hot mask

Forget how long the days of working with masks on for long periods of time, the rice fields next door have been harvested.

Sometimes wearing a mask is just because of nose allergies, and it is easy to be infected.

When I was performing freely in the past, I often had to take public transportation such as buses, trains, high-speed rails, and planes. To prevent, manage health.

Traveling in various cities and public places, masks can also relieve my unnecessary external burden.

I am most afraid of returning to my hometown. No matter how I protect myself, I will definitely get hit when I get home. I can't help but go to the clinic and squeeze a few bags of dumplings. Is it because the air is too dirty, or is my physique too weak?

The quickest prescription is to go back to work and fight, and sweat a lot, and the cold will be better for the most part.

During the cold period, when you cannot rest and have to work, you will also wear a mask throughout the process.

Of course, a fight is not invincible. One year, the orchestra performed a large number of commercial performances off-site, and with the large annual performance in cooperation with other groups, it was impossible to have a good rest; the last loud choir before the performance, the members of the band all had a cold and fever, wearing masks, and arranging all the rehearsals. Musical instruments, props, etc., rehearsed in a relaxed way. After the end, it caused the dissatisfaction of the chief director. Compared with other teams, I felt that we were wearing masks and a loose attitude, which made the production a lot less. , I really feel wronged, but I can't argue.

There is a dragon on stage and a bug off stage, which is quite suitable for us at that time. Before taking the stage, everyone wore masks sickly, stretched out in the backstage, and walked out of the wing curtain. Everyone's energy and strength were like adrenaline. Exploding the watch, the three 90-minute performances over two days were successfully concluded. The chief director went to the backstage and shared that he took off his mask. We on the stage were in high spirits, which made him amazed and gave him the highest praise.

After the show, dismantling, taking off the costumes, removing makeup, we put on masks again, spread out in every corner, like a bug.

During the epidemic, what have you forgotten?

Before the epidemic, wearing a mask for a long time did not feel uncomfortable. After the epidemic, I felt less comfortable. After discussing with my husband, there are two possible reasons. First, the mask I used before was a cloth mask or Wearing a dust mask, not a real medical mask, has high air permeability. 2. With the development of the epidemic, hello, hello, and good morning gradually disappear from the masks. People who are familiar with each other may also be able to guess the gestures in each other's eyes. Those who are not familiar with each other will lose their expressions during the interaction. The warmth on the top, in the heart, there is always some kind of affection gradually lost.

Now, working in a traditional manufacturing industry, in a tin factory without air conditioning, wearing a mask to work, sweating like drooling, I don’t know what fermented in the mask.

Online memorial, across the screen, wearing a mask, sweat, tears, nose water mixed together, I can't tell the moving appearance under the mask.

Back home, take off the mask, look in the mirror, is this me?

I started to miss each other's smiles under the masks.


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