Banned from school by the Taliban, fighting for Pakistani women's education rights Nobel Peace Prize Malala's portrait story

In Pakistan's northwest region, the Taliban also banned girls' education and bombed some girls' schools after it took control of the area in 2007. In 2014, 17-year-old Malala won the Nobel Peace Prize for her fight for educational rights for women in Pakistan.

The recent international news is all about Afghanistan. After the armed group Taliban invaded Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, the international community is worried that women's rights in Afghanistan will be suppressed again. In 1996, after the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, girls over the age of ten were prohibited from going to school, and women were also strictly prohibited from working. Women must be accompanied by male relatives and wear a burqa that covers the whole body and face before going out. Violators will be publicly humiliated and whipped .

In neighboring Pakistan's northwestern region, the Taliban also banned girls' education and bombed some girls' schools after it took control of the region in 2007. Many girls dropped out of school for fear of being attacked by the Taliban. Pakistani female student Malala Yousafzai hid her books under her shawl and went to school with fear. At the beginning of 2009, 11-year-old Malala described the plight of girls studying in her diary, and expressed that Pakistani girls should have the right to education.

As Malala's blog diary was published in local newspapers, along with her fame came intimidation and threats. In 2012, Taliban militants shot her three times while sitting on a school bus, which gained global attention. After doctors removed the bullet, she traveled to the UK for further treatment and was discharged in 2013. The following year, 17-year-old Malala won the Nobel Peace Prize for her fight for educational rights for women in Pakistan.

Tell me about these two photos. In 2018, the British National Portrait Gallery commissioned Iranian visual artist and filmmaker Shirin Neshat to create a portrait of Malala. Her work explored gender issues in Islamic culture. Silver Lion Award for Best Director.

In the first photo, Malala is sitting at a desk with an open book in her hand, and the background is full of words; in another work, Shirin Neshat writes on Malala's photo. A poem about Malala. In the photo, Malala looks firmly at the camera, showing her determination. Both works highlight Malala's contribution to women's educational rights through text elements.

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·Pictures from National Portrait Gallery:


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