Community Activity Settlement|#You are my overbearing president のeveryone has a prize


In May, I read two @reading pen farming activity reports, as follows:

Community Activity Settlement|#YourLifeMotto•Everyone has a prize

Community Activity Settlement|#YourLifeMotto•What is a good article?

The content of the article and the table and graphics are quite eye-catching. I am interested in it now, and I immediately collect it. In the past two days, I have been trying to make charts, but unfortunately, how to arrange them is not the taste of pen farming.

When distressed, Bi Geng actually shared --- #AmwayConference•How to become a well-trained drafting editor? (Happy sprinkles!!)

I urge Bi Geng to continue to share more drawing tips in the future, because Ji Fea is still very troubled by the blurring of text and numbers after table drawing. 😭😭

Compasses True Story

Community activity #you are my overbearing president will end at 6:00 pm in Taiwan on May 30th. A total of 35 authors participated and contributed 36 works.

Upfront Bonus = 2154 LikeCoin x 10

Late bonus = 35 articles x 300 LikeCoin

Total Bonus = 32040 LikeCoin

Split by six or four, it is 19224 + 12816.

The top 14 participants (40%) in the number of clapping hands will receive an equal share of 19224, and each will receive 1373; the remaining 21 participants (60%) will receive an equal share of 12816, and each will receive 610.

I don't know if the chicken feathers have misunderstood, please @Matty to confirm . The chicken feathers will be distributed to the participants after receiving the bonus, and an announcement will be made in the message after completion! Thank you!

Original data arranged in the order of submission

@hfhseuhfForgot to fill in the number of supports in the form , it is 1.

Remarks: @國立運西哥 contributed two articles, and finally the work --- oh my mother's overbearing president clapped hands 292 as the main work.

■ In the script and in real life, what is the male to female ratio of domineering presidents?

The chicken feather list is based on the 36 submitted works, let's briefly analyze it~~

▼ Preliminary analysis of 36 articles

Preliminary analysis of 36 articles

The male/female ratio of the overbearing president in the script world

The male/female ratio of the world domineering president in the script

▼ The ratio of male/female domineering presidents in real life

Male/female ratio of domineering CEOs in real life

Top 20 authors sorted by number of clapping

Two or more supporting works sorted by the number of supports

■ Sort by Favorites

■ Top 20 by the number of comments

■ Sort by the number of support from enthusiastic readers (names are arranged randomly)

The previous analysis is based on the author and the work as a starting point. Next, Ji Feo wants to take readers as the starting point to see which enthusiastic readers silently support the "full series" of the overbearing president's works?

(Algorithms include all articles supporting community activities, etc.)

■ Conclusion

Author and reader.

Share and support.

Who pays more?

Is it the reader or the author?

Who gets more?

Writer or reader?

what do you say?

■ last last

@Every day has a new experience of the overbearing president Ku Mummy.

Thanks to the part-time principal, Xiao Ha’s mother, who wrote this domineering article with all her might at the beginning of the event. Xiao Ha’s full sense of domineering has always existed in my heart, and I have never left. Although the article failed to participate in the event in the end, in order to thank Xiaoha for her support for the chicken feather event, I will unconditionally support one of your articles with 188 LikeCoin.

I know that you have been very busy recently and have little time, but I still want to confess to you.

I love you~~~


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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