Interaction between Indian men_ I can't do this interaction

In the eyes of Indian men, holding hands is a symbol of good buddies and a way to express friendship. So it is normal to see men holding hands with each other on the street.

hold hands

As mentioned in the previous article, the local teenagers naturally held our hands and took us across the road. On the one hand, we are afraid that we will not be able to keep up, on the other hand, this is actually a very friendly move.

As a Taiwanese, I am actually not very used to holding hands with people, even if I am a acquaintance or a good friend, I am not very good at doing so. Holding hands, in my opinion, is more like something that can only be done between parents and children, between boyfriends and friends, or between partners. "Holding hands" also means wife in Taiwanese. But in the eyes of Indian men, holding hands is a symbol of good buddies and a way to express friendship. So seeing adult males holding hands on the street is a perfectly normal thing.

touch the thigh

I heard from a Taiwanese uncle who has lived there for several years that when Indian brothers (men in the church) want to have a deep talk with you, they don’t just sit next to you and talk to you seriously, but they also touch your thighs while touching them. Say. For me, this interaction is even more difficult to accept than holding hands. It's hard to imagine touching each other's thighs when talking about an important matter.

I heard some people go to a church in Japan, and the local brothers said they wanted to talk to them about things, and in the end they asked to go to the bathhouse. It's amazing to have such a candid conversation.

People in different cultures and societies often interact in different ways. Even if the other party thinks it is normal, the impact on me is huge and profound.

However, the sincerity of the heart will remain unchanged, the external form and so on, as long as you understand the local culture and change your head, you can still have good communication.

holding hands between indian men

Introduction to World Magazine. Other cultures have made similar moves.

indian men holding hands video introduction

India holding hands


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