"Maritime Silk Road, Maritime Poetry Road", the hometown of Nanzhu, Zhuhuan Hepu


"Haisi Documentary 008" The hometown of Nanzhu, the pearl returns to Hepu

"From the southern barriers of Xuwen and Hepu, the boat can travel in May, the capital Yuan can travel in April, the city Lu has no country, and the boat can travel for more than 20 days, and Chen Li can travel for more than 10 days on foot. , There is the country of Gandulu. Since the country of Gandulu, the ship can travel for more than two months, and there is the country of Huangzhi." - "Han Shu. Geography -

Hepu, located in Beihai City, Guangxi Province, took the Beibu Gulf No. 3 ferry from Haikou Port on Hainan Island, and I arrived at Beihai Port at 5:30 in the morning.

This is the last stop of this journey. Hepu, known as the hometown of Nanzhu, was the earliest departure port of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. That is to say, Hepu was the real original starting point of the Maritime Silk Road.

After having breakfast in Guangxi and pork offal, I came to Hepu Hanlu Cultural Park, which is the only park in China with the theme of Han Dynasty culture. The small village of twenty-five households is the model, trying to restore the living settlements of the Han Dynasty residents. In the park, several different corners are displayed to show the different characteristics of the countries that the Maritime Silk Road passes through.

Hepu Hanlu Cultural Park.

Thailand, Indonesia, India, Turkey, Africa, Kenya, Egypt... From China to Asia and finally to Africa, the ancient Maritime Silk Road voyages one after another seems to come to my mind as I pass through these corners an infinite picture.

Hepu, which means the place where rivers converge, is also a waterway port connected with the Central Plains in ancient times. Reached the Central Plains. It is through this waterway from the South China Sea to the Central Plains that a large number of materials from the Central Plains generation entered Hepu, and agricultural and fishery goods from Hepu also reached the Central Plains along this waterway. In ancient China, this golden waterway connected the land and the sea, connecting the land silk road and the sea silk road.

Hepu Wenchang Pagoda was built in the Ming Dynasty.
Rivers converged into Hepu, Nanzhu Guangrun entered the tribute, and the thousand-year-old Han tombs were ancient Baiyue, and the myth of the Sea Silk began to spread.

In the summer of 2017, made in Hepu.

This is the last stop of this journey, Hepu, the earliest departure port of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. Starting from Quanzhou, the largest port in the east, I followed the historical context and finally came to the original source of the Maritime Silk Road. Looking at the route map of the Maritime Silk Road in the Hanlu Cultural Park, I was very excited.

This is the end of Haisi's journey, but it is also the beginning of Haisi's journey. Just like this voyage from her hometown of Keelung, the first voyage is the return.

*This travel plan is the 2017 "Maritime Silk Road, Maritime Poetry Road" plan, funded by the Cross-Strait Tourism Exchange Association and co-organized by Travel China Magazine.


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蕭芸安台灣音樂創作人、聲音藝術家、旅行者、心理學實踐者。 芸安對亞洲傳統文化及東方哲學思想有著濃厚的興趣,計畫性地旅行亞洲多地,將聲音採集作為文化觀察的媒介,並結合音樂,創作出不同形式的展演作品。 2020年起,開始深化自身表演方法論,開展《循聲旅者》系列展演及工作坊活動。
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