If Blue Dove and Alyssa worked together to make a film? Talking about the unspoken rules of the adult world



1. Alyssa shares the experience of liver and gallbladder expulsion

2. The blue pigeon slaps the face from the perspective of a professional doctor

3. Alyssa responds

4. Alyssa is sent to the expedition

5. Alyssa deleted the film + apologized

6. Blue Pigeon Summary

The captain is neither a fan of pigeons nor a fan of Shakespeare, and he has not investigated the whole incident too deeply. He simply wants to analyze the possible future trends from an outsider and a business perspective.

Let's talk about personality

Canglan Getai is a pediatrician who has made videos and published books. Alyssa is a YouTuber focusing on money, relationships and travel.

The former has about 3X million subscribers and the latter has about 11X million subscribers.

At first glance, creators with more fans seem to have more power to speak, but everyone also needs to consider the attributes and quality of fans.

YouTube is an entertainment-based video and audio platform, and the click-through rate of light-hearted and funny videos will definitely be higher than that of serious educational videos. This is why advertising revenue has different prices for different types of creators, what you stand for and what your fans are. Besides, most people should prefer girls over men when watching videos, right? (Shemaru said: "Yeah~")

But is it really useful to have more people?

The first thing to consider is whether these audiences are coming for free or willing to pay.

Although there are many Shafan fans, their economic strength is not as good as that of pigeon fans who focus on medical issues. This is why the blue dove will publish a book and Elizasha is more of a career match. In addition to its own major, the theme locked by Canglan Pigeon is relatively small and the threshold is high. However, once it becomes the authority of the niche theme, the fan stickiness will be much higher than that of the creator of the popular theme. The higher the fan stickiness, the more people willing to pay.

To anyone who has, more will be given to him, and he will have a surplus; from anyone who does not, even what he has will be taken away. Matthew 25:29

Again, the Internet is a double-edged sword. The Internet fully embodies the so-called Matthew effect.

Those who win by luck will lose by strength in the end.

Everyone thinks that becoming famous is difficult, but the real difficulty is maintaining success after becoming famous. Everyone has a 15-minute chance to be famous, but only a few people can stay popular forever. Leeks can be cut, but hatred management must be done well.

After the incident, Canglan Pigeon increased from 3X million fans to 4X million fans, with an increase of 100,000 fans; while Alyssa lost about 20,000 fans. Maybe everyone thinks that Alyssa's trust will drop and she won't be able to receive a karmic match , but Alyssa's character design has never been a medical authority! Girls who take the luxury route are still soft and cute after apology. If they can fit well, they can create another career peak.

To really discuss reputation, only those medical experts who endorsed the book on liver and gallbladder removal need to be scrutinized. But this also involves the essence of medicine. It is not a truth like mathematics, but an applied science that has to undergo human experiments. The treatment that works for A may not be effective for B.

Regardless of whether liver and gallbladder stone removal is effective, know that people only believe what they want to believe. In an era of information explosion and indistinguishable news between true and false news, those who can describe a bright future and resonate with people can definitely sit on the ground. What you believe, what you are.

Finally, let's talk about the unspoken rules of the adult world

In the final response, Blue Dove apologized to Sasha for not informing her first about the need to post a film to testify against her therapy.

"I'm careless, I didn't say it"

There is a right to reply letter in the press. When the newspaper media is about to publish an accusation against a person or institution, they are notified so that the protagonist can respond.

With advance notice, it will not give people the feeling of sharing the experience and getting shot while lying down. At present, the film and television creation circle is still in the Warring States period, and there is no set of written interactive rules.

Criticism is a good thing, and benign criticism can definitely make the creative circle flourish. If you are a master, you will clasp your fists and bow first.

Blue Dove & Alyssa

Children only tell right and wrong, adults only see the pros and cons

From the captain's point of view, the whole incident was mostly an argument of different viewpoints, rather than a very serious personal attack.

If the blue dove and Alyssa can extend the olive branch of friendship to each other and make the cake bigger, it will be beneficial and harmless to the future development of the two.

Alyssa mentioned in the film that she was in poor health and often had fever and acne. After using the liver and gallbladder to expel stones, her constitution improved.

Since everyone wants to improve their health, why not take a picture of the most expensive body-lifting therapy in Taiwan, supplemented by a professional medical analysis of Canglan Pigeon, a funny and predictable will definitely make the future development of both parties reach a new peak.

I'm Captain Kangbo, currently starting a business with a vision to empower people in the real world with technology products.

Welcome to my YouTube channel , Carryou or the website .


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