Romantic but not romantic|The misunderstanding in Paris

Revolutions, especially real things, require all kinds of vile, troublesome jobs, and are never as romantic as the poets imagined.
Warning: This is purely a personal experience.

Some say the French are romantic. What does "romantic" mean to you?

Maybe it’s not the “romantic” that Chinese words describe in love relationships, but it’s like Lu Xun wrote in “The Second Heart Collection: Opinions on the League of Left-wing Writers”: “Revolution, especially real things, requires all kinds of lowly, troublesome things. The work of the poet is by no means as romantic as the poet imagines." - This "romantic" of the leftists can be seen in the stereotyped Parisian man.

Or like Lao She's "Two Horses": "You always say that I pay too much attention to the facts, I have to learn to be romantic, don't I?" - aren't they always portrayed as unrealistic "romantic"?

I think, as I have expressed many times before, "The Misunderstanding in Paris" is my personal subjective thoughts on Paris or Parisians. Of course, I wear a pair of glasses formed by "my own cultural background and growth conditions", and many People will not have exactly the same view of Paris. Just last week, after writing " I've been to the Right Bank ", I read an article on "The Difference Between the Left Bank and the Right Bank in Paris". The author of the article said that if she didn't spend 20 years in Paris like her, she would have I can't understand Paris even if I stay there... and I happened to write in "Live Slowly" in the last article that I was a professor who studied in Paris for ten years and the Paris that I saw at the turn of the 30 years. different.

I think that everyone has a different understanding of the environment. Some people are particularly good at observing the slight differences in culture, while others are particularly sensitive to the natural environment or landscape. Therefore, everyone’s experience in other places must be different. I have friends who say that they are discriminated against everywhere in Paris, and people look down on him when they see that he is not fashionable enough, but I feel that Parisians will not pay attention to your dressing taste at all, unless you insist on wearing very outdated clothes to formal occasions.

Parisian romance in my opinion

I haven't fallen in love with Taiwanese since I was an adult, and my impression of my first love is that of a very romantic person. He carefully arranges every holiday, writes love letters, makes jewelry, and pops up when I don't expect it... It's annoying to think about, but this behavior seems to be called romantic by many.

And Parisians don't even know what "dating" is. Well-known French talk show actor Gade also said in the show that "dating is an American concept", and the French don't know what that is.

The French predecessor intuitively knew to be "good" to me. Take me to a good restaurant to eat, to drink after dinner, to go for a walk in the park after drinking, to swim the Seine when I have money, to drink higher-quality red wine, and to watch a show, these are not things he planned, but Naturally. He may suddenly send a text message one day: "Read a book in the park at six o'clock."

This casualness without attention to detail is called romance. It is not celebrated on special days, and it is not arranged in advance.

On the contrary, he has arranged his own life.

not unrealistic romance

I'm not sure if this is a misunderstanding, the European men I know are relatively realistic.

When an Italian friend fell in love with a person, he decided to go to a better city to develop, and he could not accept the long distance and broke up first; the Dutchman Marshall planned his repayment period before buying a car or a house. Maybe these are normal in the eyes of many people, but for me it is very special, I have no concept of money.

Travel without saying go

A few years ago, the French predecessor planned to go to Tokyo to watch the Olympics in 2020 (later unable to go due to the postponement of the epidemic). At the time (probably 2016) I asked him, "Why are you planning a trip so long later?" He replied that he likes to plan things first so that he has a better idea of how he's going to spend.

I always buy tickets to travel on impulse, which is very irresponsible for him. But a lot of people would describe my behavior as romantic .

Don't slack off for special days

It is difficult for us to decide a date because the other party is all about his career. Once a week, he had to travel for business and rescheduled it temporarily. Even if it was an important holiday or someone's birthday, he would work overtime if he didn't finish things. Midnight - but this should be true of all business people, right?

I once heard a Chinese student complaining in a coffee shop that a French man ignored him. In fact, I know a lot of people like this. They don't care about their contacts when they are busy. For many people, dating is the least important thing.

Make sure you save before you spend it

After all, I'm a person who doesn't have much concept of money, and I'm particularly interested in this. This is to put together three points, in fact, a person who has to plan in addition to dating. Once his home was ransacked, including his mobile phone, computer, stereo, and TV. He lost his mobile phone, computer, stereo, and TV. As a result, he didn't have a mobile phone for a month, and he didn't buy new electronic equipment until the insurance money was paid.

But this is how people who feel that they have a plan don't care about inviting girls to dinner and taking care of girls, but they make girls feel more valued, right?

unimaginable dream job

Last but not least, I once saw a number of French Youtubers discussing that their French friends couldn’t understand the idea of them being Youtubers. I’m not sure if it was because they happened to be relatively highly educated. Lordship is not a profession. Although I don't want to regard Youtuber as my profession at all, but from what they say, it seems that it is even more unacceptable for others to make money in France.

There are many meanings of romance, but when I look up the pictures of "romantic", it is still pictures of couples.

Cover photo: Woman sketching at the Louvre

Opinion on Left Writers' Union 1

This article is also on the personal website


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