Reading "The Heart Attack" is a heart attack, a heart-wrenching accident in the martial arts worldview

And I am a reader who has been infected with the epidemic. I have lost several hours of time for "The Heart Attack", and I can't help myself.

Author: Muqian Publishing House: Brewing Publishing

"Heart Attack"

The first time I read Teacher Mu Qian 's text is " The Intimate Enemy ", a contracted work by Jingwen Literature , which happened in February this year; The book's preface was strongly recommended by Li Lok , the founder of "Story Revolution", and was also recognized by the Excellent Award of the 3rd Cross-Strait Youth Online Literature Competition .

Let's take a look together.

■ people's hearts

If I could only use two words to annotate this novel, I would be stuck in a choice disorder. There are too many suitable words: grace and hatred, good and evil, obsession, redemption... but they are so well-proportioned that only 250 pages are short and concise.

The first half (wedge, chapter 1, chapter 2) of " The Epidemic of the Heart Attack " really whetted the reader's appetite. Several "perspective changes" left full suspense . In the heart-snatching epidemic; I couldn't help but keep looking down, wanting to know the development of the plot as soon as possible.

Entering the middle and second half, the case gradually became clear, and the mysteries and foreshadowings that were buried before exploded one after another, which came from the inner entanglement of the characters. Every important point - no one is playing tricks - has its own inner difficulties that no one knows about . As a reader, because of the omniscient perspective of a higher dimension, seeing those obsessions, it seems that I can be calm and relaxed; but Looking back and thinking about it, it was because I was involved in it, my field of vision became narrow (it was impossible to see the whole picture) , and I was completely unsure of being able to escape.

No matter how many hearts you take away, you can't make up for the broken hearts. The author describes the "human heart" so thoroughly!

■ Martial arts

So far, I have forgotten to tell you that this novel is based on the worldview of "Martial Arts". Being able to use the classical style to construct a huge narrative and a wonderful time and space shows that Mr. Mu Qian 's writing skills are very powerful. Just like Zhai Qianguang, the successor of "Changlemen" in the story, he is white and shining.

And I am a reader who has been infected with the epidemic. I have lost several hours of time for "The Heart Attack ", and I can't help myself.

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