplace

It's like being dragged into the water

Even if I just think back to the state of mind at that time

would still feel terrible.

The scary thing is that if I don't know it, I can only be swallowed slowly like this

It's really good to show that my little head was working well for him at that time.

Otherwise, in the end, even the bones will be nibbled off and you will enjoy yourself.

Having money and a job is important

But freedom is the most precious

The future you want is actually the present moment and gradually build up


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