How to say "Remittance/transfer" and "Complete payment" in Japanese? learn from Japanese

你的英日語自學導師  ོꦿ༄譯꧁難忘꧂
The Japanese client said that they would hold a meeting to review (けんとう, discuss) and then review the budget allocation, which was discussed for a full month. Faced with a Japanese customer who has tortoise hair, there is no need to hurry, he should put a long line and let him grind it slowly. After waiting for so long, just to wait for him to reply and say, "The money has come." Do you know what verb he used to express "remittance", and what sentence did he use to express the money transfer?

Through this practical article, I will help you analyze several practical golden sentences related to remittance from the short six sentences of this customer.

First look at the letter sent by the customer


May 23rd (month)
も う い て い だ と 思います.
Mitsubishi UFJ Bank (スイフトコード BOTKJPJT)
Confirm を お い し ま す.
It should be し く お い し ま す.

【Chinese and Japanese comparison】

Thanks for your care.

May 23rd (month)
I completed the payment of $4,940 on May 23 (Mon).

も う い て い だ と 思います.
I think it's almost time for delivery (your organization's account).

Mitsubishi UFJ Bank (スイフトコード BOTKJPJT)
I made the remittance through Mitsubishi UFJ Bank (SWIFT code BOTKJPJT).

Confirm を お い し ま す.
Please confirm.

It should be し く お い し ま す.

【Japanese phonetic notation】

おWorld words (せわ)になります.
May (がつ) 23rd (にち) (month (げつ)) に$ 4,940 の 払 (しはら)い手続(てつづ)きを済(す)ませましたので,
も う Session (と ど) い て い る 國 (こ ろ) だ と 思 (お も) い ま す.
Mitsubishi (みつびし) UFJ Bank (ぎんこう) (スイフトコードBOTKJPJT) より Zhen (ふ)り込(こ)みました
Confirm (かくにん)をおWish (ねが)いします.
Should (よろ)しくおWish (ねが)いします.

sentence by sentence

おWorld [you take care of] になります [become].
Thanks for your care.

  • This phrase has been stated many times. You will encounter 90% of Japanese business letters that start with this sentence, which is almost the same as "Hello" in Chinese letters. It's just that at the beginning of a Chinese business letter, you like to say hello to the other party. In Japanese, you are used to saying that you are taken care of by the other party, even if you are in contact with the other party for the first time.
  • 「お世語になります」 literally means "to become (になります) you take care of (おおます)", in other words you take care of me. Some Chinese users may think, "Ah, I'm not familiar with you, what should I take care of?", but in fact, you should take this sentence as if you are greeting the other party. The greeting culture of Taiwan and Japan is so different.

May 23rd (Month) [Monday] に[at] $4,940の汉敕い[payment] 手続き[procedure] を済ませました[make...complete] ので[because],
Since I completed the payment of $4,940 on May 23 (Mon),

  • The parentheses (month) here are not the month (がつ) of the month, but the month (げつ) of the "month day (げつようび)". The seventh day of the week in Japan is named after the planet, and the lunar day is Monday.
  • The "剕い" in "剕い" is the action of paying money, so "剕い" means paying money, paying money.
  • 「手続きを済ませます」 is an idiomatic phrase. It is to convert "ます" (complete, complete, equal to English complete) into "ませます" ( to make ... complete; let ... complete, equal to the English causal verb make / let ...complete ).
  • Then change the present tense "済ませます" (completed) into the past tense "済ませました" ( completed ).
  • Therefore, "Support い手続きを済ませました" literally means that the payment procedure is completed, in fact, it is often said in Chinese that the payment is finished. This is a good golden sentence to complete the payment procedure.

もう[already] Session いている[delivery] 遠[moment] だと思います[think, think].
I think it's almost time for delivery (your organization's account).

  • Change the original verb "" (to send, to deliver) into the present progressive "國いている", the latter's sense of language is "the present time is the state of delivery", in other words, when you Saw this sentence of the letter, that sum is now lying in your account.
  • The particle "と" in "と思います" is used here to describe "the content of doing a certain action". For example, "OOOOOO思います" means what I want is OOOOOO. So the whole sentence in Japanese means "what I'm thinking is: it's almost delivered to the account".

Mitsubishi UFJ Bank (スイフトコードBOTKJPJT) より [from, through] Zhen り込みました [remittance].
I made the remittance through Mitsubishi UFJ Bank (SWIFT code BOTKJPJT).

  • "Shin り込みます" is "remittance, transfer" used in commercial Japanese. It is a combination of " zhen りま す" (vibration left and right) and "込みます" (go in) into a single word.
  • Some Japanese explained that the action of "zhen り ま す" is like swinging salt back and forth against the vegetables when you cook food, so that the salt is evenly distributed on the vegetables. This kind of action extends the meaning of "distribution", so the "zhen り" when remittance is to distribute (remit) the money in your account to others, and transfer the money to another account (Japanese called "口za, こうざ" ) spread out. So the Japanese word for "transfer to my account" is "private mouth seatZhen り 込 み ま す".
  • " Shen ります" + "込みます" = "龍り込みます" ( remittance into an account ) .
  • The particle "より" here means "from, through the intermediary of...", which is equivalent to via, through in English.
  • "OOOO BankよりZhen り込みます" is remittance through OOOO Bank, which is a good phrase for remittance.
  • The Japanese loanword "スイフトコード" is a proper noun for commercial Japanese, derived from the English SWIFT code . Earlier global headlines reported that Russia was expelled from SWIFT (Society for Financial Telecommunications). SWIFT code is a code (code, コード) used by international remittances.

Confirm を [put, will] お馬いします [please, petition].
Please confirm.

  • If you have something to ask someone, use the sentence pattern "OOOOお い し ま す", which literally means "I entrust you with the matter of OOOO", in other words, it is to ask you about it.

It should be し く お い し ま す.

"Yi し く" originally meant "it's okay, not bad, it's good" a long time ago, but it has become an adverb used when asking others, so "Yi し く お い し ま す" is to hope you help me do it Well, that means please. This is also a universal ending sentence for Japanese business letters.

Review the four key golden sentences of this article

  1. 「貉い手続きを済ませます」= Complete the payment procedure. If you are lazy enough, you can omit the word "手続き" (procedure) together.
  2. 「國いている」=「The current time is the status of delivery」=The money is now lying in the delivery account.
  3. "OOOO BankよりZhen り込みます" = remittance through OOOO Bank.
  4. "OOOOの口zazhenり込みます" = " Remittance to OOOO's account".

After signing the contract with the Japanese customer, the payment procedure, use the above four golden sentences to communicate with the Japanese.

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你的英日語自學導師  ོꦿ༄譯꧁難忘꧂想說道地英文或日文嗎?關鍵是你的「語感力」。很少人能詳盡解釋單字與句子背後的語感,那種老外特有的「神邏輯」。沒那套邏輯,就會講出自以為懂但老外一頭霧水的外文,增加溝通障礙。我是外文新聞工作者,用淺顯文字,把外國人說話邏輯講給你懂,邀你一起雕琢語感力。外語不求人,手把手教你自學!
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