Tomomori Fukuda will direct the film adaptation of the memoir "Supermarket Without Mom" and other artistic news

Michelle, lead singer of Korean-American band, Japanese Breakfast Band. Michelle Zauner's memoir "Supermarket Without Mom" will be adapted into a movie. ➠Sady, who established her position in the English literary world with "White Fang", "On Beauty", "Swing Times" and other books. Smith, will launch a new novel "Liar" in September this year. ➠The winners of the PEN America Literary Awards were announced in early March, and a total of 17 awards were awarded. Persiva. Everett took home the richest "PEN/Jane Steen Book Award" with "Dr. No" this year.
Michelle. Sanna (left) The film adaptation of "Supermarket Without Mom" will be directed by Tomomori Fukuda (right) (Photo source: left | flickr/David Lee, right | IMDb)

Authors| Sway, Bambook (Word Workers)

▰✧✦Transmedia Adaptation✧✦▰

▇ The best-selling memoir "Supermarket Without Mom" by Michelle Sanna, who is Korean-American and lead singer of the Japanese Breakfast band, will be adapted into a film. White Lotus ) actor Tomomori Fukuda (Will Sharpe). In order to keep the fading memory of her deceased mother, Sanna wrote this book with a brisk narrative with a unique rhythm. The carrier of the memory is the Asian supermarkets that can be seen in every city in the United States. The sensory and emotional experiences connected with her mother (appetite, Taste, quarrel, cold war) rushing head-on, not only regaining the memory related to the mother in the process, but also recalling the author's growth experience as an Asian-American girl.

Fukuda, who is of British Japanese descent, said: "Many plots in the book resonate with me... I spent my childhood in Tokyo, and I am very familiar with the plot of dozing off in the kitchen at home due to jet lag." Now 36 years old Fukuda, who acts, edits and directs Sanqi, has previously directed many feature films and TV series, including "The Genius Cat Slave Painter" and "Susan's Secret Garden".

▰✧✦Winning News✧✦▰

▇ The winners of the PEN America Literary Awards were announced in early March, and a total of 17 awards were awarded. Percival Everett (Percival Everett), who was shortlisted for the Booker Prize with " The Trees " and won the Woodhouse Humor Fiction Award, won the prize this year with the amazing " Dr. No " The generous "PEN/Jane Steen Book Award".

The protagonist of " Dr. No ", Wala Kitu, is a professor of mathematics who studies "nothing" (nothing). He is an expert on nothing, and his research is only "nothing". Ambitious billionaire villain John. Hill takes a fancy to Kitu's talents, and wants to use the power of "empty" to shock the whole country in order to avenge his parents being killed by the white police. Driven by curiosity, Kitu joins the rich man's conspiracy team, but gradually begins to think about whether to get out as soon as possible, or to stop Hill and save the world from destruction.

The title of this book borrows the name of the early villain of the 007 series "Dr. In the book, the author boldly turns the nightmare of the real world into a playful farce, and the tight rhythm of the story makes you even have no time to blink. Publisher's Weekly praised it as the pinnacle of funny satire.

Writer Persiva. Everett (left) won the PEN America Literary Award "PEN/Jane Steen Book Award" with "Dr. No" (Source: Flickr/PEN America-Highlights from the 2023 PEN America Literary Awards Ceremony)

The PEN/Hemingway Debut Award, which honors a writer's first work, was awarded to Oscar Hokeah for " Calling for a Blanket Dance ". This book tells the story of Ivor, a young protagonist of mixed race of Native Americans and Mexicans, standing at the turning point of the alternation of generations, how to find strength from family identity and shape himself. The judges especially praised the book's superb literary skills for immersing readers and being moved by it, as well as its profound humanistic concern for the situation of Native Americans.

Oscar. He Ji won the "PEN/Hemingway Debut Award" with his first work "Calling for a Blanket Dance" (left photo source: amazon)

The "PEN/EO Wilson Literary Science Writing Award" was awarded to Florence Williams (Florence Williams), who wrote "Heartbreak" ( Heartbreak ) in order to heal herself. Williams, who had just ended his 25-year marriage, used his journalistic expertise to carefully sort out the root causes of his emotional injuries, trying to find a cure for heartbreak through scientific methods. Why do people always have to deal with overwhelming feelings of depression and mourning after a romantic relationship ends? Readers can find out the mechanism of action and the impact of emotional injury on physiology in the book. Combining self-exploration and scientific explanation, this book tells readers that beauty, purpose, action, and admiration for everything in the world will be the key to leading the self out of emotional pain.

Florence. Williams won the "PEN/EO Wilson Literary Science Writing Award" for "Heartbreak" (left photo source: © Florence Williams, Photography by Casie Zalud)

▇ The British "Sunday Times" "Young Writer of the Year Award" was presented a few days ago. Playwright and novelist Tom Benn (Tom Benn) stood out from many finalists under the age of 35 with his fourth novel "Oxblood" ( Oxblood ) ) award. "Bull Blood" tells the story of the underworld "Todd family" in the British industrial city of Manchester, who once ruled the underground world, but now in the book - 1985, the men of the Todd family have withered, leaving only three generations of women trapped in the old house Here, along with the ghost of a slain lover and an unregistered newborn, their lives are still entwined with violence, lust, fear and possessiveness. During men's lifetime, the fate of women was determined by men; after their death, women still live in their shadow. Now, the heroines of the three generations, old, middle-aged and young, must each face this cage built by the past and try to break the cycle of fate.

Bane's language is fresh and powerful, looking directly at the dark side of ordinary people. The best-selling novelist Oyinkan Braithwaite, one of the judges, loves this award-winning work very much: "The heroines in Bane's book are so single-minded, paranoid, and so confident , Believe in your own actions, it is bound to stir up all kinds of emotions in the readers' hearts, and they will be firmly remembered."

Novelist Tom. Bane won the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award for his novel Bullblood. (Left image source: amazon)

▰✧✦New Book Express✧✦▰

▇ Zadie Smith, who has established her position in the English literary world with "White Fang", "On Beauty", "Swing Age" and other books, will release a new novel " The Fraud " in September this year. Adapted from real cases in the Victorian era in England, it brings multiple mysteries like a kaleidoscope and a mirror within a mirror, trying to clarify the boundaries between truth and fiction, deception and honesty.

The Liar opens with the case that gained national attention in Britain in 1873: Timburn, a butcher from the Australian underclass, claims to be the rightful heir to a manor and title of nobility. Mrs. Tucci, who is very concerned about the case, has been managing the house for her in-law and outdated writer Mr. Annworth for 30 years. She was curious about everything, literature and writers circles, social justice, class, abolition, this life and the afterlife.

But the closer she gets to these things and these people, the more Mrs. Tucci becomes suspicious that English society seems to be full of duplicity. On the other side, Bogo, a slave who grew up on the "Hope Plantation" in Jamaica, came to London by chance and became a key witness in the case. Bogo knows that the rich always deceive the poor, and also understands how easily the psychology of the masses can be manipulated. In this trial, he must choose his testimony carefully or risk his future. Is Tibern really the heir? In a world full of hypocrisy and self-deception, who will tell and define "truth"?

Writer Sadie. Smith (Image credit: flickr/Internaz)

▇ Eleanor Catton, who broke the double records of "longest work" and "youngest winner" in the history of the Booker Prize with the novel "The Luminous Body", finally published the latest novel "Bernan" after 10 years Special Forces ( Birnam Wood ). In a picturesque and remote town in New Zealand, the environmental group "Birnam Wood" occupying vacant land and farming, and the mysterious American rich man successively set their eyes on an abandoned farm. The former urgently needs to use this farm as a base to cultivate a practical and ideal economic foundation; the latter proposes cooperation and sponsorship invitations, but it seems to hide deeper interest calculations.

In this excellent suspense novel, Carton once again constructs a sophisticated plot with complex and delicate character groups. In the contemporary era when "ESG" (environmental protection, social responsibility, corporate governance), "green investment" and "B Crops" have become popular keywords, they profoundly depict the precarious balance between capitalism and idealism, as well as the Trade-offs and compromises made in the pursuit of ideals. "I wanted to write a book about people making choices, making mistakes, and having deadly consequences for themselves and others," Carton said. "I wanted a book that would captivate people, leave readers open and make them laugh. —and more importantly, in this era of global existential threats, ignite readers' curiosity to explore the next changes in the future."

▇Catherine Lacey, who won the NYPL Young Lions Fiction Award, recently published her fourth novel " Biography of X ", which was also selected by Amazon and Apple Books' best books of March, as well as the most anticipated books of the month from book review outlets such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and Esquire .

In 1996, X, a trend-setting all-round cross-domain talented artist, died in his personal office, leaving many mysteries behind. His widow, Luca, used to be a crime novelist and a fan of X. In order to correct the biography written by others for X, she decided to go to her lover's hometown to collect materials, but opened the taboo Pandora's box. When Luca investigates deeper, she finds that she doesn't know anything about X. What kind of twisted and cruel past is hidden under the chameleon-like multifaceted appearance of this crazy artist? How should Luca interpret her love for X, and face up to the violence and hurt that X treats her in an intimate relationship?

▇ After "Dear Edward" led hundreds of thousands of readers out of the pain of losing their loved ones, Ann Napolitano's new book " Hello Beautiful " was once again moved and selected as a book selection by "Oprah's Book Club" , the new book explores with a gentle and firm writing style: Can love make a person who is lacking in his heart complete?

The protagonist, William, feels that his parents only have one child in their eyes since he was a child, but that child is not him. William, who spent his childhood without love and attention for a long time, finally got rid of the suffocating silence at home with his excellent sports and academic performance, moved to study abroad, and met his girlfriend Julia and her happy family of four sisters. However, when the past tragedies of William's family resurfaced, the bond between the Julia sisters was about to break down, and love, parenthood, and brotherhood were all put to the test. Will they be able to find the root of love? ●( The original text was first published on the official website of Openbook on 2023-03-29)

American writer Ann. Napolitano published a new work "Hello Beautiful" (left picture source: official website/Ann Napolitano)


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