Occupational Therapy Encyclopedia

The hexagon that brings the guiding light to you, who has a long road ahead - Holland code

It's easy to come to graduation season. Graduation season is a special season, a season full of growth. Graduation is a stage that forces you to grow. You have to start planning for yourself, start deciding your own path forward. The road ahead is an extremely painful issue for most graduates, unless you are a specialist or theology department that is sure to win.

Life education in Hong Kong is very backward, and its level is probably comparable to that of developing regions. Middle school students and college students are generally at a loss about themselves and the future. Adolescence is supposed to be a period of establishment of identity, character, and self-affirmation, but the rigid education system left no gap for personal growth. Whether it's a teenager who is about to enter a new stage of life or an adult who has been working in social camps for many years, we all seem uncertain about whether the job is right for us.

The same is true of ordinary people, and the same is true of patients. Faced with a large number of patients who need to re-enter social work, occupational therapists have a set of commonly used gadgets to help patients find their own jobs. The purpose is to find a job that suits the patient's personality, abilities and interests. Here's to you:

Holland code / Holland code

Holland code

John Holland is a psychologist. He invented the Holem code in 1990 for career planning and career coaching. This hexagon helps subjects to understand personality traits, so as to choose the corresponding occupation that matches their personality traits.

Before the introduction, you can take the following quiz to see which type you are:

Holland Code Quiz

After the selection, you can count the scores of various types:

Practical Realistic (R1+R2+R3)=
Research Investigative (I1 + I2 + I3) =
Artistic (A1+A2+A3)=
Social (S1+S2+S3) =
Enterprise Enterprise (E1 + E2 + E3) =
Conventional (C1+C2+C3) =

The type with the most total points is the type of work that is most suitable for you; the second and third place are your subtypes, which are the types of work you can try.

According to different personality types, there will be corresponding suitable jobs:

Practical Realistic
From Pinterest

Simply put, it is someone who likes to use tools or get hands -on at work .

Personality: Obedient, gritty, practical, polite, steady, candid, modest

Personality Traits:

  1. Like sports and use machinery and tools
  2. Enjoy working with machines, tools, flora and fauna and working outdoors
  3. Dislike social work

Common occupations: laborer, farmer, engineer, tailor, lifeguard, maintenance worker, mechanic, firefighter

Research Investigative
From Pinterest

Simply put, someone who likes to think or do research .

Personality: Conservative, analytical, curious, independent, introverted, methodical, precise, rational, intelligent

Personality Traits:

  1. Consciously studious, confident, and attaches great importance to science
  2. lack of leadership
  3. don't like corporate jobs

Common occupations: scientist, research scholar, pharmacist, doctor, computer engineer and programmer

From Pinterest

Simply put, people who like to express themselves in creation or work.

Personality: Imaginative, emotional, idealistic, creative, open, disorderly, sensitive

Personality Traits:

  1. Consciously expressive and creative
  2. Ability in art and music
  3. Pay attention to aesthetics and beauty
  4. dislike traditional jobs

Common occupations: Writer, journalist, musician, painter, stage actor, interior designer

From Pinterest

Simply put, people who like to be around people.

Personality: Friendly, generous, kind, responsible, sociable, empathetic, empathetic, patient, gregarious

Personality Traits:

  1. Like to help others and understand others
  2. Ability to teach others
  3. enjoy activities with people
  4. Dislikes working with machinery

Common occupations: teacher, missionary, social worker, paramedic, psychologist, police officer, librarian

From Pinterest

Simply put, someone who likes planning or has leadership skills .

Personality: Ambitious, impulsive, optimistic, confident, energetic, sociable, outgoing, shrewd

Personality Traits:

  1. Confident, sociable, well-known
  2. Leadership and language skills
  3. Emphasis on political and economic achievements
  4. lack of scientific ability

Common occupations: salesman, politician, lawyer, fashion model, business executive, tour guide

From Pinterest

Simply put, people who like regularity or can coexist with words and numbers .

Personality: Cautious, obedient, regular, determined, steady, unimaginative, efficient, orderly, conscientious

Personality Traits:

  1. Ability to do paperwork and numerical calculations
  2. Emphasis on business and economic success
  3. lack of creativity

Common occupations: accountant, investment analyst, clerk, bank clerk, administrative assistant, secretary

More about the various types of jobs can be found here :

If we can develop in the right jobs, self-confidence and sense of success will increase with the progress of work performance. After all, work is a large part of our life, and we must choose the way forward carefully in order to find the meaning and value of life in a happy and successful work environment. Did you find the right job?

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