Just walking together is so hot


Recently move to earn games such as Sweatcoin and StepN have emerged, and I have to jog every day.

Unexpectedly, there are so many people on the playground at night, and even if it rains, there are still people walking with raincoats and umbrellas, it's like a kind of party, and it feels cool.

When I ran past people in twos and threes, I could even hear their chatting content, which was nothing more than some casual gossip. It felt like a fixed time for chatting and exercising between friends every day.

It turns out that when I was lazy and fat , so many people were running for health! It's really hot! I'm going to be exercising too!

If you haven't joined Sweatcoin yet

come together


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

不務正業的喵|認真交朋友認真生存專心做能賺錢的事和能幫助別人的事 持續當有能力且善良的人 喵ㄟ人生理念💗 2022.1.8
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