Creator Economy IMO Weekly #8|This is a "ghost-level" e-newsletter!

This week includes the wisdom and philosophy brought to us by a number of world-renowned "Gods", namely mathematician Ward Abela, entrepreneur Bill Gates, scientist Einstein... and the awesome and The power of ghosts and gods (writing power) of the feared "Ah Piao"!

Hi! I am the editor-in-chief of this week's "Creator Economy IMO" e-newsletter, and I am currently working with Hugo . Hugo is an editor every two weeks, taking you to review the selected articles of this week. You are also welcome to come to the " Matters Creator Economic Discussion Zone " for real-time communication.

👉Favorite the Writing NFT version of this article👈

Creator Economy IMO Weekly #8|This is a "ghost-level" e-newsletter!
這份電子報每週精選數則「Matters 創作者經濟討論區」的交流,鼓勵大家踴躍說出自己的觀點,所以取「IMO」(In My Opinion)作為名稱中的一部分。我們關注各種對「創作者經營」有益的各種話題,例如創作技巧(不侷限於寫作)、心態及習慣養成、閱聽方法(輸入)、筆記方法(輸出)、文案、SEO、社群經營、數位行銷、數據分析、不同創作平台比較⋯⋯終而實現創作有價,結成「創作者經濟」的果實。

Coincidentally, this week includes the wisdom and philosophy brought to us by a number of world-renowned "Gods", namely mathematician Ward Abela, entrepreneur Bill Gates, scientist Einstein... and amazing The power of ghosts and gods (writing power) of "A Piao" who is afraid and fearful!

Essay|How to write Zhongyuan Purdue copywriting? See how to play Quanlian by Hugo・Hugo

After concretizing the cold hair (cold hair standing on end) into various fears and anxieties, and making a big fuss on it, and cleverly bringing out various fearful scenes that you may encounter in your life, it is difficult not to empathize!

Image source: Taken from the FB fan page of Quanlian Welfare Center

Reading pen farming 🙋 IMO: systematic association

Appreciate Hugo's thorough dismantling of the logic behind this copywriting:

Zhongyuan Purdue→Ghost Moon→Ghost→Fear→Hair standing on end→The source of other fears→Making a big fuss about the hair (fine hair)

When we want to use this set of "associations" to conceive similar projects, we might as well use the mind map tool to help develop ideas and systematically realize your associations (ideas) .

Mathematician Ward Abraham gave American generals a war lesson by Jemmy Ko

  • This is the well-known "Survivorship bias" (Survivorship bias), it is a logical fallacy.

  • People's intuition focuses too much on the "visible" information, but ignores the information that does not enter their eyes, so they make wrong decisions.

  • To put it more bluntly, it is "clicking on the wrong skill".

Image source: Taken from Jemmy Ko's FB fan page

Hugo・Hugo 🙋 IMO

The "survival fighter bias" mentioned in the article is the "survivor bias" we often hear.

Denken 🙋 IMO

I like the metaphor of "the higher the defense, the lower the agility" in the original text😊.

Read pen farming 🙋 IMO

Speaking of "survivor bias" reminds me of "Ten Commandments of Management", the author of this book is the godfather of Coca-Cola Donald R. Keough, the content is very interesting. It will not teach you some management skills, but tell you what to do wrong and the company is doomed.

Usually when we pay attention to the "survivor", we usually care about what he did and what he did - focusing on the "visible" information - but what he did wrong is often the part that everyone easily misses (There are even more people who "killed" because of doing something wrong, so we can't see it) , be careful!

BTW, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Jack Welsh (former CEO of General Electric) recommended this book at the same time.

Bill Gates talks about how to build a personal knowledge system (Chinese translation of the video) by Baoyu

  • You can construct a timeline in your mind, or sketch out a map, or even imagine a tree. On this tree, the different fields of science are like branches and leaves, and you can determine what is known and what is unknown. This incremental, step-by-step approach to knowledge building is easier to manage and maintain.

  • Building a knowledge system is like playing chess... Chess players can remember the game because they understand the logic behind each move. Even chess players may not be able to remember if pieces are placed without logic, because their thinking and memory patterns are logical.

Image source: taken from Baoyu's X account

Read pen farming 🙋 IMO

I see a trend for knowledge management tools in the future!

It will be more inclined to give a sandbox that can be "framed" to play, and more emphasis on "visualization" (the timeline, map, tree mentioned in the article...) presentation, which is convenient for users to build in the process of continuous input. Context, path, organization, and finally gradually form a large-scale visualization accumulation.

Hugo・Hugo 🙋 IMO: Octopus-style capture of " the connection between each knowledge point"

I originally thought that the relationship between memory and understanding was not that great, but the method provided by Bill Gates to build a knowledge system does not seem to require deliberate reciting, and it also excludes rote memorization or association methods. This method is more like an octopus. After grabbing relevant and corresponding knowledge from all directions, it achieves a deep memory based on the thinking logic system . This is a big shot in the arm for me.

I used to be annoyed by my poor memory, so I spent a lot of time and energy on all subjects that required memorization in the past. If I could know this method ten years earlier, I would definitely fall in love with every subject that I hated in the past , I also believe that I will start to understand how "the connection between each knowledge point" is produced based on curiosity!

Flywheel effect of input, processing and output cycle by Liu Yiyou

👉Read more topic discussions👈

At the end of the e-newsletter, I want to take you back to August 27th (Saturday) Matters Creator Economic Discussion Voice Event, the guest we invited is Matt citizen @sonichiro travel reading from the heart, interview her travel, reading over the years mental journey.

IMO 人物志@旅读congxin Real and continuous happiness doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, it comes from inner fulfillment

IMO 人物志@旅读congxin Real and continuous happiness doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, it comes from inner fulfillment

Reading is experienced through words, while travel is experienced in person.

Traveling is not just about appreciating the beautiful scenery in front of you, but more importantly, learning the growth scenery of "getting along with your travel companions".

Hugo・Hugo 🙋 IMO

The keynote of this interview is set on "the pursuit of inner enrichment and happiness". I personally think that this article is a must-read (must-understand) topic for modern people.

Material things may bring temporary happiness, and the happiness transcending things can last for a long time. If you are still worried about buying a car or buying a house to be satisfied, maybe you will find the answer in this interview🥹.

Read pen farming 🙋 IMO

The experience of Luda (@旅读congxin) and traveling companions " climbing Mount Fuji " was very enlightening and convincing to me.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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