How to deal with accelerationism


I'm not writing this out of a specific position or to defend a specific faction. This is just an exercise of thought.

We might as well think of the dispute as a game of chess—Go, not a chess game. Since it is a chess game, it has its established rules. In Go, if you don't have air, you will die, if you have more land, you will win. It is allowed to fight, but it is not allowed to be the same shape. Anyone who has studied computer Go knows that starting from a few rules, the optimal solution can be deduced. As for whether a solution is optimal or not, under the constraints of limited computing power, we can only reconsider, make bold assumptions, and verify carefully.

Accelerationism is probably a solution to the current situation. Just like a life-and-death problem, we don't care which side we stand on, let's take a look at this solution with the mentality of solving mathematical problems.

Accelerationism believes that the best and only way to break the current stalemate is not to fight hard, but to fan the flames and add fuel to the flames. Because they have several basic judgments: First, the current situation is a historical retrogression, and it is driving the reverse of history; Second, the end point of the reverse is to overturn, and overturning can only lead to death and life; third, we must accelerate In this process, even if I can't witness and enjoy the new order, but "the time goes by, I and you die together", a spirit of perishing together emerges.

However, the game is mutual. You have a strategy, and the other party has a strategy.

Even if it's just a life-and-death problem, you can't just think about how black will move, and treat white as a fool waiting to die. You have to think for White. Only by keeping the habit of thinking about the best move for your opponent at all times can you improve your computing power.

To deal with accelerationism, there are of course its theoretical and practical preparations.

First of all, in theory, we cannot accept the basic premise of accelerationism - "the current situation is going backwards". The accelerationists say that sooner or later you fall into the German-Japanese trap, we'll say, this is an original route, a new version of the ship you've never played. Why do you think that if you continue to do this, you will follow in the footsteps of Germany and Japan? We know that history is induction, and this induction is not repeatable and cannot be reproduced by the method of controlling variables, so it is more unrealistic than the induction of natural science. The sun rises in the east every day, so we can predict that it will rise in the east tomorrow, too, because astronomical observations make it an analytical proposition. But "Germany tried to dominate the world but was beaten down", it cannot be logically stated that "Da Song tries to dominate the world will also be beaten down". Accelerationists will say, but in fact, on many levels, the current trend does show a German-Japanese trend, and regressions are frequent. Our response is that we can't just emphasize the similar side, but to be fair, the different side should also be emphasized. Yes, some of the deeds that Deri did, Dasong was also doing, but what Deri didn't do, didn't Dasong also do it? Just from "similar to Germany and Japan" can infer "it will repeat the same mistakes", isn't it also possible to infer "will not repeat the same mistakes" from "not similar to Germany and Japan"? Well, then you will say, "Similar places are greater than different places, so the possibility of repeating the same mistakes is greater than the possibility of finding a different way." Indeed, quantitatively, it is. But as you know, there is a concept called "weight", which means that different quantities have different degrees of importance in evaluation. Although there are many similarities with Germany and Japan, there are several core elements that Germany and Japan do not have (such as nuclear weapons, capital, strategies, etc.). Therefore, it should not be rashly considered that the current is going backwards, and We cannot habitually think that if we go backwards, we will fall into the German-Japanese trap.

By the same token, some accelerationists expect to fall into the "Soviet trap" by advocating an arms race, which is also unreasonable.

Second, in practice, since we are aware of the existence and threat of accelerationism, we must take corresponding measures to respond to it. We're not trying to defend Zhuge Shilang or the Devil's Party, we're just doing math and finding the best solution. One of the methods used by the accelerationists is to use a self-defeating and suicidal "reduction to absurdity" to ignite, expand, and inflate some of Da Song's crazy and absurd practices through counter-strings and role-playing. Blow up. For example, they can disguise the red generals, condone and praise violence, advocate foreign aggression, and partially revive the Boxers (because the Boxers also have moments against the imperial court, but contemporary Boxers avoid this), and create a kind of "it's time to fight" for Lafayette. The foreigners have declared war". Our counter-attack is simple: now that their accelerationist claims have been exposed, we must not let them succeed. They're going to be crazy, we're going to be cool. Liu Bei once revealed the secret of fighting against Cao Cao: "Today, the one who is the enemy of water and fire with me is Cao Cao. Cao Cao with urgency, I will be broad; Cao with violence, I will be benevolent; Cao with deceit, I will be loyal: every time it is the opposite of Cao, I will use leniency. It can be done.” Doing the opposite is also strategic. First of all, if you can't turn against Cao Cao, Cao Cao eats, do I eat shit? no. Second, there must be limits to opposition, and one cannot lose one's own heart. If one day Cao Cao's conscience finds out that he will return the political power and give power to the Liu family, I can't stand up and say, "No, you have to quickly become emperor." Therefore, we must be careful not to let the accelerationists interfere with our dreams as they wish. Accelerationists always naively think that as long as they play the red general, they can speed up the coming destruction, but they probably underestimated the imperial court's ability to bear, thinking that a few drops of ink can pollute the sea, but they can't finish it. schedule.

Therefore, the approximate result of this life-and-death question is a double-lived or long-lived calamity. Black cannot cleanly kill White, nor can White. Of course, the chess game is far from over, and neither of the two parties in this part is taking advantage of it, and even the party who takes the initiative to pick things up is likely to lose money. Accelerators can't press the accelerator all the way. Accelerators are supposed to be undercover undercover, but because of their exposure, the speed may be slowed down. It is even, entirely possible - and even has been - that a new faction has been born: the decelerationists.

Note, however, that just by "slowing down", the driver doesn't change, the passenger's status doesn't change, the destination doesn't change, it just doesn't roll over. It would be unworldly to expect the driver to realize that some passengers were trying to speed up to drag the entire car into the water and turn the car around in pity. It's like your slave is going to rebel, tying a time bomb on his body and threatening you to free him, you won't compromise, you will find a way to defuse his bomb, then continue to enslave him, and prevent him from threatening you with a bomb again . If according to some accelerationists, this is a train bound for Auschwitz, and everyone will die. But unfortunately, their conspiracy will not succeed, "Want to die? It's not that easy." The smartest ruler will not commit suicide, and will not let the ruled find an opportunity, even if you think it is dying, but it has already locked the possibility of your comeback. Just like if the opponent doesn't make up chess, it doesn't mean that you can work in his field. He knows your strength and knows that you can't even make a move.

On the chessboard, the so-called "optimal solution" must be open and transparent. You can know it, and so can your opponent. Not to mention that your opponent is stronger than you and knows solutions that even you don't know. Even so, knowing that "the opponent knows you know" is a bargaining chip. I will not start the story of the "red-eyed and blue-eyed paradox" here. Those who are interested can check it out by themselves.

Speed ists are like this: they don't want to roll over, but they don't necessarily want to turn around. There are also divisions within the decelerationists. Slowing down means slowing down, and slowing down means going negative—in the opposite direction. After all, most accelerationists originally wanted to turn around. It's just that the speed is too fast, they have no control over the steering wheel, and even giving advice and shouting is useless. Out of grief and anger, they had no choice but to turn to accelerationism. Most of the speed reductionists are supporters of maintaining the status quo. They want to prevent U-turns and rollovers because they believe that the destination of the train is the paradise they yearn for.

Some time ago, Hu Xijin advocated "thousand nuclear bombs" on Weibo. Many people thought it was the dawn of accelerationism, but it was not. We know that no matter how good editor Hu is at the Frisbee, he is not an opponent that can be underestimated. "Thousand nuclear bombs" is not the horn of militarism and the arms race, as some accelerationists understand it. We might as well understand it the other way around: Accelerators play the role of red generals, advocating "Wu Guangping" (Indus, kill all, nuclear level), hoping to speed up the rollover; decelerators play the role of accelerationists and reverse your retort to wake up High-level, to achieve deceleration. If accelerationism exaggerates all kinds of absurdities, then decelerationism exaggerates the absurdities and exaggerations of accelerationism. In this sense, Hu Bian plays the role of a shrewd decelerationist. A smell of espionage came from the nostrils, and it had an inner taste.

The forces of all parties tug at each other. As for the final outcome, I can't predict. (It is said) Hideyuki Fujisawa once said that in Go, whoever makes fewer mistakes, at the end of the game, whoever makes fewer mistakes wins. We also don't know whether the two sides of the game will make some low-level mistakes. The same is true of history. It is precisely because of many accidents that the trend is unpredictable and unpredictable. Accelerators can be too hasty, and decelerators can be incapable of doing what they want. Since it is a human matter, it has its own luck and potential.

Remember, 1+1 only equals 2, not 3 because of human desire.


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