Without continuous creation, it is difficult to continue $LIKE

This is how it feels to sit back and relax!

The recent increase in resistance to writing (keyboard) has led to a decrease in the frequency of creation! I haven’t posted in the past two weeks, and the result is that $LIKE’s income is close to zero, supported only by the interest generated by the previous entrustment to the validator! It’s like sitting on the mountain. a feeling of.

In terms of my personal habit of using Matters, I will first look at [[Notifications]] to see if anyone is following me, interacting with me and leaving messages, or even giving me compliments😍

Then I’ll look at [[Following]] to see what new works the writers I’m following have released.

After reading the above two, if you still have time or energy, you will go to [[Discover]] to see what the most popular, latest, and essential articles are.

It can be seen that under such an operation process, I will be guided to pay attention to [[notifications]] related to myself first. This is in line with human nature, because a person always resonates most with himself. Then [[Track]][[Notification]] , etc. will push <<new things>> , so as long as you stop creating, the back waves will continue to come in waves, while the front waves can only disappear on the beach .

How to avoid this dilemma? From my own perspective, I think of two:

  1. Continue to create --> This is correct nonsense. If you can continue to create, there will be no problem of disappearing on the beach. You are the back wave who continues to make others disappear on the beach. Those who have been at the forefront of tracking or discovery for a long time are almost all fierce back wavers🤣
  2. Start by stocking up on some inventory --> Write several articles a week. Those who are either interested in the topic or have a relatively large amount of time need to be able to continue to produce. It is best to have some inventory , which can be semi-finished product inventory (that is, half-written) , complete it when inspiration arises) , or it can be inventory that is close to finished product (that is, it has been written, but will be sent later) . With inventory, when you have resistance to writing, you can let time wear down the resistance and then continue on the road. During this period , use inventory to support it!

From a system perspective, I suggest that Matters.news consider whether it can create a function similar to Readwise that will remind you of saved articles after a period of time (revisit your highlights) and allow you to read them again; or create a function Links like [[Agitation]] can recommend some similar old articles or previously read articles based on your browsing history. Although the previously read articles are highly praised, please read them again after a while. , you can still give Manchu a round of applause.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

貓眼看世界貓~偶爾懶散,偶爾機警,以不同的視角解讀這個世界。 對賺錢有濃厚興趣,尤其是加密幣,也喜歡分享自己的所思所想,希望透過網路以文會友。
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