(2022) Review around the fireplace in February: 2000likecoin essay plan, questionnaire, and epidemic labor around the fireplace

February 2022 is an unstable month, both in the world and around our hearth.

February 2022 is an unstable month, both in the world and around our hearth. Before entering this month's review, let's focus on the key data.

A total of 8 articles were published this month, two of which entered the Matters highlights page, but if there is no official pick up, the performance of this month’s articles is not satisfactory, and the average reading time has dropped to the lowest record. I am also willing), or it may be that the writing of Macau issues has reached a bottleneck (called "Dry Pond" in Cantonese).

However, the audience data of FB has not changed much. It seems that the decline in the performance of articles only occurred in Matters, and the FB platform, which is dominated by Macau audiences, has not been greatly affected. This is also reflected in the subscription data (as shown in the figure).

Subscriptions grew by 8.9% this month, and the retention rate was 108.9%, which means that subscribers are still showing a net growth. Of course, we held physical lectures in the past two months, which helped to discover potential subscribers and consolidate the relationship with existing subscribers. It is always different to see real people.

Attached the handsome face of our author & speaker Cheng Weiheng
The theme of the February lecture was: Why did the "123 Incident" cause the KMT forces to leave Macau completely. Because of the enthusiastic registration, there will be an additional session, which is likely to be the first time for the Macau Academic Lecture.

Then there are the key actions of the month.

2000likecoin Call for Papers

Since this month, we have launched a call for contributions for each 2000likecoin, the theme of which is social science popularization articles in the Greater China region.

But we didn't make an announcement at Matters, and the call for papers wasn't aimed at Matt's citizens.

In the experience of operating around the stove written last October, we mentioned that although we know that FB is the "Galaxy of All Evil", we do not want to give up the Galaxy because:

 "Even if you don't agree with how the galactic universe works, someone needs to take the galactic natives to see the new universe."

If the continued growth of subscribers to a certain extent means that more “indigenous people” have indeed been brought to the new universe, but these aborigines do not seem to have a high degree of participation in the new universe after a year.

In addition to reading the article, we also hope that more people will start writing, or that more people will understand the "value of creation" from the mechanism of Likecoin.

Discovering local high-quality writers to Matters and getting to know Likecoin is always what we want to do here.

Adhering to the concept mentioned in "Blockchain Sociology" by Mr. Gao@高建建, if you want people to understand the meaning of block chain and decentralized governance, the easiest way is to play with him/her directly!

So there is this action of soliciting 2000likecoins for each article, which was officially launched in March, and I hope to maintain one selected article every month.

How is the grade, time will tell.

The first submission has been published for reference: Where are you going: Those Mexican wives living in Macau|Submission #01

Fatigue around the stove

People are so rude, or divided, and while we hope to bring people to Matt City, we have been arguing whether or not to leave.

To put it simply, because Matters’ subscription function for the fireplace is too rudimentary, it can neither adjust the fee for the fireplace, nor rank members, nor provide more analytical data (most of the data mentioned above are estimated by yourself).

I have reflected on it several times, and I understand that Matt City is pushing other plans and has no time to do it.

With the increase in the number of subscribers and cooperation in activities (lectures, media joint rides...), we want to launch different membership packages, but we can't do any of them. We still rely on google tools outside the station to do it manually, and we still have to rely on Hong Kong friends. Go get the Stripe payment system that doesn't support Macau and Taiwan.

It has been almost a year since April last year.

In the case that Matters is difficult to release the update of the furnace function in the near future (the official response), we may have to go and embrace other subscription platforms. . . Or simultaneously develop other platforms.

The thought of leaving is not entirely out of function. At the beginning, I admired the social function of the perimeter in Matt City, but after the operation, most of the energy was spent on FB, and there was no spare effort to improve the interaction in the furnace (not having the notification function in the perimeter is also a flaw), and the social function has become tasteless.

In this way, "I want more people to agree with the concept of Matt City and likecoin" VS "I want to do a good job of the subscription system and try more possibilities"

The two concepts are constantly pulling, and the sense of epidemic labor is increasing.

When there is no clear way forward, we will still be in Matt City and continue to do promotion work, which is probably the current progress.

Finally, it has been a long time since I sent out a questionnaire, and recently I want to explore non-Macao issues.

Questionnaire link: https://forms.gle/WJbNgGQkUqa5pALj8

Also ask the readers to provide suggestions~

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