Life on a Business Trip-Hualien

Huandao nutritionist Vicky floated to Hualien this time...


Today, it is rare to come to the pharmacy in Hualien by myself to take a class

The empty hall is a bit long~

Found a stinky tofu with good reviews

First time to eat stinky tofu with leeks~ so special😂

Soft and delicious inside

It's delicious 👍

Looking at the Internet, many people recommend duck blood tofu pot but I can't eat so much 🥲

Just leave it to the next time

Store name: Doulan Bridge Stinky Tofu

Personal rating: 3.5⭐️/5 points (not smelly enough🤣

It's a cheap dim sum, and the seats are very spacious and retro

The walls are full of small objects with a sense of age

Overall good 👌

It's a pity that it rains in Hualien in winter. As a woman who is afraid of cold, there is no way to experience more leisure after work.

It also lacks the comfort of walking on the street 🌝

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環島營養師Vicky嗨!大家好 我是營養師Vicky 因為工作的關係常常都在各地出差~ 希望能夠在忙碌的每一天 享受生活中的小確幸❤️ 歡迎追蹤 與我一起體驗趴趴走的生活🏃‍♀️ 同時斜槓甜點工作室小編 喜歡甜點的朋朋們歡迎找我唷😚
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