
Grandpa Mars's "My Strange Journey on Earth" wrote: It doesn't matter who you were yesterday, it's already a sunk cost, you can always live a new life.

I originally wanted to prepare dinner for my family to enjoy, but after learning that my third brother-in-law had suffered from nasopharyngeal cancer, my heart dropped, as if I lost my peace, and I had no intention of preparing meals.

Sometimes I am really ashamed of my God. As a Christian, when faced with crisis, my heart is not at peace, and I even forget that I am a Christian and can pray to God. In fact, everything I experience in life must have its own unique meaning, and how do I find the subject God wants to give me in these unique events, I think this is the first thing I should explore. And I always ignore the fact that God is with me, instead, I deliberately magnify all the difficulties, dangers, frustrations, things that make me angry, and let my mind and thoughts occupy a lot of space on those rubbish things. Maybe God wants me to understand that He is my only support. What I want to seek is Him, not those things that make me lost and unable to stand up again.

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After reading the book "My Strange Journey on Earth" written by Grandpa Mars, it also gave me a different view of some of my own experiences. Although reading a book often brings some additional gains, including my own moving and some expectations for a change in my behavior pattern, I did not make any progress at all, even stopped, and felt powerless after hearing the news. It seems that I should grow, but I am stagnant.

Such a problem should open up another new horizon for me. Like Grandpa Mars, although his body is restricted, he does not restrict what he wants to achieve and what he wants to do. What's more, I am a person with healthy limbs?

He obviously has infinite hope, but because of his own thoughts and even unwillingness, his progress is limited.

"My Strange Journey on Earth" by Grandpa Mars reads :

It doesn't matter who you were yesterday, it's a sunk cost, you can always live a whole new life.

Although I am now in my 50s and a little bit old, it is never too late for many things to start. It depends on how I deal with it and how to grow. Age is no longer a reason, an excuse, to hold me back.

I sincerely hope that I can do it myself, not just talk about it. The most common thing people do is talk without practice. I have recorded this many times. I really hope that this time I am telling the truth.


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