Reading Bigeng|How to use USDT to support Matters creators "on mobile phones"?

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To get straight to the point, this article assumes a situation where everyone does not have a computer at hand . How to support the author of Matters with USDT "on a mobile phone"?

Before we start, I would like to ask you to follow a logic: on the computer version of the browser, we additionally install the MetaMask little fox wallet plug-in to make things perfect. But what should I do if the browser on my mobile phone cannot do the same thing (install plug-ins)? There is no turning around. Now we can browse Matters through the " browser in the app" of Little Fox Wallet. It can be as complete as the computer version of the browser + plug-in.

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■ Preparatory work

  1. Install App
    Install MetaMask App version ( iOS / Android ).
  2. Bind the writing account Both the supporter and the supported must bind the Little Fox wallet address to the writing account (key: Go to Matters from the browser in the MetaMask App → Settings → Wallet Settings → Log in using an encrypted wallet).
  3. Add chain supporter to add Polygon blockchain (key: Chainlist ) in MetaMask App.
  4. To add coins and stored-value currency supporters, switch to the Polygon blockchain on the MetaMask App, add MATIC and USDT tokens, and then store value for these two tokens (key: CoinGecko ).

The above operation details, except for "binding" are not mentioned, the remaining details such as "installation, addition, recharging" are all included in the step-by-step tutorial in the YouTube video below (recorded specifically for the MetaMask App version). You can make good use of the timestamps and titles in the information column to quickly find the content you want to understand.

Video source: "Nao Ge Chill Blockchain" YouTube channel

■ Actual experience

Step 1: Bind the writing number

Again, remind me that you use the " browser in the App" of Little Fox Wallet to browse Matters. If you use another mobile browser, the word MetaMask will not appear when you want to connect to the encrypted wallet.

Step 1: Bind MetaMask wallet

Step 2: Initial support article

Remember to switch to the Polygon blockchain on the MetaMask App, and have stored some MATIC and USDT tokens, then use the " browser in the App " to browse Matters to find the article you like, and press the support button; first time using USDT The tipping function requires activating the wallet and connecting to the MetaMask encryption wallet.

Step 2: Support articles

Connect to the Matters site, select Tether (USDT) as the payment method, select the supported amount, and go to confirm authorization.

0.005374Step 2: Support article

Transmitting USDT (stored on the Polygon blockchain) must consume some MATIC as fuel. The estimate on the screen is 0.005374 MATIC, which is less than NT$0.2 when converted.

Step 2: Support article for the first time

Step 3: Support the article again

For some unknown reason, the first support failed (no wallet balance reduction was seen), so I tried again. The cutscene this time is slightly different from the first time, probably because some authorizations have been memorized, making the steps more streamlined.

Step 3: Support the article again

This time, the "Support for Delivery" screen pops up, and you're done.

Step 4: View transaction records

Click your avatar → My Wallet → Transaction Records, find the support just now, and view the records on the chain.

Step 4: View transaction records

You can also click "⋯" in the upper right corner of the USDT token in the MetaMask App to pop up the "View on block explorer" option, where you can also connect to the Polygon blockchain browser public ledger.

If you think this article is helpful to you, please support me with USDT "on your mobile phone", or save the Writing NFT version of this article.

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