[Animation Experience] Detective Conan Movie Version - The Undead of Baker Street: A Classic Ahead

Jack the Ripper-related historical events, Sherlock Holmes detective novels, and virtual reality technology have created a classic in the Conan movie series!

(There is a thunderbolt in the text! There is a thunderbolt in the text! There is a thunderbolt in the text! It is very important, so I will say it three times!)

Poster for "Detective Conan: The Dead of Baker Street" (Source: "Detective Conan" Production Committee)

The theatrical version of Conan has grown up since childhood, and the new work "Detective Conan: The Bride of Halloween" will be released in April this year.

However, in the Conan theatrical version, "Detective Conan: The Undead of Baker Street" will always be a classic among the classics in my heart!

Unlike the usual Conan that everyone is familiar with, Conan did not use Dr. A Li's new invention to break through the predicament, the sleeping Kogoro did not replace Conan's reasoning, and there was no participation of the black organization, and he let the audience know who the murderer was early on. However, there are still the usual descriptions of the emotional line between Xiaolan and Conan (Shinichi), the friendship of the juvenile detective team, and the cold jokes of Dr. A Li.

I think the reason this will be a classic is that it contains two storylines in just over an hour, a real-life homicide, and an adventure in a virtual game, which also incorporates the Sherlock Holmes detective novel. The two story lines seem to develop independently, but in fact they have always been closely related.

Stills of "Detective Conan: The Dead of Baker Street" (Source: "Detective Conan" Production Committee)

In addition, this is not just about Conan's father Yusaku Kudo solving the mystery of the murder case, nor is it just about how the heroic Conan defeated artificial intelligence. In fact, the story also reflects many real-world problems, which are worth thinking about:

 1. The story of Noah's Ark in the Bible stems from God seeing that there are many chaos in the world. In order to punish mankind, he created a flood to sweep away the wicked. Only the good man Noah and his family can get on Noah's Ark to avoid it. die. So the artificial intelligence in this movie is called "Noah's Ark", and it invades "Cocoon", the latest reality simulation game system, which requires many children from wealthy families to participate in the experience.

The purpose of Noah's Ark Invasion is to make it impossible for these children to break through the checkpoint. Once everyone is out, everyone will die, and Japan's future will no longer be in the hands of the descendants of these wealthy businessmen and celebrities. This work compares these rich second generation to villains, artificial intelligence is a great flood, and it is necessary to prevent these arrogant and proud children from taking over the future of Japan.

2. Asians always pay special attention to the knowledge in the formal classroom, ignoring other aspects of the child's talents. In the film, the genius computer boy Hiroshi is immersed in computer programming all day long, so he is regarded as a freak by teachers. Everyone cannot accept his talent. The Japanese education system is not suitable for him, so he has to go to the United States, where the education system is more diverse. Study, can continue to study their expertise.

3. Adults often sacrifice others for profit. In the film, in order to occupy a place in the video game industry, Chairman Sindora constantly forces the adopted genius computer child Hongshu to develop new programs and uses Hongshu as a puppet to control his life. Later, because Hongshu suspected that the chairman was the descendant of the murderer "Jack the Ripper" more than 100 years ago, the chairman did not hesitate to force Hongshu to commit suicide to defend himself in order to prevent this matter from being publicized to the world. 's business.

4. The second-generation rich often lead extravagant lives. As a result, children who do not eat human fireworks do not know how to face difficulties alone, and they only show their self-righteous faces. When the children find out that everyone in the game is out of the game, everyone will die, and those rich second-generation will only be overwhelmed and anxious. On the contrary, Conan and the Detective Boys, who come from ordinary backgrounds and are not overprotected, are more Have the courage to overcome difficulties.

5. The rich second generation often only has their palms up and does not know how to go down to help others. The background of the reality simulation game is more than 100 years ago in London. It was a cold night, so the boys of the Boys Detective Corps took the initiative to take off their jackets to keep the girls warm, while the rich second generation was indifferent.

In short, the education system, the corruption of the political, business and celebrity society, and adults sacrificing their children for their own interests... and other social issues are all presented in this movie!

However, I also see the beautiful side of human nature in it, such as the father-son relationship between Conan and Yuzuo who can communicate with each other without words; and the rich second generation gradually learn to take care of their partners after cooperating to break through difficulties, no longer selfish; Xiaolan; Believe in Conan's intelligence, and would rather sacrifice himself to help Conan break through; and Noah's Ark, although it seems to be destroying these rich second-generation, actually put a lot of tips in the game to help these children, otherwise at the most critical moment, Sherlock Holmes will not Will appear in the game to help Conan not be out.

Stills of "Detective Conan: The Dead of Baker Street" (Source: "Detective Conan" Production Committee)

The "Cocoon" game system and "Noah's Ark" artificial intelligence are not uncommon now, they are the concepts of virtual reality and AI robots that are very popular now, but this animated film is a work from 2002. At that time, virtual reality The technology is not as advanced as it is now, and Conan can be said to be very ahead.

Jack the Ripper-related historical events, Sherlock Holmes detective novels, and virtual reality technology have created a classic in the Conan movie series!

My IG account: @haru.and.g1.day (full of star chasing things)


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HARU LENA嗨,我是LENA,也可以叫我鴨鴨,一個喜歡二代韓團的迷妹,在這裡用文字記錄我喜歡的人事物。合作、邀稿歡迎私訊我的IG追星帳號@haru.and.g1.day
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