After being hit with an iron fist, the "pink feminist" protests like this


In the early morning of April 13, a blogger posted a sad report that Douban closed eight women-related groups, including the bankruptcy group (the bankrupt version of the Athens Academy group).

According to general logic, Doubaners who have lost their homes should wake up, protest, raise the banner of opposing the bombing group, and move towards victory without being deleted.

Sadly it wasn't possible. Somehow, after being slammed with iron fists, they chose to make their voices out in the form of a show of loyalty .

Most of the following content is excerpted from the Douban Goose group known as the first gossip forum.

Mao's quotations are second to none and become the number one weapon for arming thoughts. Concise and concise sentences, the design of white characters on a red background, and every post containing Mao's quotations makes Douban administrators tremble and dare not make mistakes.

Some red propaganda posters drawn during the "three-year disaster" period can also exert their residual heat, showing the power of the people's commune in the 21st century.

Released in September 1960, "Liberate from tedious housework and focus on socialist construction"

However, things of that era have long since become a thing of the past. If you really want to form a deterrent force, you have to look at the present-someone moved out the important speech delivered by XJP at the United Nations General Assembly, and directly protected the body.

Some people also brought out the gm mentor Marx, and asked Douban auditors to talk to the ancients.

The rest of the pink feminists who are not well-educated, although they won't cite scriptures, they can also protect themselves by shouting "patriotism" a few times.

Some people even set up a female group with "love, love, and law-abiding" as the main rule, requiring only 985 and 211 students to join, named "921 Female Pioneer Guard".

It is a pity that the official does not eat this set. Some Pink Feminists discovered that Xinhuanet, a subsidiary of Xinhua News Agency, once released a video, calling gender confrontation a "conspiracy of the US FBI."

Therefore, passive defense is only an expedient measure. If you really want to gain a firm foothold, you have to take the initiative to attack. The pink feminists decided to use the spear of the child to attack the shield of the child, and put the big hat of "foreign forces" on everyone's head.

For example, all those who slander women's rights as foreign forces are foreign forces and have read Hitler's autobiography.

For another example, Douban staff are also foreign forces, and they can get 8,000 salary from Biden a month.

By extension, men are also foreign forces.

I can't help but wonder: why are these feminists pink? You know, no matter how loyal you are, your group will still be bombed, your posts will still be deleted, and your demands will still not be realized. You thought you were abandoning your soldiers to protect the commander, but in fact you lost your wife and lost your troops.

The following post may be their answer.


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