Do you work for money or for fun?


HI, my friend, hello

Do you work for money or for fun? Do you have such troubles?

At the beginning, when I started working part-time, I worked very hard on my studies. I went to night school. After class, I went to work. My working hours were from 1130pm to 830am. To be honest, it was quite tiring, you know? ? But I am very demanding about my grades. With my hard work, I got very good grades. It can be said that I have the best grades in the class. I worked so hard just to find a good job.

alright! Finished! Finally graduated! After I got my diploma, I started looking for a job online. I thought it would go smoothly. However, 4 months later, there was no news about the resumes I applied for. I was not interested in the positions I applied for. Later, I thought about it. Maybe my English is not up to the standard of an assistant engineer.

Well, I couldn’t do it without a job, so I started looking for a technician position. A company offered me a job, but the salary was very low, not much different from that of an operator. I thought to myself, is this the result I worked so hard for? ?

Later, it happened that my friend's factory hired someone and the salary was very good, but it was a chemical factory and the major was different from mine. I studied diligently and wanted to use what I learned at work in the hope of making a difference, but things went against my wishes. Now I have the opportunity to get a good salary, but in a field that is unfamiliar to me, should I persist or should I compromise?

Finally, I went to the chemical factory, and I chose the high-paying job. In the first two years, maybe it was because I was still struggling. I had no enthusiasm for that job and just muddle along every day. I had a car and a house. , but my heart is empty. Do you feel contradictory? Is this the result of working just for money?

A lot has happened in between, so let’s jump straight to post-covid, my thoughts now, and what work means to me.

Now, I still work in a chemical factory, haha, has there been any change? Yes, because my mentality has changed

Now this job is the one with the highest salary based on my qualifications. The question is, why should I get such a high salary? If money can no longer satisfy me, and I go back to the same job as before, I will end up with the same problem as before. This job is not my interest.

Everything changed because of one thing. I came into contact with the right investment. Because of investment, I have a purpose to work and make money. I no longer worry about whether my job is interesting. I only care about whether this job can give me the highest income for me. The more money I have left every month, the faster my investment pace will be, and the faster I will achieve financial freedom. Financial freedom is the purpose of my work.

If you work out of interest, I support you, but only if your interest allows you to step out and become your own boss. If you still have to work for others until you retire, I strongly don’t recommend it.

Well, my friend, stop here.

I'm on the road, walking the road of life


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qianwen分享思维,投资,理财,和人生经历与感悟的频道 我出生在一个平凡的家庭,但我相信我可以完成不平凡的事,虽然我的学历不高,但生活教会了我很多东西,我相信投过这个频道的内容会给你带来正能量,让你有正面的启发 有缘人,欢迎订阅我的频道,成為世界上1%的富人,这目标也就是这频道的内涵
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