Why do office workers eat nuts? This article tells you the benefits of eating nuts for office workers!

As a nine-to-five office worker, with a busy work schedule, I almost always eat out for three meals. However, nutritional balance is a very important part of good health. It is something that office workers must pay more attention to when supplementing the nutrients that are lacking in food. Especially if you sit in front of the computer for a long time, you will inevitably want to eat snacks. At this time, you might as well eat natural unflavored comprehensive nuts! Compared with the general high-fat, high-salt, high-sugar, and high-calorie snacks, unflavored comprehensive nuts can supplement nutrients without causing too much burden on the body. They are your good companions for work and overtime.

Tired office workers need to eat nuts

As a nine-to-five office worker, with a busy work schedule, I almost always eat out for three meals. However, nutritional balance is a very important part of good health. It is something that office workers must pay more attention to when supplementing the nutrients that are lacking in food. Especially if you sit in front of the computer for a long time, you will inevitably want to eat snacks. At this time, you might as well eat natural unflavored comprehensive nuts !

Compared with the general high-fat, high-salt, high-sugar, and high-calorie snacks, unflavored comprehensive nuts can supplement nutrients without causing too much burden on the body. They are your good companions for work and overtime. What are the benefits of eating nuts for office workers? How to eat to get twice the result with half the effort? Let's watch it together now!

Further reading:

Nutrient decryption of all kinds of nuts, eating nuts often has many benefits

The benefits of eating nuts for office workers

The benefits of eating nuts for office workers

Staying in the office for a long time every day, facing the computer, and unfinished work, in the afternoon, I will definitely want to have a hand-cranked drink with snacks, or when I work overtime, I don’t know whether to order a delivery first to fill my stomach or not. Get off work as soon as you finish your work. Unflavored mixed nuts are the best option at this time. Office workers have been eating out for a long time, and their nutrition is already unbalanced. Coupled with these high-sugar and high-salt snacks, it can be said to make things worse. In the choice of snacks, comprehensive nuts can be used instead. Eating nuts for office workers has the following benefits:

1. Cardiovascular protection

Nuts contain a lot of good fats, namely unsaturated fatty acids, which can help raise high-density cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. HDL helps the blood flow and therefore protects the cardiovascular system . If office workers often need to socialize, the diet of big fish and meat can easily lead to cardiovascular disease. Supplementing some nuts in time can maintain cardiovascular health.

Further reading:

Nuts are awesome! Eating nuts can reduce cardiovascular disease risk by 20%, study finds

2. Supplementation of vitamins and micronutrients

Nuts contain vitamin E, which can resist oxidation and eliminate free radicals, as well as other vitamins and micronutrients such as vitamin B group, calcium, iron, zinc, etc. For office workers who eat out for a long time, they can supplement unbalanced nutrition. Parts, provide brain nutrition, protect eyesight, etc., there are many benefits.

3. Increase satiety

Nuts contain a lot of saturated fatty acids, protein and fiber value, which can make people feel full and reduce appetite. If you want to lose weight, but you are worried that eating out is not easy to achieve, you can add nuts in time to achieve the effect of assisting weight loss and increase work efficiency.

4. Prevent Cancer

Nuts have been shown to help prevent cancer . For example, walnuts can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, colorectal, and pancreatic cancer. In addition, in the case of the same calorie intake, the cancer risk of people who eat nuts is also lower. Therefore, it is suggested that office workers can use nuts instead of ordinary snacks, which can be of great help to their health.

Further reading:

Walnuts are the anti-oxidant masters in the nut world, don't make the mistake of walnuts and walnuts!

Why can nuts reduce cancer risk? The anticancer nutrients of nuts are reported to you!

5. Promotes Gut Health

Because nuts contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and other nutrients, they can promote intestinal health and metabolism. Office workers often eat out, and it is easy to suffer from constipation and indigestion because of too little fiber intake. At this time, they can improve by supplementing more nuts.

How can office workers eat nuts

How can office workers eat nuts

For office workers, it is recommended to eat unflavored comprehensive nuts , because this can be done in one go, and all the benefits of nuts can be enjoyed, thereby improving work efficiency. Another point to note is that when choosing nuts, try to choose unflavored and unseasoned low- temperature roasted nuts that are not fried or seasoned. On the one hand, the nuts will retain complete nutrition during the low-temperature production process, and on the other hand, the body will not ingest extra of heat. Although nuts have many benefits, they are actually not low in calories. It is recommended to eat a small amount in meals, or to consume less than 30 grams of nuts per day. Eating too much is not good for the body.

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