Report that I used Matters to write articles to promote YouTube SEO

It's been three months, let's report back and see the success of the current film.

I have written an article before called [ I used Matters to write articles to promote YouTube SEO ], which is to say that I used Matter to help my YouTube videos to promote SEO. The video has been three months, in order to prove that writing articles in Matters is a For what it's worth, I also paused the video update rate for my YouTube channel. Although I am a nameless Vtuber, I am also afraid that it will have any impact on all the films in the future, so I deliberately did not make films, and the result was really obvious to see the difference.

Video data breakdown

This is the only video I have written on Matter. I haven't written any other videos . Looking at the picture, you can see that in the past 3 months, the number of views has been 824 times, and the viewing time has been 42.6 hours. Even the number of subscribers I have not expected 8 people were added. In 3 months, this data is actually a bit small, but it is a lot for me as a novice, and I also learned a lot of experience in it~Yeah!

Video traffic data

Next, let’s take a look at the traffic sources! In fact, I didn't do anything in these 3 months, I just watched how many people watched my videos every day. 14 people have watched my video in the past 48 hours, and 50% of those who searched YouTube saw my video , wow! so many! 28.6% of people found my video in the browse function. YouTube really pushes, I didn’t expect that 14.3% of recommended videos would be recommended. Next is the external link, which should only be brought by Matter , because I have not written articles elsewhere, nor have I made/buyed any Backlinks. The external sources are 7.1%, which is less than the data I recorded last time. More than half, but this is normal, after all, I haven't done anything in the past three months, and 7.1% is surprising to me.

my video channel

Let’s take a look at my video channel again, it’s also obvious that only one video can break 100 times 😂, in addition to the reason for writing an article to promote this video , it is also related to the title of the video, the content description and some SEO settings of the tag. , and after all, it is a teaching video , more people will be interested in watching it! ? For other videos, if I write articles to help him promote SEO, it won't last long because it doesn't look very interesting.

Except for the articles I wrote at Matter , everything else was generated naturally. Also, I don’t promote myself on or off the channel . If you don’t like it, don’t watch it or subscribe. I’m not someone who relies on YouTube for food. I like to grow naturally, and I especially like the sense of achievement that research brings. The above is the last time I share the SEO development experience of my YouTube channel. When I launch valuable videos in the future, I will also use Matter to promote the growth of my YouTube channel .


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