favorite grandson

They even laughed at me, saying that I must be this kind of grandma in the future.

Usually grandparents always love their grandchildren, even if they were strict parents, once they become grandparents, they may become the elders who dote on their grandchildren.

My eldest brother-in-law has grown up children from a previous marriage, so my eldest sister became a mother-in-law very early, and has been promoted to a grandmother in recent years. She has always been very strict with her children, and she must not be careless about her character and the sharing of household chores. She must say hello when she sees the elders, otherwise she will be scolded.

But being a grandmother, she treats her grandson completely differently. Even if she is pampered, she even let him ride on his head, which made us a little dumbfounded. I was discussing this with my sisters today. My sister reluctantly said that it is not her own child who dares to be cruel. She can only speak well, but she does not listen. .

They even laughed at me, saying that I must be this kind of grandma in the future.

For the discipline of children, I also guard the strictness of this barrier, and my son and daughter can understand it best. But when I meet my grandson, will I give in? It seems that I don’t dare to think about this issue anymore. Maybe I, like my sister, are afraid of offending his parents and murdering other people’s children. Even if it is a grandson, I have to see if my daughter-in-law will be unhappy.

However, the future daughter-in-law's education of children is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Maybe my intervention in discipline will also make her praise it. I really shouldn't set a limit first, so as to avoid friction between each other over the child's upbringing in the future, which is not good. .

All I know is that I don't want to get involved in the discipline of other people's families as much as possible. After all, I don't want others to get involved.

Before the daughter-in-law entered the door, she had already thought of such a long time ago, and she was so idle that she panicked.

Image taken from unsplash

September is the month to welcome my daughter-in-law. Although I still feel anxious, I want to try to give it to God. Since I can’t control things, why bother? Isn't this what I often say to my father, once I meet it, I can't face it calmly, this is a human being. It’s always easy to say that others are, but when I actually come into contact with me, everything seems to have changed. Because of my emotions, I am no longer objective. How can I handle things properly or even balance it?

Check your heart again to see if it is lighter. If so, it means you are going in the right direction. Since you are right, you don't have to think too much, just be a happy mother-in-law.


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